Paper Example: A Competitive Pay Structure

Published: 2023-05-09
Paper Example: A Competitive Pay Structure
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Human resources Motivation Money Organizational behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 639 words
6 min read

Response to James' Post

I agree with James' opinion that when comparing the use of a pay structure, you have to choose organizations that have common objectives. The goals of the organizations compared should be the same; therefore, his comparison for a pay structure between the United States Air Force and Great Britain is perfect. The role of any country's defense force is to fulfill military responsibilities as well as safeguard the nation's interests. However, despite having similar goals, different countries may pay differently due to various dynamics. The amount of money allocated to the organization depends on the country's financial capability as well as the value and priority of the services offered by the organization. In 2019, for example, the US military was allocated approximately $ 693 billion to finance all its five branches. During the same year, the UK defense expenditure was 40.2 billion British pounds. This converted into dollars would be $49.044 billion, which is far less than what the United States military spent in the same year (Clark, 2019).

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Response to Allison's Post

The equal Pay Act is the perfect guide for determining whether a company's pay structure is fair to the minority as well as women. The Equality Act entitles both men and women in the same employment an equal pay (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2015). It is unethical for a company to pay an employee of any gender less than what the others are getting paid. I, therefore, agree with Allison's opinion that the Equality Act should guide a company's equality pay structure. Companies can prohibit wage discrimination by creating wage discrimination policies. Also, pay structure bias can be avoided by emphasizing on skills and performance rather than on gender or age.

Response to Sherry Taylors' Post

The criteria used by Sherry to determine whether there is discrimination in the pay structure between men and women is the right one. She evaluates the right factors to be considered in determining the amount of resources that one needs to be paid. The factors include the skill level and education of the person, which is a key determinants (Fayyaz, Liu, & Porter, 2016). Women and minorities have the right to be paid an equal amount of wages as women if they have similar skills and education because they work in the same manner and work with men. However, Sherry needs to add the period that the person has worked in the organization in determining whether there is discrimination on women and minorities in payment. The period works to influence the pay structure because of the pay increase that might have occurred over the years and other forms of rewards.

Response to Peter Merritts' Post

I agree with Peter that a well-made pay structure plays a role in motivating employees and production increases the chances of retaining the employee at the organization. The payment structure is a key factor that influences the decisions made by the employees (Fayyaz, Liu, & Porter, 2016). Peter argues that organizations look for the pay structures of organizations near them because they operate in a similar environment. Having a similar payment structure with other organizations where one operates the business helps the organization retain employees that might be looking for greener pastures because the payment is similar in other organizations. The competitiveness of the payment structure determines the kind's quality of employees that organizations have. Organizations need to have a competitive pay structure if they can afford to retain the best employees that are able to offer better services.


Fayyaz, S. K., Liu, X., & Porter, R. J. (2016). Genetic algorithm and regression-based model for analyzing fare payment structure and transit dwell time. Transportation Research Record, 2595(1), 1-10.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2015). Human resource management. Gaining a Competitive.

Clark, D. (2019). UK public expenditure on defense 2000-2019 | Statista. Retrieved 6 April 2020, from

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