Food Advertising Campaigns - Free Essay for You to Check

Published: 2018-08-06
Food Advertising Campaigns - Free Essay for You to Check
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Food
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1189 words
10 min read

Modern Eating Habits

Over the last few decades, eating habits has been affected by many factors. Influx technological advancement, image in the media, advertising and changes in the cultural, and family values are some of factors that play a big role on the choices of food that the consumers make in the food service industry. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to address how food advertising campaigns is causing increased childhood obesity and measures that should be taken to address the challenges so that negative impact caused to children are curbed.

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Food advertising campaigns should enhance consumers make informed decisions on the food choices, however, they are increasingly causing high reported cases of childhood obesity, which is a result of exposing the consumers to unhealthy fast foods and also low-nutrient fast foods (Castonguay, Jessica, et al, p 573). At some point, the food advertising campaigns present the information in an exaggerated way so that they can convince the mind of young consumers. As a result, will prefer the product that has been presented in a more convincing way more, which is not on the basis of the nutritional value. (Castonguay, Jessica, et al, p 573). Thus, the nature of advertisement has some significant impact on the mind of the consumers. In order to control this challenge, the regulatory bodies should ensure that the type of information being is helpful on the eyes of consumers (children) so that they can make informed decision on the food choices.

In addition, food advertisement campaigns are done by celebs, or other high profile people. As a result, children feel that if these celebs have endorsed specific types of foods, it basically means that that product is worthy, thus they may end up consuming it even without considering its nutritional value. In addition, the slogans that the celebs use draws interest to the children, which can also be another factor affecting their choices (Thomas, Samantha L., et al). Therefore, parents and media regulatory bodies should ensure that children have no access to such ill advertisement.

Formerly, any advertisement campaigns did not target children until television turned to be a common places in homes. To make matters worse, parents have included the subscription of television on their entertainment priority list, which tends to provide children with opportunities to access to advertisement offered (Barr-Anderson., et al). As a result, children get access to different food products and cafes, where they buy junk foods that affect their health negatively. Thus, in order to control such kind of challenge parents should only subscribe educational programs that are beneficial to the children.

Low-Nutritious and Junk Foods

In addition, 21st century has been frequently characterized with vast use of internet, where food campaigns and advertisement have led to marketing of junk and low-nutritious foods with content aimed to attract children. Also, food marketing campaigns that are done on the internet platforms employ various techniques that include; video links, advergames, competitions, advertorials and product discounts among others. Such platforms present information in a fun and colorful way that generally increase their market value to the children. (Caraher, Martin & Landon, p 229). Thus, such advertisement campaigns do not present appropriate information that is valuable to the consumers (children), which as a result leads to poor nutritional value hence causing obesity. According to reports from World Health Organization (WHO), children are increasingly becoming consumers both directly and indirectly. This contributes to their increased purchased power due to availability of resources and the pester power that they hold from their families (Caraher, Martin & Landon, p 234). To control such causes, there should be limit on the kind of the materials and information that should access, which could be effectively implemented either at home or even school.

Food-type advertisement are categorized into five different categories. They include; sweet snacks, cereals, fast-food outlets, cereals, and savory snacks. On many occasions, carbonated sugary beverages, snacks, and convenience foods are referred as foods that are should be consumed sparingly. As a result, when such food categories are advertised on children, they tend to increase their rate of consumption rate and subsequently affecting their health due to their nutritional value (Caraher, Martin & Landon, p 236). In order to contain such causes, the legal nutritional bodies should disapprove these types of foods in order to reduce the negative impact that they have on the children.

Lack of appropriate knowledge and good eating habits among the children are arguably other causes for the increased rate of obesity. Children who have not received any guidance on the types of foods that they should consume suffer a lot. Thus, parents, guardians and regulatory should ensure that children are adequately informed so that they can make proper choices on the types of foods they consume (Casey., et al, pg 78-83).

In the U.S, use of public schools as a means of advertisement and market venues has drastically increased. For example, in-school marketing creates market awareness to too many children, who are considered as the most loyal consumers more than others. In addition, different types of marketing and advertising campaigns and practices promote the consumption of fast foods more than any other types of foods (Boyland, Emma & Halford, p237). As a result, the rate of consumption has significantly increased among the children, which subsequently affect their health status. Thus, the federal government should ban advertisement in public schools in order to effectively contain the vice.

Americans are Fat

In order to control the cases of obesity among children population in the U.S, there should be a variety of recommendations and control measures that should be put into action. For instance, advertising restrictions on the foods campaigns that are being aired should be imposed (Chandon, Pierre &Wansink, pg 573). Collaboration of efforts especially from the members of the society and the government should also be practiced. If done effectively, measures could see achievement of some milestones towards educating the children on the importance of avoiding junk foods hence decreasing cases of obesity.

For the children from low-income families to afford healthier foods alternatives, the federal government should implement strategies that guide their purchasing power. This could ensure purchase of foods with well-balanced nutritional value. In addition, the advertisement campaigns that promote the consumption of fast foods and snacks should be banned (Ebbeling., et al, pg 473). The diet centers and weight counselling therapy should become a priority so that children, especially those from low-income families can get adequate information on the importance of adhering to balanced diet and practice it.

In conclusion, it is evident that the food advertising campaigns have failed to ensure that advertisement promote good information on the food choices. Instead, use of television and internet among others are some of the commonly used food campaigns that have resulted to high obesity rates among the children. Thus, proper coordination among the government and other stakeholders concerned should ensure that such advertisement campaigns are controlled and prohibited. On this aspect, proper guidelines among the children will be enhanced, which will promote proper nutrition hence reducing rates of obesity.

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