HRM Essay Example: Gossip, Teamwork, and Control

Published: 2018-10-02
HRM Essay Example: Gossip, Teamwork, and Control
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Research
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1078 words
9 min read

Gossip by Robbins

According to Robbins, (2014), in times of change, sharing the rationality of the change minimizes anxiety among employee. A direct explanation on all the details on the change is a strategy that can work best in ensuring the success of the change process. I would apply a verbal communication strategy at a face-on-face meeting with the affected employee or a group meeting with those affected. To clear matters, I would provide the main reasons for the change to all staff and explains the lack of genuine alternatives to the situation.

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I do believe that provision of factual information should clear doubts and misconceptions on the rumors. In addition, non-verbal communication strategy, such as a reprimand letter ton gossiping. I would also issue a memo to all staff on consequences of gossip reduce its spread.

According to Robbins, (2014), uncertainty creates gossip resulting into concerns among employees especially those who are not in the know. Gossip is a vital source of information for the management on issues affecting the employees. Accordingly, the management is then able to address these concerns raised (Grosser, Lopez-Kidwell, & Labianca, 2010). Further, the management can study the rumor groups to check the communication structure in the organization. In addition, uncertainty results in anxiety and sharing these concerns through gossip reduces individuals’ stress levels. Besides, gossip allows employees to form friendships among the rumormongers (Ellwardt, 2012). For managers, rumors are measure of employee morale.

Even so, speculation may lead to negative effects for the organization. They lead to mistrust among employees thereby affecting cohesion within the organization (Robbins, 2014). Also, they will cause rash decisions especially by those affected by rumor. Besides, in uncertain times, gossip may lead to dysfunction of teams and even the whole organization. Unchecked, gossip will generate fear among employees.

Team Work

I worked in a team of seven colleagues to rearrange the costumes in the store and the floor at a clothing workshop for live performances costumes. We needed to organize the costumes, hats, props, and wigs in a historical order of the plays. Also, the costumes had to be matched to the client order. Finally, we needed to sort the remnants of the fabric depending on the type of the material. We were effective and completed our task in good time. Each team member was assigned a task and they all did well. The team leader guided the discussions and the tasks leading to the overhaul in the arrangement if the costumes in the store and the workshop floor.

Our success evolved from healthy discussions and trust in each other's ability and contributions to accomplish the tasks assigned (Robbins, 2014). In addition, our enthuasism to overhaul a redundant costumes storage system was evident among each member. Prior to the formation of the team, it had become difficult to locate the costumes in the store. Furthermore, the fabric required in small sizes such as the remnants of a big roll of fabric could not be located due to the disorganized nature of the store. These remains are useful for stitching small areas such as pockets, our team leader's approach to involving everyone contributed to active participation and speedy resolution of conflicts in the group.

Nonetheless, the operation of the team was not without challenges. Among these was determining the order by which we were to sort the costumes. Some of the members wanted us to start sorting the costumes by the age of the plays the costumes were built for, then move on to the fabric remnants finishing off with client orders. The other option on the table involved starting off with the remnants and then move to the historical order and finally the client order. They argued that remnants required more time and we would spend less time if we started off with a difficult task.

To solve the problem, our leader proposed a way to break the deadlock. We reached a compromise by choosing to start with the historical order and end with the remnants on condition that we would spend the little time sorting through the costumes.

Control Process by Organizational managers

Organizational managers use the control process to regulate organizational activities. These activities check for consistency with plans, targets, and standards of performance. Among the processes that need control include accounting, human resources, quality, profitability, and production.

The control process feedbacks system. First, the establishment of the expected levels of performance begins. The next activity is the measurement of the actual performance. Besides, a comparison of the expected results with the actual results established (Robbins, 2014). Lastly, an analysis of the comparison of results and recommendations is made for measures to correct the standards. Balanced scorecards are used in the control process to regulate an organization's overall performance. All departments are evaluated in relation to the expected performance. Specific units of the organization provide a guide towards the expected results.

There are two types of control exercised by organizations to manage employees: Hierarchical and Decentralized control systems. Hierarchical controls, characterized by order, performance checks happen through rulebooks, procedures, compensation and records. Decentralized control relies on values and assumptions. The employee treatment is that of a valuable member of the organization. Hierarchical order manages the employees on instructions and threats. The decentralized control prioritizes mutual respect and willingness to perform (Robbins, 2014).

At the same clothing workshop, tailors can work to improve various control process. They have been wasteful on the workshop floor and need training and proper guidance. Training on production control process, the tailors would reduce the losses incurred on fabric remnants during production. Reduced work breaks would improve the performance of the workshop. Besides, talented tailors can provide their own original costumes design ideas to the management about other costumes or processes that can be used to promote the workshop. The remnants left on the floor pose indicate a disregard for the safety procedures and a big safety hazard. The tailors should ensure that they follow the quality control measures on safety procedures for the good of their health.


Ellwardt, L. L.-2. (2012). Who are the objects of positive and negative gossip at work?:A social network perspective on workplace gossip. Social Networks, 193-205.

Grosser, T., Lopez-Kidwell, V., & Labianca, G. (2010). A Social Network Analysis of Positive and Negative Gossip in Organizational Life. Group & Organization Management, 177-212.

Robbins, S. P. (2014). Essentials of organizational behavior 12ed. Boston: Pearson.

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