5-Year Professional Plan: Healthcare Goals for Career Growth - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-26
5-Year Professional Plan: Healthcare Goals for Career Growth - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Career Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 580 words
5 min read


It is essential to plan and commit to a future goal at a personal and professional level. It builds discipline and motivation within one-self. My goals as a healthcare professional are outlined below, which I intend to achieve within the next 5 years. They represent my five-year professional plan.

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The future goals include completing my current bachelor of health Science in healthcare delivery degree. Enroll and complete the bachelor of nursing degree and become and Registered Nurse. After that, I want to work as a registered nurse in the nursing field.

Plan for How to Achieve each of the Outcomes

Achieving the positive outcomes for my five-year plans means I have to have enough finances. The plan is to create budgetary estimates for all the necessary expenditures like school fees and seek financing early. I have to talk to family and work out on a financial plan to help me pay school fees on time. To have enough time to achieve each of the outcomes means I have to shelve other life goals, such as getting married early or getting a child. I have to live near the school for both degrees and also volunteer in a hospital whenever I have free time to grow my nursing skills as I study.

Within one year, I want to have completed my healthcare delivery degree. At the end of the second year, I want to have enrolled for a nursing degree. I intend to have completed it by the middle of the fourth year. Towards the end of the fourth year, I plan to have started working as a registered nurse.

Personal Healthcare Philosophy

I believe in a holistic healthcare system that involves using both non-medical and medical interventions to promote good healthcare for individuals. It should be affordable, and no one should be left out by the healthcare system.

5 Year Academic Plan

Five years from now, I want to have grown professionally. I want to complete my bachelor of health science in healthcare delivery. After completing the degree, I wish to enroll for a bachelor of health nursing degree and become a registered nurse. It will enable me to work in the nursing field as a registered nurse with the next five years.

It will mean that I have to ensure that I put my finances in place to ensure that I pay for the nursing degree on time to avoid delays. I will talk to family members to support me financially to ensure I can enroll immediately after completing the current healthcare delivery degree.

Collection of Artifacts to Demonstrate Achievement

After completing my first degree in healthcare delivery and getting the certificate, I will have a photo of me graduating put together on a decorated stone. It will be a reminder of the achievement. Graduation for my second degree in Bachelor of Nursing will be symbolized by animal horns well painted and put in my table room. After becoming a registered nurse, I will have a photo of a world war two nurses framed and put in my table tool next to my picture as a registered nurse. It serves to remind of the sacrifices nurses made during the deadly war. It is the same sacrifice I intend to put in my practice.


Having the goals achieved within the next five years will mark a tremendous personal achievement. It will be the beginning of my self-actualization. Dedication and commitment will help me make the set goals.

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