Student Life and Leadership Essay Sample

Published: 2018-03-06
Student Life and Leadership Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Students Career Motivation
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1082 words
10 min read

Essay Sample #1 - Importance of student leadership for future career

Student leadership is key to one's career in the future. The position plays a significant role towards shaping the student for future career goals. Students access unique opportunities for leadership and learning when they engage in student leadership while at school. Students leadership helps students in their future careers through different ways.

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Student leadership helps build confidence. Majority of the student leaders obtain their votes in their respective positions by their peers. Students tend to gain more confidence when there is recognition by other students within the college. Student leaders tend to gain confidence as they start clubs on-campus, engaging in the orientation of new students and visitors as well as participating in writing the school newspaper. Self-Confidence is one of the critical factors within job environment as employees have to overcome challenging situations and offer solutions to existing problems. To be able to survive within this kind of environment self-confidence is a vital factor for any given employee.

Student leaders are also able to gain a sense of responsibility. Student leaders are not only responsible for themselves, but also towards a wide range of people within the learning environment. Leaders are not only expected to ensure that tasks are done, but also provide that everybody performs to his or her best of abilities. This practice prepares student leaders to be able to manage groups and tasks within their work environment efficiently. These leaders can acquire team management skills earlier which helps them become better team players and managers at their workplace.

Leadership positions help students to develop their communication skills. Today, public speaking plays a critical role. As a student leader, one has to speak with confidence and courage and poise to different groups of people. This practice improves the student's ability to handle the public in the workplace when communicating the organizationn's goals and objectives. Skills of persuasion and diplomacy are critical almost in any career. Student leaders get an opportunity of sharpening this skills at school events, in school's broadcast team as well as in mentoring the freshmen.

Students also gain negotiation skills when they enroll in leadership positions. Majority of students work on collaborative projects that tend to have competing interests. Students leaders are obligated to learn to come up with priorities and compromise when necessary. The leaders can learn negotiations skills at this stage which prepares them for future leadership roles.

Student leaders also gain management skills as they serve within their respective positions. Strong leaders are the kind of leaders who can oversee tasks, make stringent decisions, build consensus and prioritize workloads. Student leaders can practice these skills while they are still at college which gives them an upper hand when they join the labor market. Through the experience at school, they can handle mistakes and prepare themselves to face any future challenge within their work environment.

Student leaders get a chance to hone their problem-solving skills. The student leaders have a lot of obligations to meet including, their leadership positions, family, and personal life. these challenges helps them build their problem-solving abilities as well as multitasking which is critical for future life and job demands.

Essay Sample #2 - Leadership skills and a student’s career in the future

Student leadership is defined as the practice of leadership skills of one student to the other students either in college, high school or the university level. Leadership is a wide phenomenon and can be described as follows; Leadership is the process in which an individual makes influence to others with an aim to make an accomplishment of the set objectives which is directed to the organization and makes it more coherent and cohesive. Leadership can be defined as the quality that is possessed by an individual and that motivated other people to the completion of their set objectives and goals. A leader is an individual who has the ability to attract and motivate commitment of followers and in a certain way, influence and empowers them to achieve the set goals of an organization. Leadership is usually a dynamic process where one person in the group is not solely responsible for the output of the group but seeks commitment and collaboration of all the group members in order to achieve the goals set in a particular context.

According to this discussion, leadership is essential to the molding of a student’s career in the future. Most of the employers and job providers currently need someone who takes the initiative in training others to follow the organization's goals. It is through the student leadership process that one gets the necessary experience and the skills to handle the various situations in the workplace.

Student leadership helps one to gain the following leadership skills which are required in organizations;

Communication – it's only good communication in an organization that can lead to the completion of a task successfully. To obtain information, the leader must/should pay attention and listen carefully to all the members of the organization. Team members should also be given a chance to speak and express their views. While giving information, the leader should explain carefully as the team members listen carefully.

Planning – planning is the most important aspect of leadership management when the leader explores in terms of; objectives and tasks, resources, brainstorming, and alternatives. It helps in the fast reaching of a decision and allows for review of the decision until the best one is made by all the members of the team.

Control of group performance – a team usually works better when all the group members are thinking and working towards the same direction, and for this to happen, someone must be leading the actions. Control is described as a function that members assigned to the leader for successful completion of a task.

Understand needs – the leader should be capable of understanding all the characteristics and needs of each individual member of a group/team. This helps the team leader to view the team member as an individual and learn how he/she can do in order to help the individual to become better in his/her field, and hence this helps to form trust and confidence among the teammates.


According to the discussion, these are the skills which a student leader obtains and must uphold when subjected to an organizational set up which is the career advancement.

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