Essay Sample on a Contemporary Healthcare Issue

Published: 2023-04-09
Essay Sample on a Contemporary Healthcare Issue
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare policy Financial management Community health Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1193 words
10 min read

Healthcare issues have become issues of public interest catalyzed by various factors that pose significant influence on the public debate on the matter. A contemporary health issue is the current situation in health. Funding and government cuts, hospital care, and elderly care are among the critical aspects of health care. The study discusses how Medicare centers and medical services affect organizations as compared to third-party players. Furthermore, the roles and responsibilities of the financial management and non-financial staff in deciding the health issue. Lastly, the study discusses how rules, standards, and regulations related to health issues affect the financial management of the organization.

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There must be a reward of top-notch healthcare services exercised within a reliable organization for any third party to enjoy optimal health. Factoring in the role of the Medicare centers in ascertaining the state's health, it is beneficial that healthcare institutions and both public and private purchasers observe measures that enable the reduction of illness and disability to boost health among individuals within a country.

Consequently, Medicare centers provide support in numerous ways to ascertain healthy individuals. They ensure there is a provision of acute care services, giving precise education on the health professionals contrary to the third parties. Also, they act as a place for concise research, establishing society's health awareness and epidemic inhibition measures. However, most Medicare centers play a conspicuous significant role of serving as the primary source for specialized care, which requires complicated services; for example, I intensive care units (ICUs).

Furthermore, there are various roles and responsibilities of both financial management and non-financial management in health issues. Previously, there has been an emphasis on Health organization management to take measures that minimize inequality in the health sector. It was clear that financial management is not putting in the required effort to actualize the reduction of health disparities. On the contrary, non-financial management argued that the gap was big and continuing to widen.

Henceforth, the management should emphasize on resolving the problems within the facility and also understand the root cause of the health issue. It is confirmed that the socio and economic problems are the root cause of poor health and are not addressed accordingly (Anon, 2013). The management also offered to finance the awareness of social issues that result in health problems ad encourage health supervisors to advocate for better services and representation of patients.

The management has to focus on availing correct information to the citizens to ensure that the public is not misguided by incorrect reports since some data released by the media may be misleading. The management should cater to websites, Televisions, magazines, and radios to provide factual statements concerning health issues (Triggle, 2010) and inform the people on appropriate measures taken to curb these inequalities and the entire progress on the course of the initiatives put in place.

It is the responsibility of the financial management to manage funds and risks that will enable the organizations to actualize the goals and objectives put in place. The facility will be in the position to avail excellent healthcare services to all the patients when it has a reliable and organized financial management approaches. Financial management evaluates and makes plans on long-term investment decisions, business decisions, financial risk management, contract management, and capital management.

The reliability of the rules and regulations comes rises from the capability of the facility to create and uphold rights, establish permanent institutions, and institutional arrangements, and to impose obligations and penalties. Financial management in health organizations uses a set of rules and various means of regulations to achieve its objectives. Health organizations utilize these rules ad regulations to stay within the required legal framework to maintain accountability within the facility to ensure the efficient and effective performance of the facility.

In the health system, agreements are actualized in the form of contracts to act as evidence for the health services provided. Financial management makes rules to set up the legal framework for transactions in the system, and to uphold the rights of both the patients and health service providers. Also, this legal framework is put in place to prohibit anti-competitive behavior as rules governing health insurance transactions. Also, the financial management ensures that the laws and regulations are observed to maintain the policy objectives that entail the provision of health services, the establishment of safe social platforms, advocates for effective and adequate utilization of available scarce resources, and to compliance with the state's international obligations.

Finally, the management regulates to protect citizens from the entrepreneurial aspects, which may have a significant negative impact on the health system. This will enable the management to recognize and address the shortcomings within the health system. For example, most private providers may initiate the segmentation of markets to concentrated highly profitable sectors, such as individuals with conditions that are easily cured, and individuals with higher wages. In the case of these circumstances, the rules and regulations are necessary to ensure that private providers are diverse with the services they provide and also that there is no exploitation by the providers.

Adverse organization standards have a significant impact on the financial management of the health system. The economic advantage, hospital profitability, working capital, and operating efficiency are critical factors in the quality of health services provided. For instance, profit entities offer high-quality services as compared to public health providers. The same applies to urban hospitals, which are better than rural facilities in terms of services provided. With more exceptional standards, health care can have a high financial management responsibility with an adverse increase in hospital profitability.


It is evident that various issues are facing the health sector in societies and result in inequalities in terms of services provided. Financial management has a broader role in providing concise reports to the citizens on the problems surrounding the situation. The administration should be in a position to confirm to the citizens the originality of any information they receive, whether it is correct or a myth. By doing this will assure the public of reliable and valid information regarding the health issues in the state.

Although assurance is a vital function within the health sector, an organization's health management often puts more effort into ensuring that the citizens can access Medicare services. The results of this report show that the standard of health care determines the profits of the organization. This is as a result of the pursuit of high profits that induce health care to improve both the quantity and quality of services that are availed to the patients. Weak financial strength may lead to a decrease in the quality of healthcare services. It is the best of the organization to monitor the standards of the hospitals.


Anon., 2013. NHS told to do more to 'reduce health inequalities' [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 April 2013].

Triggle, N., 2010. Health gap 'wider than in the Great Depression. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 April 2013].

Health, D. o., 2002. Tracking Health Inequalities; Cross-cutting Review, London; Department of Health.

Harding, S. & Maxwell, R., 1997. 'differences in Medicare Services' in Drever, F, and Whitehead, M (eds) Health Inequalities. London: The Stationery Office.

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