Anthem by Ayn Rand - A Free Literary Essay

Published: 2018-05-04
Anthem by Ayn Rand - A Free Literary Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature American literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 828 words
7 min read

Objectivism in society

Objectivism is discouraged in the Anthem's society. The protagonist of the Anthem strives to free himself from the collectivism that exists in his society. All children in the protagonist's society were raised in collective homes, far from their parents. The protagonist, Equality 7-2521 aspires to be a scholar yet he assigned by a council of vocation for the collective society to be a street sweeper. Equality 7-2521 is assigned to be a street sweeper despite the fact that he excelled in science subjects when he was in school. In a society where individualism is encouraged, Equality 7-2521 would have become a scholar given that he exemplified prowess in science subjects. Rather than being commended for his exemplary performance in science, the protagonist is indirectly punished for his abilities by being assigned to be a street sweeper. In Objectivism, individuals are encouraged to enjoy their freedoms and liberties. The Anthem society is dictatorial, and individuals are not encouraged to enjoy their freedoms. There is ambiguity in expecting different human beings to think and act in a similar way as advocated by the Council of Vocations in the Anthem. tWe are one in all and all in one.t In this quote, Equality 7-2521 affirms the collectivism that in his society; all citizens were expected to behave in the same manner as directed by the Council of Vocations. tWe are nothing, mankind is all.t In this quote, Equality 7-2521 reveals the collectivism mentality of Anthem.

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It is also a logical fallacy to expect individuals not to think about their past. tBut we must never speak of the times before the Great Rebirth.t In this quote, Equality 7-2521 reveals that citizens of Anthem were not expected to talk about their past as a way of ensuring that they are both physically and psychologically isolated from the rest of the world (Rand 4).

Marxism and collectivism psychology

The Anthemts society encourages Marxism. Marxism in the Anthem is portrayed as collectivism. In collectivism, individuals are expected to act in an almost similar manner, and those who hold dissent views are punished. In Marxism, individuals are defined in a collective manner, mostly, based on their social and economic backgrounds. Characters in the Anthem are defined in a collective manner, based on the fact that they were all raised away from their parents. In the Anthem, the characters are expected to conduct themselves in a certain manner as stipulated in the councilts code of conduct. There is overgeneralization of individuals who live in the Anthemts society. tWe are twenty- one years old.t In this quote, Equality 7-2521 reveals that citizens of Anthem were expected to view each other as a collective, not as individuals. tWe are six feet tall.t In this quote, it is further revealed that individualism was abhorred in the Anthem society; instead of Equality 7-2521 stating that tI am six feet tallt, he says that twe are six feet tall.t tWe strive to be like all our brother, for all men must be alike.t In this quote, abhorrence for individualism and a penchant for collectivism is revealed (Rand 3). Citizens of the Anthem society are treated as if they are one person yet they are different people with different personalities. Individualism and diversity are highly discouraged. Any person who behaves in a different manner is labeled a ttransgressort (Sabine 12).

Logical fallacy is revealed in the Anthem by all characters being expected to act in a specific manner. Individualism is abhorred in the Anthem and individuals are expected to behave in a similar manner. Characters in the Anthem are not allowed to have friends or lovers. tIt is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no other think about and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see.t In the anthem society, individuals were not allowed to seek new knowledge neither were they allowed to write down their ideas and thoughts; it is a revelation that the Anthem society was dictatorial. tThere is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone.t In this quote, it is revealed that independent thinking was outlawed in the Anthem society. tThe law says that none among men may be alone, ever at any time, for this is the great transgression and the root of all evilt Citizens of the Anthem society were discouraged from having personal space so that independent ideas and thoughts could not emerge among them. (Rand 2). A slippery slope is exhibited among the Council of Vocations in the Anthem that think that by allowing individuals in the society to be on their own, they will have independent thoughts and therefore individuals should not be allowed to be on their own so that they do not come up with independent thoughts (Sabine 25).

Works Cited

Rand, Ayn. Anthem. Rockville, Md.: Wildside Press, 2013. Print.

Sabine, George H. Marxism. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press, 1958. Print.

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