A Plan on How to Raise a Child - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-11
A Plan on How to Raise a Child - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport Parenting Child development Books
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1115 words
10 min read


Raising a child is one of the most difficult challenges faced by parents, and when a child is enthusiastic about sports and wants to join one of the athletic sports, the challenges become even more intense. Dan and Jay, in their book “So Your Son Wants to Play in the NHL,” have highlighted some strategies that parents can use to raise their young athletic children. In this analysis, such an approach will be developed into a plan that a parent can use to effectively raise their child, especially children, in athletics. Based on the reading, the following is the plan on how I would raise a child independently without a coach's assistance.

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Concentration on Sport

The child should not concentrate on one sport for a more extended period, like hours. Concentration on one sport for a more extended period makes the child be at risk of injuries. I would encourage the child to participate in diverse physical activities to ensure a change in activities. For instance, after some running hours, the child should do gymnastics (Bylsma & Bylsma, 1998). Repetitive on my one sport can lead to inflammation of the growth plates of the child. A young child needs to engage in sports such as running for a little amount of time. Growth plates in a boy child’s bone do not close entirely until 15 to 17 years. When a young boy is predisposed to very many activities, it increases the susceptibility to injuries because of the joints' inadequate support from his tendons and ligaments. One can develop severe disease if the growth plate has been continuously predisposed to inflammation. Savers disease mainly manifests as pain behind the heels. When a child develops such a condition, he should be put on therapies such as heels lifting, resting, or placing the affected limb on ice.

Nurse Injuries

Parents must also be prepared to nurse injuries incurred by their children if they allow them to participate in sporting activities. As opposed to the adults, children are always not cautious, which means that their probability of getting injured while playing is quite high. As a result, the parents of athletic children must be ready to take care of their children in case of any injury. The fact that sports have their risks does not mean that parents should deny their children the opportunity to be involved in it. The challenges faced in sports is a good avenue for the children to learn through the exposure and challenges. “And we used sports as a means of allowing our children to venture out and learn about live in a controlled, awesome environment” (Bylsma & Bylsma, 1998).

One of the tips I would use to help young athletes succeed is to ensure that they train properly before going to any match. As a coach, it is inappropriate to only focus on winning but to train the players adequately enough to boost their confidence while they are playing. As a parent, Dan and Jay recognize that parents' intensity before and during the game is one of the forces that pushes and motivates the players to do their best. “Two things struck me about the game. One was the intensity of the Rocket coach and parents before and during the game” (Bylsma & Bylsma, 1998). The authors acknowledge that the participation by parents in the games is a key motivator to the players.

Encourage the Child

Another tip I would use to ensure that the players train properly before going to any match is to encourage the child to buy at least two pairs of shoes. The importance of this is that it will help prevent rapid shoe deterioration and loss of the counter shoes, which will, in turn, cause injuries to the legs while carrying out the spotting activities. They should also be aware that when the counter shoe support is worn out, it indicates a need for the shoes to be replaced. Buying two pairs of shoes will reduce the shoe-wearing off because one pair is worn after the other (Bylsma & Bylsma, 1998). The shoe is not worn excessively. Running shoes should not be used as all-purpose shoes. Moving around, using running shoes is quite difficult. A specific shoe should be bought for sport, a shoe that will help improve performance and protect the feet from any injury related to sport. Choosing sports shoes for the child should be done with keenness because not all shoes can be worn in the field (Bylsma & Bylsma, 1998). The correct shoes with a degree of crossover will not be harmful to the child's feet.

I would also commend the successes of the team, no matter how small they are. “One of the key things that motivates young people is when they are made to feel successful and have fun” (Bylsma & Bylsma, 1998). By pointing out to them how they have improved from their previous achievements, it would encourage them and keep striving for more. It is important to note that the players should be celebrated during a competition or a game, but it should be something part of their daily experience – to get motivated.


In conclusion, it is important to conduct a thorough health evaluation before venturing into any athletic, and this should include the medical history and physical examination, which help determine whether a child should participate in athletes or not. Athletic children should have at least two pairs of shoes to help prevent rapid shoe deterioration, loss of the counter shoes, which will cause injuries to the legs while carrying out the spotting activities. Raising a child is one of the most difficult challenges faced by parents, and when a child is enthusiastic about sports and wants to join one of the athletic sports, the challenges become even more intense. I would encourage the child to participate in diverse physical activities to ensure a change in activities. For instance, after some running hours, the child should do gymnastics. Parents must also be prepared to nurse injuries incurred by their children if they allow them to participate in sporting activities. As opposed to the adults, children are always not cautious, which means that their probability of getting injured while playing is quite high. Another tip I would use to ensure that the players train properly before going to any match is to encourage the child to buy at least two pairs of shoes. That will help prevent rapid shoe deterioration and loss of the counter shoes, which will cause injuries to the legs while carrying out the spotting activities.


Bylsma D. & Bylsma M. J. (1998). So Your Son Wants to Play in the NHL.

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