2 EBP Resources Influencing the Care Provided to Dementia Patients - Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-30
2 EBP Resources Influencing the Care Provided to Dementia Patients - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Healthcare Disorder Dementia
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 904 words
8 min read

“Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Quality of Life for Individuals with Dementia” Compared to “Evidence-Based Nonpharmacological Practices to Address Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.”

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Both articles discuss how to improve patients’ quality of life. In the first article “Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Quality of Life for Individuals with Dementia” reviewed by Logsdon et al. 2007, the researchers provide the best interventions to make the lives of dementia patients better. Some of the interventions include behavior therapy, progressively stress lowering threshold, and ways of maintaining physical mobility and strength. Similarly, the article, “Evidence-Based Nonpharmacological Practices to Address Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia” reviewed by Scales et al. 2007 provides activities and practices through which the caregiver can offer to the dementia patients for them to have a better life. Some of the practices that will improve the quality of the patients’ life are sensory practices like massage and bright light therapy, psychosocial practices like music and validation therapy, and structured care procedures.

Both articles recommend nonpharmacological care—the interventions and practices approved by the studies to help the body recover naturally. Although treatment of dementia is available for the patients, the two studies analysis on other alternatives treatment or rather the after drugs practices. The two studies show the importance of body wellness in contributing to dementia patients’ recovery. Thus, the authors emphasize the importance of a strong body and a better mood for quick recovery.

The two studies positively impact practice. From both of the studies, the provision of care to dementia patients could be quite challenging. The article by Logsdon et al. 2007 mentions that caregivers found more factors that could improve the lives of dementia patients compared to reviews from the patients. Since it is difficult for the care provision, the two studies make it easy for the caregivers by providing more interventions and practices that could be offered by family members who may not be qualified. Therefore, the results of both studies are an improvement to the caregiving practices. The aspect of practice improvement is one of the reasons why the two articles were outstanding.

Another similarity between the two articles is the socioeconomic, spiritual, and cultural statuses of the practices recommended. The suggested practices and interventions from both studies are social and economic friendly. Through the practices, the patients’ social lives are improved as well as the people near them, and the interventions are affordable and others cost-free. The practices such as music therapy and reminiscence therapy are ways of growing the patients spiritually. Music is said to improve the mood of people, thus transforming them into better versions of themselves. Practices such as bathing, mouth care, and taking care of the environments are ways of improving the patients' cultures. Dementia patients may have forgotten how to do such activities; hence reminding them through action means helping them overcome the disease.


While Logsdon et al. (2007) analyze interventions to deal with general symptoms of dementia patients, Scales et al. (2018) address psychological and behavioral symptoms, Logsdon et al. (2007) do not specify the kind of patients’ symptoms the practices provided should aid. Instead, the study focusses on how to improve the quality of life for the patients in various ways. The research aims at making all patients better no matter what symptoms they show by improving their moods as well as their bodies. On the other hand, Scales et al. (2018) focus on how the patients carry on and their mental health. These factors are also very important to the recovery of the patients and the ability of the caregivers to offer needed care effectively.

The article by Scales et al. (2018) has sounder research compared to Logsdon et at. (, 2007). In the article written by Scales et al. (2018), more specific action is given for the caregivers when offering care to dementia patients. The recommended practices are also specified and listed for a clear understanding of the reader. For instance, some of the sensory practices provided are massage, bright light therapy, aromatherapy, and multi-sensory stimulation. Therefore, it is very easy to learn and practice offered practices.

On the contrary, the Logsdon et al. (2007) study provides unclear interventions. The authors name the interventions in general and also offer examples in general. For instance, while giving interventions for maintaining activities of daily living, the research provides interpersonal interactions and physical environments as their practices. The study does not tell who the patients should interact with; no does it give specific physical environment, making it hard to understand.

Finally, the study by Scales et al. (2018) mention that provided practices is safe, acceptable, effective, and cost-friendly, while the research by Logsdon et al. (2007) leaves that information out. The authors do not claim the practices' safety or effectiveness, thus leaving the reader in a dilemma. This is another reason why I chose the two studies to show their soundness as well as their level of reliability. One EBM guideline recommendation is the appraisal of the validity of both pieces of evidence to pick the most reliable one.


Logsdon, R. G., McCurry, S. M., & Teri, L. (2007). Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Quality of Life for Individuals with Dementia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2585781/

Scales, K., Zimmerman, S., & Miller, S. J. (2018). Evidence-based Nonpharmacological practices to address the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. The Gerontologist, 58(suppl_1), S88-S102. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnx167

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2 EBP Resources Influencing the Care Provided to Dementia Patients - Paper Example. (2023, Dec 30). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/2-ebp-resources-influencing-the-care-provided-to-dementia-patients?pname=speedypaper.com

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