Essay Sample: Action Taken on John's Class Fighting Behaviour

Published: 2022-03-31
Essay Sample: Action Taken on John's Class Fighting Behaviour
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Psychology
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1852 words
16 min read

The reason for writing this letter is to explain to you as John's parents the action taken upon realizing that John often hits other students during math class. I have taken an ABC record on his behaviour and came up with the following. In the letter, l will explain to John the expectation for his behaviour. I will also explain to John why boundaries and goals should be in place for his behaviour. Besides l have identified and recorded boundaries and behavioural goals that will help to support John's positive behaviour and describe the importance of modelling and promoting positive behaviour for John. I will start by introducing you to the ABC behaviour record.

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An ABC record is a specific type of anecdotal record. In this type of a record, the observer chooses a targeted situation or behaviour. After selecting behaviour, the observer then records the Antecedents, the Behavior and the Consequences. The Antecedents is whatever happened before while the Consequences is whatever came after. During this time, a sampling of events is put in the record by the observer in the occurrence of the targeted behaviour, which is done using a specific format to arrange the information. The ABC event sampling tool is used to record the causes and consequences of negative behaviour. On the other hand, ABC behaviour can also be used to document pro-social Behavior and observation about positive behaviour.

An antecedent is an incident that leads to the occurrence of the behaviour. It is what takes place before the right before the behaviour happens. An internal child state can be used to act as an antecedent, for instance, feeling hungry or pain from a headache. Behaviour is what a child does. Most behavioural intervention focuses on measurable and observable behaviour which are external, although, there can be internal behaviour. The outcome is whatever that follows immediately as a result of behaviour. The consequences can increase the possibility of a behaviour occurrence once more. Alternatively, the consequence can reduce the possibility of a behaviour occurrence and even comprise zero cause on the future happening of the behaviour. Antecedents help us to modify and understand behaviour. Analyzing the antecedent and consequences is crucial. It also helps us in the prediction of the environment and situation that the behaviour will occur. In the class example, students would be given more assignment during math class; this would make math more reinforcing and therefore strengthen the behaviour of student participation in math class. The antecedent, in this case, was whatever took place before John started hitting Joel. The math class was going on, and I praised Joel for active participation in the class. The behaviour happened in the classroom. The behaviour occurred because John was feeling unhappy about praising Joel yet John himself hates math class. The behaviour occurred on June 19th at 11.30 am. Other students were concentrating when the behaviour begins.

While it is essential to look at the form of behaviour and the antecedent, the focus of this paper analyzes the consequences of data gathered. Besides, it is essential to evaluate a portion of the form of data collection when selecting responses that can decrease or increase the behaviour. For example, if problem behaviour is deemed to be increased by attention, then it is vital to educate the individual to use attention for positive behaviours. If avoiding math class seemed to be a consistent behaviour of John in the consequences section, then it is essential for me as the teacher to either change the way of praising the students or teachers the student who hates math class like John the importance of learning math. My response should focus on strengthening the desired behaviour, for instance, focusing on John to be active during math class and promoting the use of replacement behaviour, for instance, giving John more math homework so that he can start liking math. Eventually, I can decrease the problem behaviour by praising every student in the class. It is essential to develop an assessment plan with an effective program for tracking John's progress. ABC data collection form, in this case, was used to record the behaviour incident of John hitting Joel. By documenting the behavioural information about John beating Joel, helped me as the etcher to identify effective strategies to reduce John's behaviour occurrence. The target behaviour, in this case, is John hitting Joel.

Explaining to John expectation of his behaviour

John has become very controversial during math class. He has a developed behaviour of hitting another student who is actively participating in math class. The antecedent event that led John to start hitting one of the students was when I praised that student for his active participation in the math class. The fact that I praised the other student and not John makes him hit his fellow student in my presence as a teacher to catch my attention. Upon recording ABC on targeted behaviour which is John hits Joel. I have analysed the data and came up with a well-organised expectation for John's behaviour. I expect John to be doing mat revision both at school and home. The revision will help him to develop positive behaviour about math and become active during math class lesson. On the other hand, l have decided to praise all the student in the class setting to make John feel that he can solve a difficult math problem. Conversely, these goals will help John to stop his habit of avoiding math class.

