A Day Without Arts Free Essay Sample

Published: 2022-11-08
A Day Without Arts Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Art
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 497 words
5 min read

If there were no dancing, music, or any art, the world would be boring. Everyone would be different because there would be no activities to do. The community would be staring at each other wondering why they are looking at each other. Moreover, since everyone would be idle, people will be aggressive towards each other because their minds are empty. Therefore, if one is at fault, they will magnify the problem for nothing. Regarding art, things that I would love to see include civic institutions like community art organizations, public galleries, and museums because they will give everyone the chance to display their talents. As a result, the community will be lively, creative and colorful.

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Art in the workplace

In most circumstances, beauty in the workplaces is usually underestimated. Art engages the staff because it attracts their attention. Even if there are small increases in the productivity of employees, the company's finances increases because the workers are thriving in optimistic and positive environments. Art also increases efficiency, creativity, and productivity of employees. Based on a study done in the UK by the British Council for offices, they discovered that not only did art inspire the employees to think, but also made them work harder due to the visibility of art in their workstation (Bartel n.d). Therefore, art makes employees take their work more seriously due to the enriched working spaces that are decorated.


An aesthetic is an academic word that refers to a branch of philosophy that covers issues relating to artistic taste and beauty. Art on its own has the power to express emotions and represent the reality of something by appreciating the properties of expression and representation. Aesthetic, in this case, applies to art because it makes someone understand the concept of the two theories. This means that if anyone speaks about understanding art, it means that they believe art has content and someone has to appreciate to feel it's power. The best way to approach this concept is by understanding art as a form of a symbol. In short, the Aesthetic theory makes someone appreciate art regarding its semantic and convention rules.

Role of Art and Performers

The purpose of the artist in societies depends on their personality and the chosen subject. However, to my understanding, artists engage people in a profound and personal way. Artists also make us get more understanding on the historical and human conditions, but more critical, make us have questions in our heads as to whether the reality needs to be changed or remain the same. Artists not only do they reflect on a futuristic world but come up with their imaginations and creativity to put a smile on us. In other words, art makes us see the other side of the happy world, and it's the performers that make us have the strong emotions and connection on what we need to see.


Bartel, M. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.bartelart.com/arted/questions.html

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