Implementation of the Proposal Essay Example

Published: 2018-06-06
Implementation of the Proposal Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Planning Health and Social Care
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1701 words
15 min read

Implementation Plans Discussing

A proposal refers to a suggestion, usually formal, which is taken into consideration or as a matter of discussion by interested parties. On the other hand, a plan is a goal-centered detailed proposal with the descriptions of how the goals are to be achieved. Both the plan and the proposal must state the problem, the statement of purpose, the outcomes, the required resources, and the modes of implementing them. Plans and proposals form the building block of any vision or dreams that need to be implemented. The proposals act as the foundations for which success is built. Thus, they must be exhaustive and details to prevent a backlog in any proposed project. Any given plan or proposal must clearly outline the strengths of the project proposals and how they will be achieved to avoid setbacks during implementation. A clearly written plan is also key to knowing the exact requirements of the project to avoid confusions in the allocation of the required resources thus preventing assumptions on either side leading to prosperity and success of the proposed project. Proposals and plans are also important in setting other critical parameters when handling projects such as the budget and the timeframe. It will also clearly indicate how the projects are going to be carried out with their exact cost. This paper will discuss the implementation plans of the proposal focusing on finding the causes and the factors related to falls in hospitalized adults.

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A fall is defined as the coming to rest on a lower level or the ground. According to Cox et al. (2015), several risk factors that make people not to be able to carry out the daily activities in safer ways are associated with falls in adults. Risk factors such as the environmental, lifestyles and the physical factors, which are related to the body, affect the ability of the body to be in the state of equilibrium. At any given moment, a person’s safety is important as it helps to prevent injuries, damage to properties, financial losses while increasing the productivity of the citizens. This proposal implementation plan takes into account the safety of the older adults admitted to the hospitals as they are at high risk of suffering from the falls. The findings of research on the causes and the factors associated with the falls in the hospitalized adults are important to the hospitals as well as other healthcare facilities across the country. Therefore, the plan proposes every hospital and healthcare facilities to have a copy of the findings and utilize it in predetermining the causes as well as the factors associated with falls to take the appropriate precautions while taking care of these patients.

The implementation of this plan will require an active participation of every healthcare practitioner in hospitals as well as other healthcare facilities to ensure every patient under their care does not suffer from the falls. The plan proposes the high-risk groups with physical risk factors like old age, sensory disorders, urinary incontinence and such like disorders are provided with special computerized devices to help improve their situations. The group whose condition is triggered by the lifestyle they live is to be taken through therapy classes, which will engage them in various activities like gym, which is the best remedy for conditions like dizziness, arthritis, and chronic pain. The third category with the group under environmental factors will be provided with proper footwear and their living conditions assessed for improvements. The plan will be rolled out based on the risk group.

Implementation Timeline, Rationale And the People Involved

The proposed plan is to run for three months after which the various factors will be used to assess its success. Some of these factors include the schedule, scope, budget, and team satisfaction (Maylor, 2010). Other factors include the customer satisfaction and the quality of work done by the healthcare practitioners. The program will involve a flexible deadline ranging between two to three months depending on the health condition of the patient. The high-risk patients will be taken through these measures for three months while the low risk will go through the same for two months after which evaluation will be done on the patients to see if they have adapted. The scope of the plan will be the prevention of the causes and the factors associated with falls in the elderly. The implementation phases will be specifically based on the risk factors associated with the fall, which will include those whose conditions are due to lifestyle, environment, and other physical factors. The first phase will involve those whose condition arise from their physical nature due to its criticality. The second phase will be for educating the patients of the environmental conditions, which can cause a fall and finally those who are affected due to their lifestyles.

Measures of success for evaluating effectiveness of the proposal

The scope will act as a uniting factor among the healthcare practitioners and the patients. The Budget, which is the most important factor of the project, will indicate the success or failure of the plan. Sticking to the budget throughout the project is vital as it shows the efficiency of the plan. Team satisfaction is also an important indicator of success and at the same time a key value on the evaluation of the effectiveness of a proposal. The ability of the team to stay together throughout the project and come out satisfied with the outcome of their work is essential. The plan was drafted in a way to be fun and flexible to allow the team members to explore the country, interact with other practitioners, and have a good time while doing the job (Maylor, 2010). Other measures of success will be the customer satisfaction from the plan, which will be done by the use of questionnaires, surveys, interviews, observations, and other methods that can be used to collect qualitative data (Holloway & Galvin, 2016). The data will be reviewed and analyzes; this will help in determining the quality of work that has been done by the practitioners as per the plan. Tracking the quality of work will assist in making the necessary adjustments for the future projects.

Benefits of the plan to the institution

Every healthcare facility aims to provide the most efficient healthcare to their patients. Therefore, there is always room to accommodate new ideas that will help improve the quality of services they provide. This plan of preventing the causes and the factors leading to falls in hospitalized adults will not only be helpful to a limited field but can also be implemented in other disciplines within the health sectors. The plan will ensure the institution gains relevant and actionable insights from the research and in turn create awareness to the patients, the communities, and other stakeholders (Maylor, 2010). The plan is also vital to ensure the health institutions keep sight of the projects as well as helping the management be up-to-date with the situations of their patients. With such a plan, institutions will have the time to review their mission and vision statements and provide an elaborate background information, objectives and redefine their commitments towards the safety and good health of their patients.

Helpful Plan to the Health Facilities and Patients

The redefined commitment from the plan will help group the target audience with the problems they face thus providing data, which can be used in other duties in the hospitals. The availability of data from the plan will also help the health institution in planning as well as in making frameworks ready for future projects of similar nature. With the deliverables in place, the institutions will have a library of data to carry out extensive research and analysis to create new knowledge as well as a continuous improvement within the organization (Holloway & Galvin, 2016). The plan will also be vital in assessing and redefining the vision and mission of various health care facilities regarding taking care of their patients, their roadmaps by redefining their goals as well as addressing the various risk factors that the patients come across each day.

The plan will not only be helpful to the health facilities but also to the patients. It will create awareness on the causes of a fall and factors, which may lead to a fall in the patients. This will help the patients avoid these factors, which in return will improve their health conditions as well as those around them. An improved health leads to increase in productivity of people, which is a great addition to the economy of any given country.

Resources needed to implement the plan and the potential budget.

Management of the available resources is vital to ensure total control over costs, risks, and outcomes. Management of projects requires systematic planning, organizing, and execution of the deliberate steps to achieve the specific objectives (Kerzner, 2013). The success of this plan depends on efficient management of the available resources such as the finances, data, medical equipment, patients, and stakeholders during the project. The budget, schedule, team members, and they key performance indicators must also be managed as they are the critical resources to the implementation of the plan.

The potential budget for the implementation of the plan will be as follows.















There are several factors associated with falls in hospitalized adults. This plan aims at implementing the prevention measures from the findings from the research that has been carried out. The project implements the most efficient strategies proven by the healthcare practitioners to identify and minimize the probabilities of a fall in hospitalized adults. The plan also takes into account the community and other stakeholders whom in one way or the other may be affected by a fall of the hospitalized patients.


Cox, J., Thomas-Hawkins, C., Pajarillo, E., DeGennaro, S., Cadmus, E., & Martinez, M. (2015). Factors associated with falls in hospitalized adult patients. Applied Nursing Research, 28(2), 78-82.

Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.

Kerzner, H. (2013). Project Management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Maylor, H. (2010). Project Management. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

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Implementation of the Proposal Essay Example. (2018, Jun 06). Retrieved from

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