Morality Essay Sample

Published: 2018-02-10
Morality Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 607 words
6 min read

Morality and Social Responsibility

The moral philosophy that was developed by Kant was meant to find the basics of what he referred as ‘metaphysics of morals.' Kant had the assumption that these morals would be applied by people of different cultures and at all times. Further, Kant made a detailed analysis of the universal moral concepts of goodwill and duty that made him believe that people are independent and at liberty. Also, he possessed the perception that everything happens for a reason. Kant developed the idea that the circumstances that individuals currently find themselves in are as a result of the experiences from the past (Johnson et al. 2014). For instance, particular perceptions are associated with the African American community. There are those experiences that the African Americans underwent in the past that make them develop specific characteristics. These situations include the slavery in the 18th century which makes the African American community develop negative perceptions of the dominant Caucasian in the country.

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Aristotle's ethics comprises of the ethical theory of morals. Values are needed for improving the daily lives of people and are assumed to be vital for the well-being of humans. Aristotle pointed out to several ethical virtues such as self-restraint, courage, and honesty to be emotional, social, rational, and complex abilities. Individuals need to integrate friendship, pleasure, honor, among other virtues to live a satisfactory life. These virtues can only be passed from generation to another through proper upbringing and integration of healthy habits. Ethical morals, as put across by Aristotle, cannot be gotten only from learning the general rules. Ethics are a vital aspect of human behavior since they act as the core of people's personalities and have a direct impact on their character (Richard 2014). Ethical virtues only grow when combined with real wisdom. The emotions and situations that a person faces during different stages of their lives determine their ultimate moral virtues. Honor among the African American community is an important aspect just as loyalty among friends. It is important for the individuals in this community to uphold such ethics such as those given by Aristotle.


Mill's morals lay emphasis on utilitarianism and also has several variations from the radicals' issues on the happiness and human motivation. Mill lays claim that every individual has responsibility for their happiness. Further claims are that happiness is the only thing appropriate for itself and presumes that it is the most important virtue. Happiness is the absence of pain and need for pleasure. Mill is seen to be perfectionists since he insists on human happiness at all times. He even quotes that "It is better to be a dissatisfied person than a satisfied pig." (Brink 2014). In his perception, a utility is an eventual demand on all ethical queries. Without happiness, co-existence among people would be difficult. No matter the price of happiness, humans should always strive to achieve and maintain themselves at a state of happiness.

People's behaviors are affected by the individual and cultural values they uphold. Among the African Americans, there are those aspects that are common in this community. The happiness point is emphasized during family gatherings where the parents pass on some of the cultural aspects to the younger generations. Children must be educated on how to maintain their happiness by their parents or guardians. Happiness is an important feature among the African American people and the need for ethical wellness is also fundamental.


Brink, D. (2014). Mill's moral and political philosophy. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Johnson, R. (2014). Kant's moral philosophy. The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy.

Richard, K. (2014). Aristotle's ethics. The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy.

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