Essay Example on the Rights of the Elderly to Request Voluntary Euthanasia

Published: 2018-02-25
Essay Example on the Rights of the Elderly to Request Voluntary Euthanasia
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Euthanasia
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 481 words
5 min read


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Voluntary euthanasia can be defined as the practice of ending life in such painless manner. According to Havill, voluntary euthanasia, therefore, means that an individual who is terminally sick, who for one reason feel that their life is not worth living due to; intractable pain, a person who has been actively asking for help in dying, should have an option of requesting for assistance in dying. It is considered to be the human, civilized and moral outcome for majorly the Australia and it is consistent with providing dignity for the terminal patients who needs it. This paper, therefore, will discuss the concept of the rights of the elderly to request voluntary euthanasia by describing the methodologies and the ethical issues that are related to it (Kaczor, 2016).

The research will also provide a comprehensive report on the right of the elderly to request for anesthesia. It will examine both its negative and positive contribution the society. As such there will be conclusion based on the findings of the research. The study will use a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research methods. This is because; one way could not be sufficient to acquire the adequate information regarding the matter. There will be interviews with the families who have experienced this euthanasia. The questionnaire will also be passed to seek public opinion on what they think about euthanasia. The literature review will also be looked at the research to have a look at what other scholars reflect on the matter. In doing this, the research will maintain its ethical consideration. The interview information will be kept confidential. This will be achieved with the use of a consent form which will be signed by both parties (Richards, 2016).

The outcome of the research will give a clear direction the issue of voluntary aesthesia. Voluntary euthanasia has drawn significant debate in the past few years with the neglected seniors suffering from different old age health problems opting for euthanasia to ease their pain and also the financial and emotional pressure on their families. This research will, therefore, identify the contemporary and the future direction of euthanasia as an option for the elderly and people suffering from chronic health conditions. Quantitative and qualitative research methods will, therefore, be effective in establishing the ethical condition and direction on the issue of euthanasia in the contemporary health and ethical society (Lerner & Caplan, 2015).


Havill, J. (2014). Voluntary Euthanasia in New Zealand: The case for support from Christians. Stimulus: The New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought and Practice, 21(1), 12.

Kaczor, C. (2016). Against euthanasia for children: a response to Bovens. Journal of medical ethics, 42(1), 57-58.

Lerner, B. H., & Caplan, A. L. (2015). Euthanasia in Belgium and the Netherlands: on a slippery slope?. JAMA internal medicine, 175(10), 1640-1641.

Richards, N. (2016). Euthanasia and Policy—Choosing When to Die. In Death and Social Policy in Challenging Times (pp. 53-70). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

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Essay Example on the Rights of the Elderly to Request Voluntary Euthanasia. (2018, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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