Paper Example. A Pivotal Year for European Airlines

Published: 2023-08-09
Paper Example. A Pivotal Year for European Airlines
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Problem solving Aviation Airline industry Europe
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 496 words
5 min read

In the past few years, it has been noted that European airlines have run bankrupt since they have run out of investors. The Government also bailed on the airlines, and the investors also could not save them or support them in any way to improve the airline services (Flottau, 2012). Most of the airlines are bankrupt since they do not operate on a sizeable long-haul network, the investors have bailed on the airline, and the Government also does not support them.

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The purpose of implementing these ideas in the European airlines is to increase marketability, profit-making and also prevent the European airlines from going bankrupt, and with good bank records, it will help attract new investors to the airline business (Flottau, 2012).


European airlines should also try to run a long-haul network, which is profitable and connects to the outside European markets. The airlines should also find a way to improve on their services and also try to increase their marketing strategies by inviting new investors. The airline should also improve its relationship with the Government (Flottau, 2012).


European airlines should try to improve business relations with the country and also the investors (Flottau, 2012). The airlines should also improve on the long-haul network since for a business to run big, and it should expand its working ground.


The European airlines should also try to run a long-haul network, which is profitable and connects to the outside European markets, and by doing so, this will help increase their services and also expand the airline business and thus increasing profits (Flottau, 2012). It will also aid in increasing the airline's money sources since it will be dealing with large shipments and also transporting many passengers (Flottau, 2012). The airlines should also find a way to improve their services and also try to increase their marketing strategies. It will aid in attracting new investors who are fond of profit-making companies. When the airline improves the relationship with the Government, the fuel cost and taxation will be reduced and thus will make the business make profits.


The European airlines, by improving their services they will be able to attract new investors who would help run the company and also be able to support the airline company in times of dire need. Then airlines should also expand their business grounds. It will help them usher in more profits and avoid the airline from getting bankrupt since there will be more profits coming in and the Government can also invest in them since they will be aiding in raising the country's economy.


European airlines should change the tactical ways in which they deal with business and how the airline relates to its customers. The airlines should also major on profit-making by increasing their airlines and also shipment on large cargo, to make sure that the business is profitable.


Flottau, J. (2012). 2013: A Pivotal Year for European Airlines. Aviation Week $ Space Technology.

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