A Short Narrative of My Life - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-26
A Short Narrative of My Life - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination Personal experience American literature Social issue Gender in literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1025 words
9 min read


“A Short Narrative of My Life”, is a short autobiography authored by Samson Occom between 1723- 1792. The narrative revolves around the life of Samson as a Native American boy from a poor background. The autobiography falls under the category of the earliest English language writings during the classical epoch. "A Short Narrative of My Life" centres on the life of Occom and his community. It talks most about his teachings as a reverend under a member of the Indian Society. Occon uses “A Short Narrative of My Life” to depict the life of his people by exploring the themes of inequality, gender and culture. This essay discusses the three themes drawing illustrations from the work of Occon.

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Inequality is a predominant theme depicted in the short autobiography. The writer talks about how the Native Americans were treated with contempt when it came to receiving education, in the labor market and socially. The Indians did not receive education the way the white did because they were poor to afford to school. In his village, Occon did not receive any education. Sometimes, whites could come from London as preachers, and they would teach them some reading and writing. The writer says that every time the preachers came, they would give them a blanket as a present to entice them into going to their school. However, the writer could not get any education until after he was ten years old. In the biography the writer narrates how at some point he would receive less salary compared to other teachers because he was an Indian. The writer accounts that he used to receive 180 pounds working for 12 hours while the others were receiving higher wages. Inequality was very rampant, and the mostly affected were the Indians because they had fewer resources compared to their white counterparts. As a preacher, the writer acknowledges that he had undergone several misfortunes because of his birthright. "I conclude that this great concourse of people have come together to see the execution of justice upon this poor Indian” (Occom 12). In one of his famous stories he preaches about an Indian boy who was severely beaten by his white master just because he was an Indian.

Issues Concerning Gender

The issues concerning gender also come out in Occon’s autobiography as he accounts for the role of women in society. "Our young men will get drunk as soon as they will eat when they are hungry. It is generally esteemed among men, more abominable for women to be drunk than a man... women ought to be more modest than men." (Occom 14). According to the writer, women had an obligation to behave with modesty as they were not supposed to engage in degrading activities such as alcohol consumption. The preacher felt that women were supposed to detach themselves from the influence of alcohol because it was degrading. Women were required to behave in the most modest way possible because if they are drunk, they would be taken advantage of by men. It was shameful for women to use alcohol because it made them responsible in their home because women were supposed to be homemakers by taking care of their husbands and their children.

The theme of culture is also common in the autobiography as the writer talks about the native Indian culture and how it was different from those of the English men. Occon and his people lived in a village where they led a primitive life. This community did not practice agriculture because they depended on hunting and gathering. In the village, the people lived in tents which they erected on grounds to serve as houses. The only animals that these people kept were dogs which were very valuable because they used them for hunting. The people practised no religion as the writer asserts that they were heathens, and so the Christians came to convert them into Christianity. There was no formal education in this land. The whites from London who were Christians came and tried to teach the village children reading and writing, but it was difficult for them as they were used to informal learning. However, as Occon got contact with the outside world, he changed the culture of his village as he introduced new activities. This preacher started ploughing land and planting corn and beans to feed his extended family. He also kept horses, oxen and dogs which he used to cultivate his land. The writer kept cows and fed his neighbours with milk. This, therefore, proves that, because of the contact with the outside world, the culture of these people changed from permittivity to civilization. Occon writes, "I took all opportunities to get something to feed my Family Daily. I Planted my own Corn, Potatoes, and Beans; I used to be out hoeing my corn Sometimes before Sun Rise." (Occom 17).


From the above discussion, it is apparent that gender and inequality are exclusively depicted in the autobiography, a short story of my life. Inequality is a voice that has existed since time immemorial, and it caused untold suffering to those who belonged to inequality is a vice that has existed since time immemorial, and it caused untold suffering to those who belonged to the race that others that were superior. It is the role of society to fight racism and to offer protection to minorities in society and not using it to torment the vulnerable. Culture is diverse, and it does not harm to copy what other people do if their culture would add more value to yours. Occon takes advantage of the white man's culture and imports it to his people who benefit in the long run through the cultivation of land and keeping of animals such as cows which would give them food. Women are the backbones of the society, and there are things that they need to do in moderation, such as alcohol consumption because they need to be sober and depict modesty as role models in families.

Work Cited

Occom, Samson. "A short narrative of my life." The Elders Wrote: An Anthology of Early Prose by North American Indians 1768-1931 (1768): 12-18.

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