Free Essay Sample. Achieving a Positive Culture Shift

Published: 2023-08-10
Free Essay Sample. Achieving a Positive Culture Shift
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  University Culture Technology Hospitality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 715 words
6 min read

Newcastle University has achieved ISO 14001, an international standard that specifies requirements for an effective management System (EMS) (Newcastle University, 2019). This standard provides a framework that an organization can follow instead of creating requirements of environmental performance. The university's path to achieving this standard had been difficult. It has taken a long time to change how the institution's departments manage cases of legislative requirements to meet and maintain its 14001 accreditation (Newcastle University, 2019). It is worth noting that the university's accommodation and hospitality service is still a problem in attaining this standard because of the organization's structure and processes. As such, it is imperative for the department to release its management of assets to a dedicated team so the institution can achieve its legislative needs appropriately.

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By accomplishing a culture shift within its management, Newcastle University can completely comply with 14001 standards. Therefore, this research aims to achieve a positive culture shift in relation to new technological processes within the accommodation and hospitality unit of the Newcastle University estate support service. The study primarily relates to change management and the implementation of new methods with the application of the Technological Acceptance Theory to explore some of the reasons for both engagement and reluctance to change. In particular, the study will focus on how technological processes impact changes in the university's culture to enable the organization to comply with the ISO 14001 standards and maintain its reputation within the Russell Group with its 14001 accreditation.

Research Question

How can Newcastle University achieve a Positive Culture Shift in Relation to New Technological Processes within Accommodation and Hospitality?

Which technological processes can help the university achieve a positive culture shift?

Research Plan

Learning Activities

This study aims to explain the circumstances to which the Newcastle University Estate achieves a positive culture shift in relation to new technological processes within the accommodation and hospitality unit. To address the chosen area of development, it is significant to learn about the Newcastle University Estate Support service and how the institution achieved the ISO 14000. It is also essential to learn about the Environmental Management systems (EMS) of the institution. Research shows that the Newcastle University Environmental environment and Energy Management systems provide a framework for the institution to monitor and reduce its environmental impacts.

According to the university's website, the certification by ISO140001 requires the institution to set periodic objectives, mirroring its commitment to constant improvement in environmental performance. Each objective has targets that assist the university to monitor progress toward integrating sustainability in everyday operations and services. The university has combined its environmental management system with its energy management system and approach that has not only allowed the institution to conform with the ISO 14001 standards but also to move towards integrating sustainability in all the organization’s activities, including procurement and project design(Delmas & Montes-Sancho, 2011).

Secondly, it is crucial to learn about the Newcastle University Environmental Sustainability policy. According to To & Lee(2014), the institution’s environmental sustainability details its commitment to improving environmental performance an approach that is a central part of the University's EMS, certified ISO 14001. The application of EMS by Newcastle University Has been broadly developed both on the theoretical and operational levels. A study by Delmas & Montes-Sancho (2011) shows that improvements often highlight waste management, especially an increase in separated waste collections instead of a decrease in production. Other necessary improvements registered among local authorities emphasize on the use of resources and better environmental development in the university. Testa et al. (2014) outlined that public administrations registered among local authorities are interested in the use of resources and better environmental conditions in the institution.


Delmas, M. A., & Montes-Sancho, M. J. (2011). An institutional perspective on the diffusion of international management system standards: The case of the environmental management standard ISO 14001. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21 (1), 103-132. Retrieved from

Newcastle University. (2019). Retrieved 2020, from

Testa, F., Rizzi, F., Daddi, T., Gusmerotti, N. M., Frey, M., & Iraldo, F. (2014). EMAS and ISO 14001: The differences in effectively improving environmental performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 68 (1), 165-173.Retrieved from

To, W. M., & Lee, P. K. (2014). Diffusion of ISO 14001 environmental management system: Global, regional, and country-level analyses. Journal of Cleaner Production, 66 (1), 489-498. Retrieved from

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Free Essay Sample. Achieving a Positive Culture Shift. (2023, Aug 10). Retrieved from

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