Supporting John to manage his behaviour can make him improve his positive behaviour. Both teachers and parents must apply active participation methods to engage children in creative activities that will reduce the boredom and frustration. It is the duty of each adult responsible for supporting these children to realise the benefit of positive behaviours to them. When these children perform excellently in class, they should get a reward as a way of recognising their well-doing. Whenever child behaviour has been considered unacceptable, they should be supported to understand the reason. The children should also get supported so that they become able to understand the consequences of their behaviours. It is also important for a teacher to report any concern to appropriate people like the parents to seek additional assistance when it becomes difficult to promote a child's behaviour. When communicating with these children about their behaviours, it is important to consider their age, level of development and their abilities. Caregivers should always ensure that their expectations are age appropriate. Keeping in mind that children develop differently, their developmental milestone provides a guide for things that children are expected to do. It's important to do research and keep in mind the age of your child and different behaviours that they display and examine whether your expectations are realistic. For instance, asking a four-year-old child to sit in class for three hours is unrealistic. At the same time asking a four-year-old girl to go and play whenever he feels tired is sensible. Besides, it is essential to work with the child in a way that they can understand the reason why there are needs to set positive goals and boundaries for their positive behaviour. Children need limits at any age, and their parents, teachers or caregivers should create those boundaries. Going to school always calls for a diverse and unique set of boundaries than at home. All these expectations should be communicated well to the children.

Explaining to john why goals and boundaries must be set for his behaviour

John should realise that these goals and boundaries have are meant change his bad behaviour of hitting another student. I have considered behaviour plan such as praising every student in math class, giving John more math homework assignment to make him active during math class. Also, these behaviour plan goals are designed to provide a positive consequence for John's behaviour based on the targeted behaviour of John hitting the other student. More importantly, these goals will support John's positive behaviour change if you as the parents observe him to ensure that he loves math and appreciate the advantages of active participation in the class setting. Each parent must use their actions and behaviour to model best practice to promote a child's positive behaviour. Children must be taught to ensure that their behaviours and actions comply with the boundaries and goals agreed. Each parent or teacher must be able to encourage the children to apply agreed boundaries and goals consistently. For instance, John should be encouraged to participate in math class consistently to change his previous behaviour. When child behaviour does not meet the goals, they should get constructive feedback to motivate them. Parents and teachers should also work hand in hand to ensure that their behaviour is relevant whenever dealing with the children's. Alternatively, it is essential to ensure that implementing boundaries and goals contributes to the emotional, cognitive, social and physical well being of the child. Finally, it is vital to complete ABC records and reports on implementing boundaries and goals by work setting and legal requirements.

Identified and recorded behavioural goals and boundaries to support John's positive behaviour

John started hitting his fellow student at the time I was teaching a math lesson. I reacted to the situation by sending John outside because even the other student turned to look and that made Joel feel hurt. John went ahead and avoided the math class. After giving John more home assignment, l expects him to come back in math club and behave by being active like another student. All students will follow the same set goals, and if John continues with his negative behaviour, I might increase punishment on him because my main focus is to prevent John's bad behaviour. From the start, John should learn about appropriate behaviour during math class. I will be more than ready to praise John for his positive behaviour. Parents can set a clear boundary for their children through being clear about what is not allowed and what is allowed. Conversely, a parent can help their children to behave well by giving them lots of praises when they do good things such as participating actively in math class. By praising the children, you will make them feel good and build their confidence. If the children feel good about themselves, they will always want to perform well in class so that they can please their parents.

As a parent, you should always try to tell them straight away about what the praise is for and be specific. For instance, the parent can tell his child that he has been participating actively in class and finally thank the child. Parents can also reward their children good behaviour in the school by taking them for a treat. Every time a child performs well in a class, the parent should give her a star; this will make them feel a real sense of achievement whenever they get what they need. It is normal for these children to test boundaries. Testing boundaries is a way of learning what is acceptable or what is unacceptable. Begging is one of the children strate...

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