Justice Approach - Free Essay on Juvenile Justice

Published: 2018-10-05
Justice Approach - Free Essay on Juvenile Justice
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal justice Juvenile justice
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 417 words
4 min read

Juvenile justice

Often times, minors commit crimes that would taint their records when they end up in the corridors of juvenile justice and any model that would stop the course of events going down this path would be a welcome reprieve to these minor offenders. This alternative comes in the form of peer review jury based on the principles of balanced and restorative justice ("Peer Jury |"). This principle has been widely used in resolving conflicts among the youth throughout different states. Restorative justice offers an alternative to the punitive and rehabilitation approach to delinquency misdemeanors, though it does not do away with the employment of confinement ("Guide For Implementing The Balanced And Restorative Justice Model").

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To better understand this alternative delinquency justice approach, I joined the Downers Grove Peer Jury Program where I was one of the jurors in handling conflicts between minors. There is no need for our delinquent youths to go through the juvenile system when they can avoid having their names being associated with a bad record. Restorative justice also goes a long way in decongesting the juvenile system by reducing the number of cases which are handled through an alternative method ("Jury Duty Putting Peer-Review Into A Tougher Context"). Being part of this peer jury program has made me understand what drives youth to committing crimes and therefore come up with a remedial course of action to solve the harm done without having to go through the juvenile system and attract unnecessary bad records. The program allows the delinquent youth to make amends with the community and their victims. The program further offers opportunities to understand alternative justice and how they can be adapted to suit the needs of a particular community ("Guide For Implementing The Balanced And Restorative Justice Model"). Being part of a peer jury program has enabled me to understand the responsibility bestowed on my hands; the recommendations I make could end up making one's life take on a totally different course.

Cited Work

"Chapter 3: Balanced And Restorative Juvenile Corrections - Balanced And Restorative Justice -- Jurisdictional Technical Assistance Package For Juvenile Corrections". Ncjrs.gov. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Aug. 2016.

"Guide For Implementing The Balanced And Restorative Justice Model". Ojjdp.gov. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Aug. 2016.

"Jury Duty UDjtt Putting Peer-Review Into A Tougher Context". The Scholarly Kitchen. N.p., 2012. Web. 29 Aug. 2016.

"Peer Jury |". Dgtownship.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Aug. 2016.

"Using Balanced & Restorative Justice Effectively UDjtt Models For Change: Systems Reform In Juvenile Justice". Modelsforchange.net. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Aug. 2016.

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Justice Approach - Free Essay on Juvenile Justice. (2018, Oct 05). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/101-justice-approach?pname=speedypaper.com

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