The Definition of Love, Essay Samples

Published: 2018-03-12
The Definition of Love, Essay Samples
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Psychology Society
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1099 words
10 min read

What's the definition of love

Love is the greatest and the most powerfull force in the universe. Love was the first thing that appeared on our planet. Love is the last thing that will leave our planet.There are a lot of opinions and a great variety of ideas but I will tell you mine. Moreover, love is the most explicit and endless force inside people. It rules the world and history. It rules lifes of all humanity. Can you object me? No you can not. Becouse your existense is the result of love.

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Everyone knows that it is quite difficult to control your passion intentions when you are young. You can not control your thoughts. Despite the fact, young people obtain uncomperable sence of justice. As for me, I have no doubts that a man and a woman do not possess enought lifetime to know the deepness of their hearts, but do people think in such way, when they are young?

For me, the fact of existence of life is a miracle. Miracle of love . My experience shows that the only thustworthy source of love in our world is God. It is exteamly difficult to live your life without knowing that you are loved by someone every moment and every second of your life. Taking this into consideration makes possioble to keep in mind the fact of endless love. Frankly speaking, it's quite funny how strong and clearly humanity understand necessity of remembering this.The bare and wild feeling will not save the vitality. It will kill the very essense, as you know. So what is it all about? For me , the answer is clear. Everyone should remind the follwing , as this is the part of our everyday thinking.

The greatest poets and writers remind us with every page and every world the importance of love. We simply have no rights to decline their striving to inform the world of the limitless feeling.

We have plenty of time and capabilities to resource the limit of our hearts, but nobody can reach the bottom of it. The evidences of this is completely truthfull. Shakespeare provide vivid examples of this in his famous story. He says that death is not the reason to stop love. This is not the reason to stop forgetting heaven. On my mind, history is one more example of the absolute greatness of this feeling. People started large wars becouse of love. Becouse of love they despite the most dangerous things and the most cruel enemies. It is almost impossiable to forget the Troy; beautifull girl and tousands of deaths. You can see that it is obvious. I deeply convinced that love have no limits.

To sum up, I need to say, that the only thing that revives the body of our soul is sacrificial love. So, I completly agree that the greatest feeling in the universe has no boundaries. Do you best and do not miss your chance. Time do have boundaries, as you know.

Definition of love

In the 21st century, the meaning of love is completely different as it was perceived in the 19th century backwards. Love has neither race, color, age nor creed. It is unlimited and unconditional. As was demonstrated in Romeo and Juliet story, love was perceived to be the foundation of happiness with no boundaries.

This can further be demonstrated by the degree of commitment. In my situation as an example, love made me have limitless boundaries. When I was in college, I crossed over to the other side of tribe, which was perceived to be of bad omen in our community beliefs. Love concurred me and all my reasoning was based on love. I sleep thinking of love, walk up thinking of love and even walk thinking of love. This defined to me what a true love was. It took all my appetite for food and replaced it with unconditional thinking of love. I made one conclusion that beliefs can be changed with time and went ahead to her as my confidant.

Religion also asserts that believers should not have non-believers as their confidants. This seems outdated though we cannot re-wright the Holly Book. We have to accept the verse at it is. However, many people just take the verse literary but do not confide by it. People are being control by their self understanding of true love to them.

Muslims nowadays marry christians, hindus also marry muslims and asians. The intermarriages has been highly promoted by people obeying the true self in them of true love. They prefer to go against all believes to have happiness in the one they love. This asserts that love has no boundaries and is controlled by the inner cycle of how you perceive love.

A lady of 87 years recently tied a note with a man of 34 years. This was as a result of true love between them. However, this kind of love mostly do not last because of different tastes and preferences coming with age. Young may may need freedom which he will not get from the woman.

This can further be demonstrated by the degree of commitment. In my situation as an example, love made me have limitless boundaries. When I was in college, I crossed over to the other side of tribe, which was perceived to be of bad omen in our community beliefs. Love concurred me and all my reasoning was based on love. I sleep thinking of love, walk up thinking of love and even walk thinking of love. This defined to me what a true love was. It took all my appetite for food and replaced it with unconditional thinking of love. I made one conclusion that beliefs can be changed with time and went ahead to her as my confidant.

Religion also asserts that believers should not have non-believers as their confidants. This seems outdated though we cannot re-wright the Holly Book. We have to accept the verse at it is. However, many people just take the verse literary but do not confide by it. People are being control by their self understanding of true love to them.

Muslims nowadays marry christians, hindus also marry muslims and asians. The intermarriages has been highly promoted by people obeying the true self in them of true love. They prefer to go against all believes to have happiness in the one they love. This asserts that love has no boundaries and is controlled by the inner cycle of how you perceive love.

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