Free Essay about the United Nations Human Rights Council

Published: 2018-05-03
Free Essay about the United Nations Human Rights Council
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Government Human rights
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 451 words
4 min read

United Nations Structure Inter-Governmental Body

The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body that is within the United Nations structure. It has a membership of 47 states, whose members states are elected for three-year terms. The body is hugely responsible for protecting and preserving human rights all over the world. Among the rights protected by UNHRC are freedom of association, freedom of religion and belief, LGBT rights and women rights.

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Its organizational structure is divided into five parts;

A. Sessions.

The body holds regular sessions three times each year. The months of these meetings are March, June, and September. Special sessions are decided to address human rights violations and emergencies. Since the start of the union, 20 sessions have been convened by one-third of the member states.

B. Members.

Members of the body are elected for three-year terms. Council members are elected by the 192 member states of the UN General Assembly. Election to the Council has to be by an absolute majority of votes. The Council seats aim to achieve equitable distribution according to the Geographical distribution worldwide. The African and Asian group receives 13 slots of representation; there are eight slots from Latin America and the Caribbean, six from Eastern European Group and seven from the Western European and other States group.

The first election of members was held on May 9, 2006.

C. Presidents.

When voting for the members of the Council, the candidates’ contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights is considered. Candidates are also expected to submit voluntary pledges and commitments towards the same cause. The General Assembly has the right to suspend the rights of any member of the Council in the case of gross misconduct and violation of the human rights. If the member fails to uphold the dignity that comes with human rights, their privileges are suspended. The suspension requires the two-thirds majority vote.

D. Special procedures

This mainly refers to the mechanisms established by the Human Rights Council to gather general observations on human rights. The main thematic concerns include human rights abuse worldwide. Special procedures experts usually consist of five members from each UN region.

Council Position in Achieving Its Goals

In as much as the council has been faced by incredibly huge drawbacks in the areas of thematic concern, it has thrived forward to ensure that human rights are upheld. Together with the help of human rights activities and bodies e.g. the American Learned friends, they have beaten all odds to do away with human rights abuse worldwide. Recently, it voted Israel as the only country that treats women the worst.


Phillips, W. R. (1962). United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Mont. L. Rev., 24, 31.

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