A Woman President - Free Essay on Feminism

Published: 2017-08-14
A Woman President - Free Essay on Feminism
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Female United States Feminism
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1192 words
10 min read


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Feminist movements have been around for more than two centuries now. Their effect, as we know today, has been the increasing recognition of the woman as being equal to the man (Rosen, 2013). Currently, women occupy similar positions as men in academia, science, politics, and the corporate world. However, it is right to say that the movements have not yet seen the full light of the day. It has not been possible for a woman in the US to ascend into the position of the presidency, partly due to the domination of men in the society. The recent attempt by Hillary Clinton to fill the vacancy was defeated by the efforts coordinated by her overly male chauvinistic opponent Donald Trump. I feel that a woman president is not idea. As long as she embodies the qualities outlined in the constitution, a woman president can function equally well as a man, and America should be ready to vote in a woman president in the future.


In 2016, America elected its 45th president into the office. There has never been a woman president ruling the country since its independence. In fact, the entry of women into politics is a fairly recent phenomenon. Before 1920, women in the United States were not even allowed to vote in the national elections (Dudden, 2014). The position of the woman in the society was confined to the kitchen and other domestic errands. However, many years of active feminism advocacy have yielded the fruits that women enjoy today. In 2016, Hillary Clinton attempted to break the glass barriers and contest for the highest political post in the country. This dream did not dawn to her and many other women and women advocates who wished for her victory. The incident was an implicit gist that the US was still not ready for a female president. Clintons defeat was a drawback to womens political emancipation that Elizabeth Stanton started in 1848 (Wellman, 2010). Since there are women leaders who have shown extraordinary leadership in other political posts, a woman president can stabilize the economy, secure the nation, and establish good working relations with the rest of the world.

Han (2007) leads a discourse on the readiness of the country for a Madam President. He says that the 2006-2007 popular culture memes and Hollywood presentation pointed to the possibility of having a female president in the near future. In 2007, there were many indicators that the Democratic Party would sponsor a female candidate for the presidential elections in 2008. This ambition did not dawn since the party opted for Obama instead of Clinton. Perhaps the party members needed a candidate who was formidable to face the opposition and clinch the seat for the party. The notion that a woman candidate will automatically lose for a male counterpart is probably the major reason why women presidential candidates do not make it past the primaries. Han (2007) continues to say that the only qualifications that the constitution requires in presidential candidate do not hinder any woman from running for presidency. He, however, adds that some personal attributes like the party preference, popularity, support base, and funding determine whether a woman would win the presidential elections or not. Nonetheless, a woman can have both constitutional and personal attributes that place her in the line of victory even when competing with male candidates.

A 2006 study by Falk and Kenski reported that many people who would not vote for a woman based on sexism would do so if the woman candidate had strong party support and stood better chances of victory compared to her opponent. This study concludes that the American electorate has gradually moved past gender biasness to political performance when scrutinizing candidates for the post of the President. The study points to an important finding; that a woman president is possible as long as they get full party support and possesses the appropriate characteristics that befit a US president. A woman presidential candidate with more desirable characteristic than a male opponent is likely to win the elections regardless of the gender. There are many factors that make a woman president more preferable than a male president in the White House.

The biological nature of women makes them better leaders especially in a world where intolerance is the backbone of contemporary politics. Women are relatively more open to ideas from diverse sources as compared to their male counterparts. The central position of the US in international politics calls for a leader who is tolerant to different views and opinions. It requires a leader who is keen to listen to the counsel given by the intelligence units. The office of the president requires a person who advocates for equal rights of minority groups, women included. An old adage goes that empowering a woman is tantamount to empowering the whole society. In this light, a woman president will ensure that all sectors of the economy are strengthened to improve the wellbeing of all Americans and maintain the status of the nation in the global map.

The Declaration of Independence clearly states that a woman president is as equally good as a male one. The Declaration, which forms the basis of the American Dream, allows women to participate in the elective process and become leaders, since they have inherent leadership abilities in them. Further, the American Dream promises equal opportunities for all Americans regardless of their gender. Voting a woman as the president would signify the ultimate maturity of the American democracy. It would symbolize the embracement of the God-given ability of women to lead the people and make progressive decisions for the government and the country. America is ready for a female president. However, prospective women presidential candidates should brace themselves for the tough journey ahead of them. Since their male counterparts are likely to explore their smallest weaknesses to score points, they should set their record straight from the start and avoid any action that may diminish their chances of winning the elections. Most importantly, men should throw their weight behind women as the world becomes a better place for women.

In conclusion, the rising of a woman into the presidency will mark the turning point of modern feminist movements. There is growing evidence that sexism does not play a part when it comes to the election of a woman into the presidency. Personal and political traits like party preference and funds-sourcing capability determine whether women will make it in the political arena. Still, the man is a very crucial determinant of the success of women in politics.


Dudden, F. E. (2014). Fighting chance: the struggle over woman suffrage and black suffrage in Reconstruction America. Oxford University Press.

Falk, E., & Kenski, K. (2006). Sexism versus partisanship: A new look at the question of whether America is ready for a woman president. Sex Roles, 54(7-8), 413-428.

Han, L. C., & Heldman, C. (Eds.). (2007). Rethinking Madam President: Are We Ready for a Woman in the White House?. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Rosen, R. (2013). The world split open: How the modern women's movement changed America. Tantor eBooks.

Wellman, J. (2010). The Road to Seneca Falls: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the First Woman's Rights Convention. University of Illinois Press.

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