Evaluation of the Old Testament, Free Essay Sample

Published: 2018-11-30
Evaluation of the Old Testament, Free Essay Sample
Essay type:  Evaluation essays
Categories:  Literature Christianity
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1197 words
10 min read

Three Different Translations on the Quote

In essence, the translation of the quote used in the chapter analysis has three distinct version as depicted in the below accounts.

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1. New International Account

"I am going to make you successful, and in fact, I will build nations and ordained kings out of you."

2. New Living Version

"I will bless you and make you pertinently fruitful, and in essence, I will bless you with descendants and ordained kings among them."

3. English Standard Description

"I am going to bless you exceedingly and make pertinent nations from you, and I will establish king from you in the meantime."

Benefits of the Selections before and After the Reading Quote

Subsequently, the reading before and after the quote are prevalently important since the two reading shades light on the event which is taking place in the meantime. In fact, it is important to note that the two selection reveals that God is Communicating with Abram and making a covenant with him in the due process. Additionally, the readings also demarcate on the everlasting covenant which God made with Abraham in the process and his makeable descendants in the long run. Furthermore, the readings also depict on the promises which God gave Abraham in the meantime such as changing his name from Abram to Abraham in due course.

Textual Questions

The pertinent textual issues which I need to understand in this chapter mainly include

Grammatical Structure

In essence, the grammatical and literary concept in line with the quote mostly demarcated as literal and genuine sense in the meantime. In essence, one part of the covenant quote has the makeable and prominent role in the interim. On the other hand, the other party mainly depicted with the prompt emphasis in the due process. Additionally, the important bit mainly focuses on the relevant parties who are willing to join the in the covenant in the due process. In essence, the section on the “Father of voluminous nation-states” has distinctive characteristics such as excellence, grandeur as well as solemnity since the promise primarily depicted as particularised and expanded in the meantime. The exact literal bit also illustrated in the magnitude descendants of many nations and this individual can trace their makeable descent from their grandfather, Abram. On the contrary, the critical analysis hasn't stipulated and demarcated on the twelve tribes of the makeable Israel more so the ones for Ishmael prince, Edom dukes and Keturah's descendants. However, this aspect magnificently poses on in the spiritual context in the due process. Also, the term “Nations” in most case mainly used to demarcate on the great human race and branch at the expense of the chosen people in the long run. Therefore, this points that in Abraham all nations in the Earth have received blessing promptly.

Key Terms Used by the Author

The following are some of the keywords used by the author in the due course

• Fruitful

• Kings

• Nations

Audience’s Circumstances in the Original Context

The quote mainly addressed to the All future Generation evident by “Father of voluminous nation-states”.

Coogan Explanations Finding

• John Gill's and Exposition

Bible Concordances

Some of the literature reviews and books used to depict on the explanation include

• Kings16; 36: 31-43

• Ezra 4: 20

• Matthew 1:6-17

Comments Analysis on the Selection

The study analysis on the comments from other studies mainly conducted in two other Bible books in the long run. In fact, it is clear and commentary from the analysis that the quote stipulates on the promises made to Abraham by God. Also, it is evidential that God is speaking to Abraham directly and giving him promises in the first person in the meantime.

Comparing Conclusion in the Comments Analysis

In essence, the promises made to both Abraham and his offspring’s are unilaterally pronounced and declared by God, and the promises have not set prior conditions in due course. Nevertheless, the covenant mainly based on the unconditional promises and therefore, it demarcates that human response is not irrelevant in the due process. However, the word of the Almighty God is pertinently resistible since the faith to respond to any emerging issue mainly borrowed God in the long run.

Paraphrasing the Selected Concept

The analysis divided into three different subsections in the long term. In actual sense, the first sections address the issue on the exceeding fruitful, and God uses the word to depict on the prompt blessing that He is shown on Abraham. Additionally, God promised to give him more offspring’s not one his one son by the parametric wife Sarah but also from the Keturah with whom he had more than six children in the long run.

The second section talks about the makeable nations which God will give to Abraham in the meantime. In fact, God promises to build and established parametric nations from Abraham and some of the nations which God is going to make mainly include Judah and Israel, Saracens as well as Turks in the long run.

In the last sections, God talks about the pertinent Kings which He will be ordained and appoint from the Abraham lineage in due course. In fact, the analysis depicts on the twelve princes who will grow and emerge to the ruling position from the descendants of Abraham. Some of the princes to rise and rule in the due courses mainly include Ishmael from Midian and Edom, kings from Arabs, Saracens, as well as Turks. Furthermore, other pertinent kings include Grotius, Christian kings, and King Messiah in the long run.

Personal Reflection on the Findings

From the study, I established that the quote is important and fundamental since it poses on the covenant which God made with Abraham. In essence, I also found out that it is through this covenant that the Messiah was born in the meantime. Furthermore, I also established that contract accomplishment was in progressive by the time God made the agreement with Abraham in due course. Additionally, I also determined that the Christ was the promised seed and had Christians with him in the meantime. Moreover, I also found out that all honest persons are the partakers of the pertinent convent in due time. Therefore, most Christians enjoy the indebted promised which God made with Abraham as well as its seeds in return. Finally, it is evident and evidential that God changed the name of Abram, depicted as a great father to parametric Abraham meaning multitude in the long run.

Suggestion on the Findings

In fact, the covenant forms the parametric backbone of Christianity and marks the journey to salvation in the long term. Furthermore, it is evidential that the great father Abraham unites all Christian in faith in meantime. Also, this quote demarcates on the future and everlasting covenant sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ in the long run. In fact, the agreement between God and Abraham created the greatest relationship which we tend to enjoy in God on a daily basis. Therefore, the quote in the analysis has significant applications in both the current and the future generation in the long run.

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Evaluation of the Old Testament, Free Essay Sample. (2018, Nov 30). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/101-evaluation-of-the-old-testament?pname=speedypaper.com

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