The Homeless In Geauga County. Free Essay on Raising Funds

Published: 2018-12-18
The Homeless In Geauga County. Free Essay on Raising Funds
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Finance Research Religion
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1125 words
10 min read

Raising Funds for the Geauga County Ministry for the Homeless (GCMH)

The church and any religious group reserve a great role of ensuring the wellbeing of all members of the society. The Bible, which is the holy book that guides the Christian faith, confers on all those who profess the doctrines to alleviate suffering among the people around them. In the book of Proverbs 19:17, Solomon writes that the kindness that Christians show to the needy and poor is a loan to God who will reward the giver immensely. Multiple scriptural reasons inspire churches to minister specifically to the needy, poor and homeless in the society. In Jesus’ ministry, he ministered through both the word and met the material needs of the people to whom he preached. The underpinning of Jesus’ ministry is need to inspire all the religious congregations today to transform the society through ministering to the underprivileged in the community as a means of making them partake of the providence of God.

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Geauga in the United States accounts for the largest population of Arnish settlements. The county has one of the highest per capita income, which gives a false impression that every member of the community has a decent living and is able to meet all their basic needs regularly. In the society that looks superficially affluent, the poor and homeless are not given due recognition and assistance that they need. Therefore, it is important to raise funds for a ministry that will not only address the needs of the underprivileged in Geauga but also turn the attention of the other affluent residents towards this neglected segment of their society.

aising funds to support the homeless is a ministry in its right. It sets the church as being an intelligent social agent that not only recognizes the spiritual needs of the low income and suffering in the society but also strives to meet their physical needs. In a ministry targeting the homeless, the first initiative is to change their lives so that they can quickly assimilate the word of God. Raising support is a way of bringing people who have the will and ability to support a good course that impacts the lives of individuals. Various steps will be involved in soliciting funds for the mission. These include;

Determining the Financial Requirements for the Accomplishment of the Mission

GCMH seeks to raise between $250000 and $500000 for purchasing of land and construction of houses to the many homeless people in Geauga County. The financial support also targets to establish sustainable initial services such as sanitation and health for the community. The long-term aim of this ministry is to set up a budget of $800,000 for the provision of expanded housing and home ownership for opportunities for the homeless who intend to permanently own houses and earn a living through sheer hard work.

The local church is integral in setting up a ministry and raising the required financial support. By involving the church, pastor, and elders, they not only offer the church ministry a spiritual approval but also enlist it as one of the items that need the support of members. From the church leadership, chief counsel will be generated for the current plans and the future experiences in the field. Therefore, the church will form a central source of support for the ministry. There are three essential things to share with the local church as far as the ministry is concerned. These include;

i. Articulating how God inspired the team to lead the mission

ii. Share the necessary financial needs of the ministry to accomplish the desired goals

iii. Clearly articulate possible steps through which the church can support the mission

Determine the right people and entities from which to seek financial Support

The third phase of fundraising is locating the suitable bodies to approach for fundraising. A guide to institutions, businesses, and humanitarian agencies will be necessary for finding these donors. This step involves encouraging the identified organizations to support a Godly course through initiatives setting up s funds drive. Some of the preliminary potential sources of financial assistance include vacation Bible schools, individual churches, people or businesses that can donate selflessly any amount they have for the ministry. The mission establishes a fundraising slogan dubbed “Giving a penny for housing the homeless the God’s way.” This message has the ability to compel people to support a faith driven initiative for the homeless.

In most cases, businesses, rich people, and other government agencies can participate in church ministries but the lack of information about such missions prevent their involvement. Therefore, in a bid to reach all the potential source of income, it is important to draft targeted requests to them outlining the aims of the initiative. Furthermore, with the knowledge that all material needs for accomplishing a Godly mission comes from him, consistent prayer for God to touch the people who have the much-needed finances to offer them for the benefit of the unfortunate homeless communities.

Making Prayer Appointments

Prayer meetings for families and corporates is an essential way of setting up a source of financial support for a ministry. Through the teaching, preaching, and prayers, many people will be willing to offer voluntarily part of their earnings to support the mission. It is likely that through establishing strong prayer networks and holding conferences, pledges and genuine support from the people will come. In the case of Geauga, most members of the community have high incomes except for the few targeted by this ministry. The participation eases the process of changing their perspectives about their environment through preaching so that they can support the underprivileged among them.

The mission will develop a website that recounts the devastating stories of Geauga homeless families that sleep in the cold even in the adverse summer and winter. The site will also accept online donations from corporate agencies and individuals who are willing to participate in the course. Customized messages will be sent to notify the potential sources of funds identified in step three. The messages will contain all the programs that the mission intends to undertake within a given period and the estimated costs involved.

In most cases, donor and philanthropists require a breakdown of the activities to which their donations are put at any one time. The ministry will communicate all its received finances and the particular life-changing activities in which they are used. The straightforward is not only a way of ensuring accountability but also motivating new sources of funds to participate in explicit mission of the church.


Morton, S. (2007). Funding Your Ministry: An In-Depth, Biblical Guide for Successfully Raising Personal Support. Colorado Springs, Colo: Dawson Media

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