MBTI and DISC Comparison And Contrast

Published: 2018-03-05
MBTI and DISC Comparison And Contrast
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Career Personality Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 584 words
5 min read

This memo is about my personality it talks abuot my personality profile results in regard to their orientation towards MBTI and DISC. It will give my personality profile results from each assessment, in addition to how correct or incorrect I feel the results are. Apart from that, it will offer similarities as well as differences between MBTI and DISC in regard to my profile results, and how each assessment should be used. Finally it will define how my personality type relates to my chosen business major or future profession addressing how my personality type may contribute to my strengths and weakness in regards to my chosen profession.

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My personality picture results from each assessment, show that my C/D personality blends strength include analytical and efficient as well as Problem solver. My key to sustain balance and excellence in life based on the C/D personality blend include focusing on people and not just on issues, using tactful words, being willing to set aside my task list and being uplifting and friendly. As much as the outcome shows that my motivation is to validate data for practical use I do not agree with this since my motivation is to make a difference in people’s lives.

About my profile results MBTI and DISC have the following similarities; given that I have a concern for accuracy as well as precision this means that am both decisive and sensitive. I was able to solve problems through logical conclusions using a special capacity to get system laws. This compares to MBTI’s intuition and DISC’s conscientious. I found myself having the freedom to ask questions on specific procedures, structures as well as roles. This compares well with DISC’s determined element as well as MBTI’s extroversion. The MBTI evaluation should be used for identifying my preferences for information reception through tangible objects. On The other hand, the DISC assessment should deal with my behavioral responses founded on my emotional reaction to a certain environment.

The DISC model does not support issues concerning how I will look like at the height of my personality. It also does not envisage how my future behavior will be. However, the MBTI model assumes that I will act on my preferences in spite of the circumstances.

My personality type relates to my future profession in a big way. Given that I purpose to become a politician the extrovert element will enable me to be outgoing in search for votes. The fact that am also blended with the attribute of keys to manage, I will be in a position to work with others while softening my edge. This means that I will not be so blunt and forget to appreciate other individuals’ feelings. However I will be telling them to increase their flexibility in case of a change of plans.


The objective of this memo was to discuss my personality profile results in regard to their orientation towards MBTI and DISC. Given my new knowledge of my personality type I will take some actions to address my weaknesses as they relate to my chosen profession. For instance when working under pressure rather than react angrily I will choose to be neat, diplomatic, systematic, analytical and accurate. My aim will be to make my relations with other people fulfilling with a positive experience. I will attain this by being tactful with my words.

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MBTI and DISC Comparison And Contrast. (2018, Mar 05). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/102-mbti-and-disc-comparison-and-contrast?pname=speedypaper.com

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