1980s Events in the American History - Essay Example

Published: 2024-01-01
1980s Events in the American History - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature American history
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 669 words
6 min read


The 1980-1990 decade in American history is quite significant due to the events that happened during the period. It is during this decade Jesse Jackson galvanized black dur to discrimination and racism on African Americans (“History” 10). Additionally, the American economy was going through deep recession with most business bankruptcies reported. Further, during 1980s.

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Crimes of the Heart

“Crimes of the heart” by Beth Henley is a play about three sisters; Meg, Lenny, and Babe who finally come together at old grandfather’s home in Hazlehurst, Mississippi when Babe get to shoot her husband who was abusive. The three sisters grew in a dysfunctional family with a desire for ugly predicaments. With each one of them having endured hardships and misery, past resentments arise and they are forced to deal with assorted relatives and past relationships as well as coping with Babes incidence of shooting the husband. The play has won several awards; the Pulitzer prize foe drama, New York drama critics’ award, and theatre world award during 1981 and 1982 (Pulitzer Prizes 3). The way Granddaddy to Meg, Babe, and Lenny enslave them by making all the decisions and denying them the freedom to choose who to marry and their careers relates to the black American enslavement which is one of the major events that was dominant in the 80s.

A Soldier’s Play

“A soldier’s play” is a drama by Charles Fuller. It uses murder to explore the complicate feelings and resentment that African American have towards each other. The play examines and gauges the causes of oppression of African Americans and the obstacles to their advancement. It presents Sergeant waters who before he is murdered realizes that no matter how much he tries to change to please the whites, they will still hate him for his color (“Encyclopedia.com” 4). In 1981, the play won Pulitzer price for drama, outer critics circle award as the best off-Broadway play, and Drama critics’ circle award for the best American play (Pulitzer Prizes 4). It also relates and points out the practice of racism against African American during the decade.


“Fences” is a 1985 play by August Wilson which explores the evolving African American experience and gauges race relations in the setting. The story covers Troy who struggles to provide for his family at old age. In his younger days he did not secure a slot in the major league baseball because of racism this makes him to deny his son Cory the chance to join the college football scholarship. His son Cory gets enlisted in the military but hold resentment towards his father until he dies (“Spark Notes” 4) The play won Tony awards as the best play, Pulitzer prize as the best drama, theater world award (Pulitzer Prizes 3). The drama and story about Troy’s family illustrates the predicaments of the black American’s during the decade. Further it reflects the financial strains of typical families during the times due to the economic recession experienced by the United States.


Conclusively, plays, “A soldier’s play,” “Fences,” and “Crimes of the heart” clearly document the history of racism which was very rampant during the 1980s decade. During that period African Americans were more likely to be arrested, killed while the whites landed more opportunities more than black Americans (“History” 6). Further they represent slavery in terms of lack of freedom that was very rampant in the 1980s especially to the African Americans and the financial strains in the United States during the deep economic recession.

Work Cited

Encyclopedia.com, A Soldier’s Play by Charles Fuller (1981), 2020,

History, The Black History Milestones, 2020,

Pulitzer Prizes, The 1980 Pulitzer Prizes: Drama, N.d,

Spark Notes, Fences by August Wilson, N.d,

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