Free Essay. A Travelogue of My Home

Published: 2023-09-10
Free Essay. A Travelogue of My Home
Essay type:  Autobiography essays
Categories:  Inspiration Happiness Personal experience
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 865 words
8 min read

My home is located in Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, GA, directly across the Botanical Gardens Park & Beltline. Before getting to my home, we walk through The Gardens which have iron and concrete pathways that are welcoming, and besides it lies the engineered waterfalls as well as the rose and orchid palaces. With a parking garage offering convenient access to these gardens, Botanical gardens are filled with birds which can be seen chirping and hopping across tree limbs. A visit to the parks makes you get lost in the bliss of one’s creative imagination while noticing the beauty of the skies. This place gives you calm, peace, and tranquillity. The noise made by the birds is unmistakable, especially when the sun is glowing a beautiful gold sovereign with stains on it.

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Once you get enough of the Botanical gardens, we walk through the pathways that will lead you to my home’s gate, which is an impressive wrought iron affair spiked at the top. The gate opens electronically from inside our house. The fence next to the gate has some curled in convoluted patterns which spiders have made a home by creating webs there, an indication that it is not taken good care of.

However, there are some neglected areas such as the fence in the home, one thing that will blow your mind is the swimming pool which is very pleasing to the eye. The pool has aesthetic features, including decorative tiles with very smart landscaping. The pool fits the environment that it is in without seeming like it is cramped and crowding out other backyard features. It is shaped like a chunky L letter with the far end section hosting the diving Broadstone look at it in the sunny summer weather makes you long to dive in and relax there.

As you make your way past the swimming pool using the backdoor, you will see an elegant and formal living room with very lovely Italian furniture and attached to it, is our family dining room. The dining table is made of rustic wood that reminds one of the beauties of nature. The rustic wood has a shiny finishing which gives it the room the elegance. Adjacent to the dining area is a kitchen which my mother has furnished with various kitchen appliances. The blue paint in the kitchen area gives a warm feeling and, on the walls, we have various food paintings. The warm kitchen feeling represents the hearty food prepared there. The house has translucent curtains which run throughout the house, and the rest of the rooms are painted in a white tint which brings in the required brightness as well as airiness.

My home is shared with four more members besides me. My caring mother, my hardworking father, and two mischievous siblings who you will find running through the house most of the time. Their laughter as they play together makes the house filled with a warmth which you will notice the minute you enter.

Next to our kitchen is a long corridor which branches into several rooms including five bedrooms, two bathroom and two toilets. The long corridor has a flowery runner from end to end, just like the ones used in churches. In one far end corner, a big round mirror has been placed for use, and besides it, there are two vases with rose flowers in them. The décor of the corridor enhances the corridor’s appearance in a significant way.

Next to one bathroom, is a front door that directs us to the balcony and then outside. In the balcony, there are some herbs planted in several planters, and the smell of mint leaves fills the balcony. The scent is fresh, crisp, and embracing. The other herbs also give very aromatic, distinct and strong scents, and the scents will always make you want to sit down and drink a cup of tea while enjoying the fragrant smell.

Next, we get outside once again, whereby a pavement leads us to the gate. On the sides of the footpaths are two beautiful gardens, one with flowers and the other one with vegetables. The flower garden is a sight to behold. It is almost weed-free, healthy, and it is filled with beautiful flowers with delightful smells and the wind tinkling waft through the summer air. The mix of fragrance is brought alive by the nature sounds, and the colors enhance it, even more, a sight only Mother Nature herself would create. The vegetable garden, on the other hand, is small, elaborate and attractive. The vegetables are fresh as if they get watered every hour. Besides the vegetable garden, there is a portion of grass and a coffee table where my father enjoys the setting of the sun.

The grass always has a bluish tinge that I associate with sea sides, very coarse, tough and different from the tame grass found in the suburban yards. It has a wild look, free and is untamed. A painter would easily sit with an easel attempting to do it justice. It makes an impression of my memory because of its wild look. Walking down the pavement, we get to the gate and right outside my home.

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