Accounting Report Essay Sample

Published: 2017-12-04
Accounting Report Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Accounting
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 372 words
4 min read
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Receivables150 000
Inventory 150 000
To record the sale of inventory
Cash165 000
Receivables 165 000
To record cash collections
Allowance for bad debt30 000 R
Receivables 30 000R
To record sale of inventory
As this is highly likely to be a bad debt, it will be reversed when the customer honours their obligation
Bad debt15 000
Receivables 15 000
To record bad debts not recoverable
Allowance for bad debts25 000 R
Receivables 25 000R
To record doubtful debts
This transaction will be reversed when the customer pays
Inventory140 000
Payables 140 000
To record purchase of inventory on account
Payables100 000
Cash/bank 100 000
To record payment to account payables
Dividends payable2 000
Retained earnings 2 000
To record dividends declared and paid
Retained earnings20 000
Dividend payable 20 000
To record dividends declared
Wages28 000
Cash/bank 18 000
To Record Payment of wages

Accounting assignment

Trial Balance for year ended dec 2017
Bank127 000,00
Accounts receivable175 000,00
Allowance for doubtful acconts 55 000,00
Prepaid expenses and deposits6 000,00
Automobiles40 000,00
Accumulated depreciation 16 000,00
Equipment140 000,00
Accumulated amortization 98 000,00
Inventory116 500,00
Computer hardware16 500,00
Accrued amortization 5 500,00
Accounts payable 55 000,00
Accrued liabilities
Longterm debt 250 000,00
Capital stock 100,00
Retained earnings 27 000,00
Dividends 40 000,00
General revenue 1 545 000,00
Interest income 3 400,00
Cost of goods sold1 000 000,00
Supplies25 000,00
Subcontracting75 000,00
Equipment rentals5 000,00
Small tool purchases10 000,00
Wages295 000,00
Accounting and legal8 000,00
Insurance36 000,00
Bad debts20 000,00
2 095 000,002 095 000,00

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Accounting Report Essay Sample. (2017, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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