Essay Sample about Reapplying at Purdue University

Published: 2018-08-21
Essay Sample about Reapplying at Purdue University
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  University College application Career
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 646 words
6 min read

Career ambitions saving

The day I received a notice that I would be discontinued from Purdue University, I knew that I had to singlehandedly and out of conviction move swiftly to save my career ambitions. I was totally disappointed in myself and I knew my family and close friends were even hurting more. I took this failure head-on, rather than let it define my personality and future prospects. As a first year student, I was overwhelmed by anxiety and other challenges which took a toll on my grades and college life as a whole.

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I have learned to live with the reality that my own failure and persistent ineffectiveness led to the decision to drop me from Purdue University. I resorted to taking classes at various institutions in an attempt to strengthen my skills and ability in areas that proved extremely complicated in the past. For instance, I joined Middlesex County College during the 2015 summer, taking Sociology and Accounting. I earned seven credits, a sufficient proof that I excelled in both classes. In addition, I attended the Providence-based Johnson & Wales University during the 2015/2016 academic period, ending the year with 3.5 GPA. I also decided to take two more courses (Calculus and Statistics) at Middlesex County College during the summer of 2016, earning a B and B+ respectively. I consider my grade in calculus exceptionally important because I failed when I first did the same course at Purdue University.

Career in marketing

Although I lost the previous opportunity that Purdue University gave me to pursue a career in marketing, I did not give up on the academic path. I enrolled at Johnson & Wales University while full of hope and optimism that the university will ultimately give me a second chance to continue in pursuit of my career. I knew it was time to stop cursing myself for not meeting university standards but rather start enhancing my knowledge and skills on areas of marketing and promotion. Accordingly, I joined Johnson & Wales American Marketing Association. At JWUAMA, I took an active role as the Vice President in charge of Advertising and Promotions and successfully helped the organization accomplish its goals and objectives. Through this leadership role, I have learned to manage my time well and discovered the myriad weaknesses that made it extremely difficult for me to meet Purdue University’s standards.

I have also acquired adequate knowledge about the most effective techniques and approaches that would make me learn best if readmitted at the institution. I am particularly eager to take a Marketing Major at the Krannert School of Business because I have discovered that my passion is truly in marketing and promotion. I have gone to many networking events and took part in developing the Collegiate Case Competition of the American Marketing Association. I also worked along with other participants to increase awareness as well as formulate a comprehensive marketing plan.

I am confident that I now have what it takes to get readmitted at a prestigious institution of Purdue University’s caliber. I have learned from my previous mistakes and currently looking forward to do everything I can to excel in academia and in any college activity I will participate in. If successfully readmitted, I will prioritize repeating and doing incredibly well in the courses I had failed. I have no doubt about my potential to exceed expectations in coursework, exams, and other college activities. Purdue University was and still my true home and I’m always proud to have played a vital role as a Boilermaker. I am also looking forward to take advantage of the university’s vast academic resources, and reach out to the teaching assistants and professors to foster my knowledge and understanding.

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Essay Sample about Reapplying at Purdue University. (2018, Aug 21). Retrieved from

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