A World of Understanding: Exploring the Humanities and Ourselves - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
A World of Understanding: Exploring the Humanities and Ourselves - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Society
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 918 words
8 min read

Humanities is a vast subject field that aims at understanding and improving an individual experience. Humanities are essential in life since they deal with basic life questions. Through humanities, individuals can learn more about religion, philosophy, cultures, art, among many other aspects. In learning these aspects, we can broaden our thinking and behaviors; hence I am the humanities.

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The continuous research on human experiences adds more knowledge to an individual about the world. Through various works of humanities scholars, we learn more about the different cultural values, how artwork and history are made. The scholar's efforts help us acknowledge the great past achievements and enable us to understand various aspects of the world and allow us to imagine the future (Benneworth, Gulbrandsen, & Hazelkorn, 2016). Knowledge in humanities offers an ideal basis for understanding the different human experiences. When undertaking philosophical investigations on humanities, individuals can think about the ethical questions in life. Through humanities, an individual can learn a different language other than his origin language. This learning helps the person appreciate the diversity of different cultures. The various arts and sculptures in humanities make an individual reflect on how the artist's creativity was affected by his life.

Humanities enable an individual to think both critically and creatively through reasoning and asking questions. This is because the skills and knowledge gained from humanities give on insight and understanding into various things such as politics, poetry, paintings, and business models. These works have been of great importance in the education of liberal art since they were first used to educate citizens of ancient Greek. Reading different books from different parts of the world makes one think about the different meanings of democracy. History enables an individual to comprehend past events and, at the same time, helps in imagining the future.

Humanities skills an individual with valuable social skills. The different skills possessed by the humanities students and scholars are not only exclusive to their course works but also the general social skills. Some of the skills are research, data analysis, and data presentation in a written format. These skills can be developed across a wide range of fields. However, the different humanities scholars differ in the context and the application ways of the skills. The focus in the human aspects in humanities is the primary tool that makes the scholars more valuable. Various humanities skills such as ethical awareness, sociability, and empathy are essential and irreplaceable by the developments in technology. With society evolution, humanities scholars can fill different gaps which are irreplaceable by technology.

Humanities enable on to see and interpret the world in different perspectives and understanding the different facts. An individual can visualize the world as big, complicated, and nuanced. The study of humanities enables one to understand another world aspect and perspective, even if the individual does not fully agree with the view. The individual is given liberty to reason without emotions and come to a sound conclusion. Humanities enable us to empathize with people despite disagreements and challenges an individual's own beliefs (Hazelkorn, 2015). Individuals can apply logic in their thinking, which helps them in coming up with decisions. The logic helps in convincing people or maintaining their own opinions.

With humanities in place, liberal art is taking over the digital world. The developments in the world are now calling for fewer employees with hard skills since computers are undertaking most of the technical jobs. With this being the case, the world is currently in need of people who can transfer their knowledge and information into a human context. In the current world, technology alone is not sufficient, but instead, it should be combined with liberal arts and humanities. These combinations lead to great achievements in different fields. Individuals with high exposure to humanities are linked with high emotional intelligence levels and empathy.

The study of humanities helps in strengthening an individual's communication and teamwork abilities. The materials studied in humanities and the study methods enable people to learn how to work with others in different environments effectively and how to properly communicate via the written and the unwritten forms of communication (Hazelkorn, 2015). These skills give humanities students and scholars an upper hand in clear communication of their ideas compared to other students who find it difficult to express themselves. Over the years, the skills have been of benefit to the students since they help them in securing jobs, promotions, and receiving rewards at workplaces.

Ignoring humanities and the different works is a call for failure. Humanity is a study of the factors that makes us human and gives insights into our history and values and the different ways we choose to live. Ignoring these aspects leads to human failure since this results in chaos, misguided opinions, and driving a wedge into reason. Humanities enable us to understand how to make the correct choices about the past and the future. As such, humanities will always continue to be an essential part of everyone’s life and leads to meaningful achievements and impacts. Hence I am humanities.


Benneworth, P., Gulbrandsen, M., & Hazelkorn, E. (2016). The impact and future of arts and humanities research. Springer.

Hazelkorn, E. (2015). Making an impact: New directions for arts and humanities research. Arts and humanities in higher education, 14(1), 25-44.

Reale, E., Avramov, D., Canhial, K., Donovan, C., Flecha, R., Holm, P., ... & Primeri, E. (2018). A review of literature on evaluating the scientific, social and political impact of social sciences and humanities research. Research Evaluation, 27(4), 298-308.

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