Free Essay on Equity Employment Program

Published: 2018-02-24
Free Essay on Equity Employment Program
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Employment Job Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 674 words
6 min read

Equity employment program involves treating employees fairly in the working environment and also requires particular attention in accommodation of differences. This act was established in the Canada to remove the obstacles in the employment of the designated groups. These include people with disabilities, women, Aboriginal people and visible minorities (Dressler & Chintzier, 2016). Gender biases are bound to arise in job selection and recruitments that require more of muscling than skills. An example job that involves loading and offloading cargos in cement industry mostly favor men. Equity employment program provides a provision to recruits women in such situation to less energy requiring positions like taking the stock records of cement. This paper will discuss the importance of equity employment program in the company.

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Equity work program acts as the remedy to discrimination witnessed in the profession and also prevent barriers bound to arise. Job applicants may be denied jobs by race, color, lack of connection or other weird reasons. This denies the qualified people a chance for employment because the criteria of the recruitment are compromised. For example, in the hiring of a competitive post in a banking industry, an Indian candidate who is not equal to the task may be appointed on the basis that chief executive officer is an Indian at the expense of merit criteria. Equity employment program fosters the atmosphere of equity in the employment sector. Apart from having special considerations of the particular group, (people with disabilities, women, Aboriginal people, and visible minorities) other opportunities in the business firm are distributed in merit order. With the spirit of equity treatment job, applicants feel appreciated since the considerations will be based on the performance and experience in contrast to the relationship an applicant has with the seniors. For instance, in the job selection and recruitment in a textile industry only successful candidates that are shortlisted and subjected to a fair interview in the order of merit and not by connections with the seniors.

Equity employment program leads to an effective distribution of resources in the company. When employment barriers are identified and removed employees systematically at all levels within in the company can fairly get access to the resources and remunerations in the enterprise. Employees enjoy the privileges of promotions in order of merits and not along other unprofessional ways. For example, in banking industry sales and marketing employees are paid on commission which is attributed to an employee’s efforts and not by the relationship the with the management. The act helps in elimination of the pay secrecy provisions in the company. In companies, the issue of ghost workers is bound to arise and employees paid differently in the same job group. This put the integrity of the manager and the whole management into a test. However, with the adoption of the act of equality in the firm, such problems can be addressed in an event where it is fully implemented. For instance, in a motor vehicle assembly industry that involves a large number of employees, people in the same rank and experience may be in different salary scale depending on individual’s relationship with the managers.

Moreover, an equal employment program has extended the responsibilities of The employment tribunal's recommendations in the company (Cole et al. 2008). This body help to keep the company in check to ensures all provisions and protection offered to employees are followed to the letter. Since the company is not purely a building but the association of the people, these recommendations are in favor for the employees.

In conclusion, the role of equity employment program can be underrated in the companies. It is evident this act has played a great role in improving the relationship between the employees and the employer as while as improving the working conditions of the worker.


Cole, N. D., Bulmash, J., & Dessler, G. (2008). Human resources management in Canada. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Dessler, G., & Chhinzer, N. (2016). Human resources management in Canada.

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