Essay Sample on A Psychologist is the Most Rewarding Occupation

Published: 2023-10-23
Essay Sample on A Psychologist is the Most Rewarding Occupation
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Psychology Job Profession
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 409 words
4 min read

A rewarding occupation is one in which an individual is more passionate and provides a sense of emotional value in addition to the payment one receives depending on the contract of the job. For an occupation to be rewarding, it needs to be satisfactory to an individual allowing an individual to identify their positive impact on the lives of others, for instance, a psychologist (Ikiugu, 2015). An occupation as a psychologist is the most rewarding job you could have. Primarily, a psychologist plays a role in helping better people's health by guiding them toward overcoming stress, trauma, and mental illness.

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Despite the challenges associated with pursuing a psychology occupation, if one is looking for work that will help stimulate their growth by helping people overcome their trouble, being a psychologist is the right call. As a psychologist, in the process of helping an individual tackle personal issues causing trauma, stress, depression, and mental illness, one can identify areas within themselves that require work. Acquiring the ability to identify and diagnose mental conditions in an individual requires years of education and practice for one to qualify. The nature of human beings and hope being the determinant to individuals finding their purpose in life identify the consistent existence of mental issues among people. As such, a psychologist will always attain gratification through personal development and monetary awards through their efforts to help better people's lives. Every field in the workplace requires the presence of a psychologist to ensure the fitness of individuals before commencing work (Ikiugu, 2015). The hardships present in the world while individuals work towards attaining their dreams identifies the dire need for psychologists worldwide.

The current coronavirus pandemic delves up many mental issues in individuals due to traumatic conditions coming up, unemployment, sick family members and friends, the death of individuals close to us, including many present issues. As such, Psychologists help people relieve stress, improve their mental health, diagnose and aid treat mental conditions, plus remind people that there is a better tomorrow. Therefore, being a psychologist is the most awarding occupation since it involves helping people improve their mental condition, overcome addictions, and better their lives.


Ikiugu, M. N., Hoyme, A. K., Mueller, B. A., & Reinke, R. R. (2015). Meaningful occupation clarified: Thoughts about the relationship between meaningful and psychologically rewarding occupations. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 45(1), 47-50;

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Essay Sample on A Psychologist is the Most Rewarding Occupation. (2023, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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