Case Study on Word of Mouth Marketing

Published: 2018-02-23
Case Study on Word of Mouth Marketing
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Management Marketing Case study
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1472 words
13 min read

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Aspects that define e-WOM

Goldsmith and Horowitz (2006) highlight the significance of the e-WOM examination as an augmentation of the conventional up close and personal communication. More research takes it further and discovers that the Internet has changed the entire meaning of conventional communication. Along these lines, the internet gives a possibility for consumers to trade ideas, suggestions, and feedback (Urde, 1994). By means of taking part in electronic word of mouth, customers can hypothetically assemble unprejudiced product information from different consumers and offer their own particular utilization related advice (Atilgan, Aksoy, & Akinci, 2005). e-WOM functions as a course for social impact; the procedure in which people make changes to their considerations, sentiments, attitudes, or practices subsequently of connecting with others on the web (Ferreira & Raposo, 2012). Goldsmith and Horowitz (2006) confirm that purchasers appear to give and look for attitudes on the internet, comparably impacting offers of numerous products and services. Numerous scholars recognize the substance dispersion as a particular distinction amongst WOM and e-WOM communication (Chiou & Cheng, 2003). This is the reason behind one of the displayed e-WOM components which is particularly supposition sharing, not just information giving and searches, as in customary WOM (Yoo, Donthu, & Lee, 2000). Chiou & Cheng (2011) indicate that the sentiment passing attitude happens more probable in the online settings, as the Internet empowers multidirectional communication. Numerous studies and empirical results also concur about the presumption and find that e-WOM is the substance passed on by clients (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Kotler & Keller, 2009). The individual passing the e-WOM message does not really make the substance shared. The expanding multifaceted nature of products and services encourage the requirement for imparting and perusing insights on the internet. This move to experience economy has its suggestions in the investigated articles too; every one of the scholars guaranteed that consumers attempt to discover and share information about encounters others have had (Goldsmith & Horowitz, 2006). Consumers look for the assessments of others online, to lessen their risks, to secure lower costs, to get information effectively, to get pre-purchase data, since it is well known, or they are motivated by disconnected information sources (Goldsmith & Horowitz 2006). Thus, intentions in purchasers to impart their insights are available at the point when consumers have a sympathy toward others, and they need to improve their particular value. Moreover, individuals participate in e-WOM because they need to get financial prizes, or on the grounds that others do it as well. Also, interest, requirement for amusement, and shopper strengthening are motivations to impart insights on the internet.

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2.1 The Evolution from Word of Mouth to Electronic Word of Mouth Marketing

WOM communication has always been a focal aspect of consumers’ attitude, additionally coordinating behavioral aims (Chiou & Cheng, 2003). Extensive research affirms that WOM communication is more persuasive than different wellsprings of communication such as adverts and commentary forums (Smith, Menon, & Sivakumar, 2005). Consumers trust peer customers more than organizations and will assess products as indicated by their experience and individual assessments before central leadership (Lee, Rodgers, & Kim, 2009), as it is seen to be nearly dependable (Gruen, Osmonbekov, & Czaplewski, 2006). According to Wagenheim and Bayon (2004), consumers would look for a more valid wellspring of information like WOM data when they see high psychological or social hazard with their purchase options. What's more, the message source hypothesis certified that in the event of high source believability, the beneficiary would be very influenced by the message, however, if there should arise an occurrence of low source believability, the recipient will question the message (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). Today, consumers’ communications and interactions have immensely changed, because of the inconceivable change in innovation and far-reaching influence of the internet that encourages consumers to share utilization related guidance by getting occupied with online exercises. In this manner, the internet has raised a less individual wellspring of correspondence yet an all-inclusive alluded to as e-WOM (Godes & Mayzlin, 2004; Xia & Bechwati, 2008). Studies demonstrate that it is progressively normal between customers when gathering pre-buy information to consider online item surveys (Adjei & Noble, 2009; Zhu & Zhang, 2010), which not only shifts in their substance but also in their extremity from positive to negative remarks (Liu, 2006; Sparks & Browning, 2011). Ladhari and Michaud (2015) demonstrated that introduction to positive online remarks about a particular brand results in a noteworthy higher attachment and positive comments in its favor. Analysts additionally affirm that remarks impact the state of mind towards the brand, as the presence of too many positive remarks prompts a more alluring mentality of the brand, while the nearness of negative remarks prompts to negative impact towards the brand (Lee & Koo, 2012). The investigation, additionally demonstrates that there is a noteworthy positive relationship between the e-WOM on brand image and purchase expectation (Charo, Sharma, Shaikh, Haseeb, & Sufya, 2015). Along these lines, Jalilvand and Samiei (2012) affirmed that e-WOM is a standout amongst the best variables impacting brand equity. Lin et al. (2013) uncovered that product contribution and brand image as variables with directing implications in the relationship amongst e-WOM and purchase expectation as well as consumers’ attitude. Furthermore, Setiawan (2014) inquiries about outcomes demonstrated that e-WOM has an enormous direct impact on goal image, and a backhanded impact on fulfillment and unwavering ness intervened by the image.

