A Local Policy That Affects Me - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
A Local Policy That Affects Me - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy Personal experience
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 946 words
8 min read


The local policy that I chose was published in the local newspaper on July 2nd, 2020, and it stated, "New mask requirements take effect at Arlington parks" (Dallas News, 2020). The Dallas Morning News published the policy, and the writer involved was Brayden Garcia. Since the Covid 19 pandemic is global, it has led to different strategies and policies oriented to ensure that people stay healthy. Every person feels concerned with their lives as they actively implemented what the government requests them to do; no individual wishes to die early. Even though the pandemic occurred swiftly, like a nightmare, many people have died alongside many being admitted to ICUs. Family members do not feel secure interacting. Since the start of the pandemic, every individual has been urged to follow the set regulations to keep not only themselves safe, but also their loved ones. The paper focuses on a local policy that affects me.

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Despite the government emphasizing on CDC guidelines such as wearing masks, staying at home, maintaining social distancing, continually washing hands, and covering mouth while coughing, people opted not to keep following the rules anymore. As a result, the rate of deaths and infected personnel started increasing again. People started interacting again. An example is from the strikes that were triggered by the death of George Floyd. It was observable how people did not recognize the importance of observing the CDC guidelines.

The government had to implement other policies to ensure people covered their nose and mouth using masks. The government emphasized the policy of applying a fine totaling to $ 1,000 for every individual found not wearing a mask. The fine-penalty policy was followed by the safety policy of wearing masks to every individual above ten years while visiting recreational parks around Texas. The policy was to remain in place until early August.


The article was written by Brayden Garcia and published by The Dallas Morning News on July 2nd, 2020. The topic of the newspaper emphasized how new mask requirements had taken effect in various recreational parks, especially at Arlington parks (Dallas News, 2020). According to the article, the policy was to remain applicable to swimming pools and parks since it was drafted by the recreational and parks department. It was among the updated safety and health policies at swimming pools and parks.

The coaches, indoor sports officials, and spectators were also expected to wear masks. Active participants such as players were exempt from the policy as they could not wear masks while playing. The non-active participants were also expected to observe social distancing in addition to wearing the masks. Also, the people inside swimming pools were not expected to wear masks. However, those outside the swimming pools were required to wear them. However, if one came from the swimming pool to bask and maintained social distance, they could fail to wear masks.

All pavilion users were expected to wear a mask. For additional information and details regarding pavilion users, the park administration requested them to visit their website (Dallas News, 2020). Even though it is a must for every pavilion user to wear masks, they are some exceptions. Only park rentals whose guest size ranged above 100 were required to wear masks. At dog parks and footpaths, individuals could employ social distancing. Emphasis on the policy was made following the increased number of patients who are positive to covid 19. Finally, the article requested everyone to actively observe the policies to prevent the virus from spreading further.

The issue addressed by the policy affects me due to several aspects. I feel that there are reasons that are not thoroughly looked at. For example, the policy was expected to be observed until early august. It was to be effective until August 3rd. It did not address what would be implemented after that date, despite the mortality rate of the infected patients increasing daily. To my perception, the issue of ensuring that masks are worn should be emphasized until the treatment or vaccination of Covid 19 is attained.

Also, the policy did not address how children, those with less than ten years, would be handled at the parks. Were the children needed to wear masks too? Or were they not allowed to attend to the swimming pools or parks. The government needs to make a policy for them, too, since the virus can infect anyone. They are some of the things that affect me since I have a sibling who loves swimming. I am forced to stay with her at home while the rest of the family members go to parks. Thus, the policy needs to be flexible.


The policy also exempts some individuals, such as active players and those in swimming pools, from wearing masks. It becomes tough to observe social distancing while swimming or playing; hence, the individuals involved can transmit the virus among one another. Through that, the number of infected individuals would increase. Since the policy has the potential of affecting my community, I propose that swimming pools remain closed for the public. Wearing masks should continue being compulsory. The article is neutral since the policy was emphasized by the parks department (Dallas News, 2020). It is unbiased as the need that is addressed was written accurately by writer Brayden. Since the writer did not incorporate his opinions or criticize the policy, the article should be considered neutral. I might influence the policy in the future by applying it since I would have to go to the local recreational park. I would be expected to apply the policy.


"New Mask Requirements Take Effect at Arlington Parks." Dallas News, 2 July 2020, https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2020/07/02/new-mask-requirements-take-effect-at-arlington-parks/#:~:text=The%20parks%20and%20recreation%20department's,3%2C%20according%20to%20the%20city.

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