Free Essay: The Good Influence of Import Vehicles to U.S

Published: 2018-11-06
Free Essay: The Good Influence of Import Vehicles to U.S
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Technology Automotive industry
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1282 words
11 min read

Motor vehicles manufactured outside the borders of the United States

Motor vehicles manufactured outside the borders of the United States are subjected to safety guidelines and standards inspection before they are placed for sale by motor companies. Safety standards must be performed to all vehicles from across the borders to establish every information before its sale in the country. The information is important by the U.S Customs and Border Protection, a legal body assigned the duty of border security and import and export activities, to and from the U.S.

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Safety standards during inspections are related to determining every detail about the vehicles, such as; original country, fuel consumption, engine capacity and licensing standards. The country support import of vehicles which, if significant for business in the country. For such vehicles to acquire licenses, they must be placed under tests such as to confirm that they are effective for driving on their roads. Most vehicles imported for the purpose of sale are from the Dutch country, German, where motor and automation industries are a great source of revenue for the country.

The good influence of import vehicles to the United States' is a topic which is significant in revealing the impact of importing motor vehicles in the country. This is a suitable topic for a proposal because it can be critiqued accordingly with sufficient evidence from various sources. The choice of this topic is important because it explains the activities that take place in the U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Importing vehicles are significant for the owner of the vehicle, car dealers and the country. This proposal focuses on steps through which a vehicle entering the united states is processed until the final stage when it has passed all its safety and guidelines measures. This is an important task which needs to be operated for the vehicle to operate freely in the country.

Restricted vehicles

However, this is not an easy task. Officials from the department of customs conduct the checkups to ensure that the vehicle was legally licensed by the parent country by finding its licensing verification documents. For imported vehicles which are to be sold in the country, they should be able to comply with every border policy. These policies will be able to be used effectively to ensure their safety since the motor vehicles will be used by American citizens. The importers are required to go through several departments in the country to obtain documents on their importation activities. Such departments include; the U.S embassy, the department of transportation and the environmental protection agency.

These agencies provide up to date guidelines about the vehicles entering their country and those that are restricted for use in the country. Restricted vehicles are vehicles from abroad that have not passed the test by the regulatory bodies, to provide sufficient documents on them. The environmental department focuses on the gas emission of the vehicle, a very important environmental conservation technique that blocks out vehicles emitting high gases which in turn leads to environmental degradation. For such vehicles, they will not be rendered license to operate in the country, but they will be destroyed or exported to its country.

In situations where fewer documents did not support a grant of its license, the Customs and Border Protection will make the vehicle compatible by validating its documents. According to Berry, I. M. (2010).T The effects of driving style and vehicle performance on the real-world fuel consumption of US light-duty vehiclesT (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), America is key in fostering an environment free of gas pollution from the environment. This is majorly why border authorities play tough during inspections of vehicles. During inspection, light duty goods have lesser documents for requires validation, but heavy-duty vehicles such as the transit vehicles needs to have more licensing documents. The activity that the vehicle is used for matters a lot for the purpose for the use of the car in the county for instance, transit vehicle used by a company will undergo through a series of validation from the company.

US manufacturing industries

According to Clark, Don P., David L. Kaserman, and John W. Mayo. "Barriers to trade and the import vulnerability of US manufacturing industries."The Journal of Industrial Economics" (1990): 433-447., an increase in import vehicles from abroad results to competition between its motor and automation industries from countries such as Japan, China and German which have expertise in world class car manufacturing. However, this is significant for the country's relations with that of its competitors. Due to this positive impact, the country's mutual growth and development will be achieved.

Vehicles imported into the U.S have a positive influence in the country. The estimation of the number of imported vehicles in the country is important for the U.S agencies and also for the motor vehicle industry to evaluate their performance. Another significance of import vehicles is that the motor engineers will use this as an advantage by studying the various parts of the car, looking for its defects and assembling a better performance vehicle to be used in their country and for the purpose of exportation to other countries.

According to American Automobile Manufacturers Association. Government Affairs Division, et al.T Motor vehicle facts & figures. Government Affairs Division, American Automobile Manufacturers Association, 1995, the state earns revenue from imports of the vehicles. Revenues collected from imports are high, especially by those doing business. The revenues collected will be a measure of import earnings, which will be compiled during the different years and evaluated to establish the revenue from imports independence.

Import vehicles in the U.S

The article, "Price", James E., and James B. Thornblade. "US import demand functions disaggregated by country and commodity."Southern Economic Journal" (1972): 46-57., shows the values of import vehicles in the U.S for different years. This is significant in formulating policies and standards by the government regarding its imports. For motor and automation dealers in U.S, import activities are important for them in terms of growing their business. Vehicles from countries such as China and Japan are bought by the dealers at a lower rate and afterwards put for sale in the country. This earns them revenues and through taxes, the country earns the revenues.

In my view of this topic, import vehicles in the U.S have a significant impact on its citizens and the country at large. The topic has widely explained the background information and highlighted key facts about the positive influence of imports in the United States. I agree that it is significant for revenue growth in the country, but safety policies need to be revised to enable a constant importation growth for the company. This will be a major boost for motor vehicle trade in the country that is effective and efficient to use.

Works cited

According to American Automobile Manufacturers Association. Government Affairs Division, et al.T Motor vehicle facts & figures. Government Affairs Division, American Automobile Manufacturers Association, 1995

Berry, I. M. (2010).T The effects of driving style and vehicle performance on the real-world fuel consumption of US light-duty vehiclesT (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology),

Crandall, Robert W. "Import quotas and the automobile industry: The costs of protectionism."T The Brookings ReviewT 2.4 (1984): 8-16.

Eichengreen, Barry, and Lawrence H. Goulder. "The impact of permanent and temporary import surcharges on the US trade deficit."T Empirical studies of commercial policy. University of Chicago Press, 1991. 245-286.

Mannering, Fred, et al. "Brand loyalty and the decline of American automobile firms."T Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. MicroeconomicsT 1991 (1991): 67-114.

Price, James E., and James B. Thornblade. "US import demand functions disaggregated by country and commodity."T Southern Economic JournalT (1972): 46-57.

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