2.1.1 WOM versus e-WOM

Over the years, WOM communications have gotten broad consideration from both scholars and market researchers. Some of these research endeavors have detailed WOM impact as more noteworthy than conventional promotional strategies, individual offering and radio publicizing (Engel et al., 1969). WOM is a customer commanded channel of advertising communication where the correspondent is autonomous of the market. Thus, it is more dependable, and reliable by consumers contrasted with firm-started communications (Arndt, 1967). Customary communications hypothesis considers WOM as impacting behavior especially on shoppers' information inquiry, assessment, and consequent basic leadership. It offers information concerning product execution and the social and psychological results of the purchase choices (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). WOM communication, therefore, is bidirectional and intuitive and is, for the most part, worked by two gatherings. These gatherings include opinion managers and assessment pioneers (Gilly et al., 1998). Reasonably, the former are the information generators or suppliers in WOM interchanges. Assessment pioneers go about as information transmitters who pass information from broad communications on their associates and impact their conclusions and decisions regularly identified with products and services (Feick and Price, 1987). On the other hand, opinion managers are the individuals who pursue to get suppositions from others with the end goal of seeking to help them assess products (Flynn, Goldsmith, and Eastman, 1996). An individual's propensity to impact the state of mind and plain conduct of others is commonly named as supposition administration and is identified with the individual's capacity and inspiration to share data (Flynn et al., 1996). Supposition chasing, on the other hand, is the behavioral partner to supposition authority and happens when a singular look for advice and information from a companion or a colleague who is frequently viewed as a conclusion pioneer regarding the matter of interest (Goldsmith and Clark, 2008). Conclusion initiative and conclusion searches are two vital parts of information trade which drive WOM correspondence in the area of consumers’ attitude. The developing advanced market, with the internet as a key facilitator, is an undefined web of associations among producers and buyers. The Internet has likewise exhibited a synergistic path for editorial, proposal, and referral through WOM. The development of e-WOM has made both new potential outcomes and difficulties for marketers. With the minimal effort in getting to and information trade, e-WOM grows in a phenomenal substantial scale, possibly making new flow in the market (Dellarocas, 2003). Furthermore, Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh, and Gremler (2004) characterized e-WOM as any positive or negative explanation made by potential, genuine, or previous clients about a product or organization, which is made accessible to a huge number of individuals and establishments through the Internet. e-WOM can occur through a wide range of on the web channels, shoppers can post their sentiments, remarks, and surveys of products on messages, discussions, or weblogs (Goldsmith, 2006; Goldsmith and Horowitz, 2006).

Be that as it may, despite the fact that e-WOM stems from conventional WOM as an augmented data source using the Internet, e-WOM varies from conventional WOM in a few ways. The most evident contrast is that it emanates on the web, while WOM is led through an up close and personal correspondence process, for instance, amid gatherings and phone discussions. Online dialog discussions and messages are frequently utilized for e-WOM (Hoffman and Novak, 1996). The other critical distinction is that the data conveyed by a method for e-WOM is frequently unknown, not at all like conventional WOM, which is more often than not conveyed between individuals who know each other (Hoffman and Novak, 1996). Besides these distinctions, e-WOM has higher availability than WOM, which implies that a great percentage of individuals can reach each other and share their information (Jeong and Jang, 2011).

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