Leadership of Effective Change Essay Sample

Published: 2018-05-08
Leadership of Effective Change Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Students
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 684 words
6 min read

Are Leaders Naturally Systems Thinkers? Can This Ability Be Constructively Taught/Developed? How?

Leaders are not born to be natural system thinkers, but they are taught how to be one. Systemic thinking joins all the disciplines so that they become coherent and function in applicable practices. Every organization must have a body that is responsible for carrying out decisions to motivate other departments (Best & Holmes, 2010). Decisions made should not only be technical but should also portray a reality aspect. Leaders are supposed to learn to be systemic thinkers so that they can be the motivators and be able to distinguish between problems and challenges. Although systemic thinking can be learned, a leader can never be accurate in using it unless he or she has enough experience.

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What is needed for leaders to think conceptually about their experiences of connecting with their educational organization and the bigger picture?

The fundamentals of leadership to bond with their organization require them to be; committed in their morals, in how they will create relationships, bringing change and coherence making (Harris, 2013). When a leader has a moral purpose, he or she is ready to orientate the school environment to bring a positive change; there is a commitment to raise the student's standards and treating them with respect. These morals will help the organization to succeed for a long time. The leaders should ensure that there is steady learning to help in problem-solving. They should establish a relationship or daily contacts that they make to bring a change that benefits the whole organization.

Do You Agree With the Critical Review of Fullan's Argument?

I do not agree with Fullan’s argument because of the mimicry it has on businesses and larger companies. It only recognizes the teachers, deputies, and principles to be the leader and any opposition is dealt with. Fullan believes in cultural values that are shared, social promotions and comprehensive environment (Ainscow & Sandill, 2010). The leadership that is shown by Fullan is for show and vision sale to the eyes of the parents and the students. Fullan’s argument is a form of criticism; it is power and profit-thirsty with the motive of transforming the public education.

Please Reply to the below in 200 words.

Someone who aspires to be a teacher joins the training institution to be a better teacher who will share knowledge with a large number of people. The end of their course is completed, and they join schools to teach. However, in the schools, they are required to meet certain expectations. The aspect of leadership comes in because they have to be good managers of their class and show good morals to their students (Hargreaves & Fink, 2012). In some cases, the teacher may join a formal leadership-training institute to get improved skills.

In school, a teacher learns to be a leader by the duties which he/she is assigned. They get their skills through observations of other leaders, and they can either be bad or good leaders. The manner in which the leadership skills and abilities will be tamed in them is how they will use to influence others (Harris, 2013). When a teacher becomes a good leader, he or she becomes understanding, passionate and will spend most of the time in school associating with the students.

As we have discussed above, we find schools to be unique because of its ability to tame teachers to become effective leaders. They lead their classrooms, and they can share their skills with their peers. When a school head identifies a strong leader, he/she surely needs supports and promotions (Hargreaves & Fink, 2012).


Ainscow, M., & Sandill, A. (2010). Developing inclusive education systems: the role of organisational cultures and leadership. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(4), 401-416.

Best, A., & Holmes, B. (2010). Systems thinking, knowledge and action: towards better models and methods. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 6(2), 145-159.

Hargreaves, A., & Fink, D. (2012). Sustainable leadership (Vol. 6). John Wiley & Sons.

Harris, A., Day, C., Hopkins, D., Hadfield, M., Hargreaves, A., & Chapman, C. (2013). Effective leadership for school improvement. Routledge.

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