A comparison and contrast of the Developed and Developing States

Published: 2019-07-16
A comparison and contrast of the Developed and Developing States
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Culture Students Society
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1215 words
11 min read

Comparison is an act of stating the likeness of things to each other. It is examining the similarity in qualities of two items. It is also a process of looking at the identity of features. By contrast, we mean telling the difference between two items. We can define a developing state as a country where most of the population has less access to primary public services than the majority of the population in first world countries. Most developing countries are found in East Africa, Caribbean, Central America and South America. In a developed country, majority of the population have a high purchasing power. Such a country is also highly industrialized. Majority of developed countries are found in Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and North America.

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Service industries provide actions rather than products. Examples can include nursing, consultancy, tourism and restaurants. Industrial sector refers to companies that do the same type of business. Examples include manufacturing, metalwork, automobile and brewing. These two sectors are part of the three sectors that make up a countrys economy.

The United Nations categorizes states into developed and developing nations. Thus, it is done by analyzing the economic state of these nations. Developed countries have a higher per capita income, gross domestic product and industrialization level. The quality of life is usually better and higher in developed nations. They also have a secure and healthy environment as well as established freedom. The service sector in developed countries contributes more revenues than the industrial sector. In the digital era, developed nations have invested huge sums of money in various sectors of their economies. This coupled with their developed industries guarantees that per capital returns are high. They reap a lot of income and profit from this. Developing nations register higher levels of infant mortality and a lower life expectancy.

Developing countries are usually characterized by high unemployment. Corruption is rampant and funds are mismanaged. There is widespread nepotism and tribalism in the workplace. Resources are available but are underutilized in such a country. In developed countries, employment opportunities are many. There is widespread accountability for those who hold public office and they easily step aside for investigations whenever they are implicated in scandals such as corruption. Public funds are used in a transparent manner and there are fewer cases of corruption. Subsistence farmers are many in developing nations. These differences could be attributed to better living conditions in developed nations whereas most people in developing nations lived in deplorable conditions. This makes substantial differences in their living standards.

Developed countries are characterized by a lower unemployment level. This could be caused by the fact that they are more industrialized, which creates more job opportunities. In developing nations, the unemployment level is high. Economists argue that this could be because most of these developing countries rely heavily on agriculture as the main sector. Unemployment is a main distinctive factor between these nations. Developing countries struggle to fully industrialize and are largely yet to tap into the service sector. Due to overdependence on the industrial sector, per capital income remains low. This difference in sector priorities translates to a huge difference for income.

In Kenya for example, a wheelbarrow was bought for $1,000 each, a pen $85 each and a desktop for $11,000 each. Sex toys were also listed as public assets. They are bought using public funds. Thats just how bad corruption is in Kenya. Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru was forced to resign after being implicated in graft. Kenya Shillings 791 million was stolen from the National Youth Service. She bought a $17,000 television using public funds for her home. It was alleged that she was President Kenyattas lover and that is why she was still holding public office despite the damaging allegations. In a country where access to clean drinking water is a challenge and child malnutrition is high, this state of affairs is too bad.

The quality of life is better and higher in developed nations. Jobs, income, education and housing are easily available. Each country has its natural resources and factors of productions that must be exploited so that growth can be achieved. A good percentage of citizens in both developed and developing nations suffer from one type of unemployment or the other. Unemployment is a big challenge in the 21ST century especially for the youth. Poor development policies, poor implementation strategies, inadequate infrastructure, cultural patterns and low domestic savings are a few reasons why developing nations lag behind. However, the problem is more dire and severe in developing countries. Developing nations may be more reliant on developed nations for their growth. They believe in the need to protect universal human rights.

Developed countries exploit their natural resources. It is very expensive, but they can afford such capital investments. They also utilize their factors of production effectively and efficiently. They are, therefore, able to make many returns. However, developing nations lack the capital to exploit their natural resources. Factors of production are more often misused and inefficiently utilized. Low levels of returns are the result of inefficiency. It is clear that the human development index is better for developed nations. These nations flourish and enjoy good economical performances. They are, therefore, economically superior than developing nations. The states are well established, thus enjoy economic sovereignty. Business and trade thrive in developed nations.

In America, President George W. Bush was given millions by arms manufacturers. Americas billionaires bribe politicians to pass legislation that will tax them less. House majority leader John Boehner gave representatives money from tobacco industries on the floor of the house. American politicians are also bribed to reduce their regulation of the banking industry. Companies bribe politicians not to pass legislation on carbon emissions. Fox News is alleged to have received bribes to broadcast news for the benefit of the billionaires businesses.

As I conclude, no country on earth has 0% corruption, but it is possible to reduce corruption to 5% so that it does not affect our economies. Corruption affects trade by increasing the cost of doing business and it a major cause of inflation. Corruption slows down economic growth and lowers the value of currencies to the U.S. Dollar (inflation). Corruption lowers a countries development index. It lowers living standards of its citizens, access to education, jobs and opportunities. In East Africa, there are many university graduates but fewer job opportunities. The introduction of devolution in Kenya for instance, has created a new problem of corruption in the county governments. Corruption there happens in the national and county governments.

When a country prudently uses its resources, access to health, education and basic amenities is increased. Life expectancy is therefore increased and living standards improved. Tribal and ethnic politics is widespread in Africa. The 100 day long, 1994 Rwanda Genocide led to the death of 70% of the Tutsi population. The 2007 post election violence led to the loss of about 1,500 lives and the displacement of almost 600,000 persons. Politicians should avoid dividing people along tribal and ethnic lines. In America today, racial discrimination against blacks is still rampant. Michael Brown, a teenager was shot by policeman in Ferguson. Brown was killed yet he was unarmed. President Obama had to request the protestors to be patient for justice to prevail. Black protestors had demonstrated on the streets for many days and they fought with police.

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A comparison and contrast of the Developed and Developing States. (2019, Jul 16). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/a-comparison-and-contrast-of-the-developed-and-developing-states?pname=speedypaper.com

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