A Spiritual God Creating a Physical Universe and the Universal Laws that Determine Our Lives on Earth

Published: 2022-03-09
A Spiritual God Creating a Physical Universe and the Universal Laws that Determine Our Lives on Earth
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Religion God
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1407 words
12 min read

For as long as we have existed, we as mankind have been trying to figure out the source of our being. Civilizations in antiquity created legends explaining their creation according to their environment and, it would seem, the power of their imagination. There were about as many creation accounts as there were autonomous communities. Modern times have narrowed down the accepted accounts of man's source, with the church's creation story at Eden and science's evolution theory being two of the most popular accounts of mankind coming to being on earth. This essay reflects on the plausibility of God, a spiritual entity, creating the earth in its physical state, and also assesses the different forms of Universal Law and their effect on interpersonal relationships.

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According to Whitworth (2007), the earth was created by some form of energy and information that produced an orderly, open-ended universe whose future is determined by individual choices and free will. The most widely accepted nature of God is as an all-powerful being that is not limited to our own definition of ability, time, and energy. Some discrete physics scholars have come up with theories regarding the earth, some of which include theories that the world is a virtual reality that projects events that take place in another universe but on which humans and other earthly beings have no control. Others, however, insist that the future of mankind is predetermined and our lives follow a path on which we have absolutely no control except for our ability to act freely (Bai, 2003).

All these theories do not answer the central question to the puzzle of mankind coming to being, seeing as they do not explain God. Some events, including the formation of the earth, cannot be explained away without involving some source of energy, even though scientists refuse to attribute personality or essence to it. For example, the Big Bang theory suggests that bursts of energy caused the formation of the universe and ultimately brought about life on earth. In the eyes of faith and putting God account, the source of energy could be attributed to God, even if the Big Bang theory fails to answer fundamental questions such as exact means of bursts of energy producing such order as exists on earth. In this way, the argument of God as the source of life on earth wins if the creation story gains more credence as explaining the source of mankind and also passes the assessment tests through the argument for the Big Bang theory and other creation accounts.

Interestingly, scholars agree that matter can come out of non-matter such as intense energy, the energy which is best explained as God in Christianity and other religions that recognize creation as the source for human life on earth. The universe exists under a set of natural laws that are unbreakable by human beings. This suggests that a being of much greater intelligence compared to mankind exists and dictates the lives of human beings on earth, albeit over a scope that does not necessarily restrict free will and action (Bai, 2003). While religion, especially the Bible, have personalized God and given him a masculine nature designed after mankind's own perception of their world, God is not restricted to the sustenance of life as we know it, but acts more as the force that sustains the universe on which our lives play out. Other theories suggest that the process of creation is an ever-continuing activity; with God's providence still exerting a perceptible influence on our physical world without God's being physically present among us.

Whether Christian Religious or Evolutionists, it is an agreed fact that human beings were created with features that place them closer in power and ability to the supreme creator; at least more than other living beings. According to Whitworth (2007), humans seem to hold somewhat the same role over other creations as God has over the earth, being able to use everything around us for our own means, which constitutes creation of systems that can often exist independently. The statute of limitations to this theory of God as the all-able being that created the universe and the earth and everything that humans do on earth or in outer space is restricted to those activities that do not threaten the authority of God as the supreme authority and controller of all things. As the creator of time and space, God is the only one who can transcend them both and act in ways that are way beyond the means of mankind.

The Divine Character of God places him on a pedestal that mankind cannot possibly reach, even with more and more advancements in technology and mastery of the earth and its God-given endowments. This concept of Divine Character, however, is used to explain God in his constant, never-changing state, not to explain the source of life of earth for mankind.

On the issue of universal laws, these are perceived as the boundaries under which human beings exist and within which it would be impossible to exist in the earth as constituted under God's creation account (Yandell, 1999). In some way, universal laws are viewed as human nature because they are so very intrinsic to our being and we cannot possibly escape the influence and limitations of either of the two. Universal laws tend to indicate that human nature is not as voluntary as mankind may have assumed, and if we do not comply to the dictates, then we can only expect to suffer the consequences of being on the wrong side of the law, so to say, only that in this case the laws are universal rather than jurisdictional.

Universal laws are viewed as human beings' way of attributing meaning to their lives and introducing an aspect of fair-play that is sorely lacking in other creations that exist under the dictates of survival for the fittest. While Universal laws do not limit actions of mankind, it is definitely effective in giving people a pause to consider the effects of their actions on their lives and the universe under which these actions are made. For the purposes of this study, we shall examine the four categories of spiritual laws which constitute universal laws. They include the basic laws of life, the laws of creation, the laws of higher awareness, and the laws of higher frequency. The reason why spiritual laws were used is because their subject matter is God and the process of coming to being of man. According to Joanne (n.d.), spirituality is the single most coherent way of studying the earth and mankind's coming to being at creation.

The spiritual laws deal with mankind's day to day living on one hand and the higher existence of God on the other, addressing both the issues that impact on our lives as well as attempting to explain God through the law of creation as the higher being whose awareness we feel at a spiritual, often subconscious level. The universal laws of the spirit dictate that all our actions are a reflection of our inner beings, the part of our nature that is still connected to the creator and the earth on which we live. The state of our psych is the best indicator of our well-being and peace with the universe as it reflects our most innate natures without prejudices associated with living on a jaded earth (Joanne, n.d.). Everything connects to the special relationship between mankind and God, our likeness to God and the special responsibility we have been charged with to advance the process of creation in our own way.

In conclusion, the idea of a spiritual God creating a physical universe is entirely plausible even when applied to non-creationist accounts of the formation of the earth because God is the energy that was there before time and the spark that caused life to form on earth. The special link between mankind and God is manifest in the universal laws that dictate the ways in which mankind interacts with the earth and our relationship with God.


Whitworth, B. (2007). The physical world as a virtual reality. Auckland: Massey University Press

Bai, T. A. (2003). Chapter 14; A New Synthesis. The creative universe and the creating God. Stanford: Stanford University Press

Jin, S. (2006). New essentials of unification thought head-wing thought. Tokyo: Unification Thought Institute

Yandell, K. E. (1999). Philosophy of Religion; A contemporary introduction. London: Routledge Publishers

Joanne, C. (n.d.). The Universal Spiritual Laws. Indiana: Sacred Scribes Books

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