
Published: 2023-01-06
Type of paper:  Article
Categories:  Sociology Government Disorder
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 593 words
5 min read

The researchers approached the study with the use of questionnaires. teachers in the age bracket of 25 - 50 years filled in the questionnaires (Chitiyo, 2017). There were 188 males and 184 females. They answered the questions on the research topic, where they 3were then analyzed by the technical team chosen by the research team to aid in the study.

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The researchers approached the study with the use of questionnaires. teachers in the age bracket of 25 - 50 years filled in the questionnaires (Chitiyo, 2017). There were 188 males and 184 females. They answered the questions on the research topic, where they 3were then analyzed by the technical team chosen by the research team to aid in the study.


It can therefore be concluded that co-teaching is a contributor to some of the teaching and learning problems experienced by the teachers and students.


It can therefore be concluded that co-teaching is a contributor to some of the teaching and learning problems experienced by the teachers and students.

809625281305Citation: Chitiyo, J. (2017). Challenges to the Use of Co-Teaching by Teachers. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 13(3), 55-66.

00Citation: Chitiyo, J. (2017). Challenges to the Use of Co-Teaching by Teachers. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 13(3), 55-66.


82.78% of the teachers indicated that co-teaching had adverse effects on the educational outcomes of the students and the teaching practices of the teachers, with only 8.2% stating that there are no challenges to the use of co-teaching by teachers (Chitiyo, 2017). Majority of the males and females, 92.18% and 89.11% respectively, also found co-teaching as having adverse effects on their teaching activities.


82.78% of the teachers indicated that co-teaching had adverse effects on the educational outcomes of the students and the teaching practices of the teachers, with only 8.2% stating that there are no challenges to the use of co-teaching by teachers (Chitiyo, 2017). Majority of the males and females, 92.18% and 89.11% respectively, also found co-teaching as having adverse effects on their teaching activities.


The results of the study indicated that co-teaching by teachers has challenges in their activities. They include the encouragement of laxity on the side of one teacher, the need for synchronization of their time tables which can be hard, as well as failure by the teachers to exploit their full potentials. Also, the learners can get confused by the inception of contents from two different teachers, hence adversely affecting their learning outcomes.


The results of the study indicated that co-teaching by teachers has challenges in their activities. They include the encouragement of laxity on the side of one teacher, the need for synchronization of their time tables which can be hard, as well as failure by the teachers to exploit their full potentials. Also, the learners can get confused by the inception of contents from two different teachers, hence adversely affecting their learning outcomes.


Co-teaching refers to the activity in which two teachers work together in the organization, planning, instruction, as well as the assessment of the same group of students who are located in the same classroom. In this regard, there is the sharing of responsibilities by the involved teachers as a result of the existing between them. However, there are some challenges associated with co-teaching, which the study aims to establish.


Co-teaching refers to the activity in which two teachers work together in the organization, planning, instruction, as well as the assessment of the same group of students who are located in the same classroom. In this regard, there is the sharing of responsibilities by the involved teachers as a result of the existing between them. However, there are some challenges associated with co-teaching, which the study aims to establish.

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