Actual Outcomes/Evaluation

Published: 2022-12-16
Actual Outcomes/Evaluation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Research Analysis Law Medicine
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 590 words
5 min read

The evaluation of the program is measurable, observable, and specific. It aims at bringing to record the progress achieved toward preventing nursing students from dropping out of the program. As the program is an outcome-based evaluation, indicators used include attitudes, individual behaviors, and the rates of participation. Attempting to establish the students' attitudes towards nursing as a course and also towards the intervention of the program gives more insights on its effects. What the participating students think of the course and how they handle its pressure after four months is an indication of the performance of the mentoring program.

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Participation rates and individual behaviors are closely related. Participation rates indicate the willingness of the students to be under the mentoring program. The higher the rates, the greater the possibilities of success. The individual behaviors of the students who are part of the program and those who do not differ significantly. Participating students acquire skills and knowledge to enable them to maneuver the stress and pressures of the course. They become less anxious and report better performances and decreased dropout cases. These indicators speak to the positive effects of the program during its evaluation.

The responses on the questionnaires and weekly test scores are used to determine how the students view the program and its effects on their studies. Better scores mean the program is successful. The participating vocational nurses are a source of inspiration to the novice students. They give them hope and are role models they look up to. This, coupled with the interactions with the mentor and other faculty members promotes their efficiency. The use of experienced licensed nurses deems the program economical. The students do not need extra training as they are already equipped with hands-on skills and knowledge. Also, it is inexpensive to acquire a mentor for the students.

The change project improved the retention rate of students taking the nursing course. Compared to previous sessions, more students remained in school after exposure to the mentoring program. The program benefits all the stakeholders involved. As more students remain in school, the mentors improve their leadership skills and knowledge, and the vocational nurses better their clinical skills. These benefits translate into improved healthcare. Patients and associate satisfaction, better clinical outcomes, and improved access to healthcare to name a few.

As can be deduced from the evaluation of the change project above, the mentoring program significantly reduced the number of students failing to complete their nursing course. Their participation rates and change in attitudes and individual behaviors are clear indicators of the program's success. Better clinical outcomes realized as students acquire hands-on skills that consequently improve the quality of care including risk reduction and injury prevention. The project was a much-needed intervention in the nursing profession. As both novice students and vocational nurses are mentored, their attitudes towards the profession are changed. The program makes better nurses. Future research could be focused on why some students still drop out even after exposure to the mentoring program.

Some valuable lessons from the project include the fact that notions and perceptions are hindrances to success sometimes. The belief that nursing is a complicated cause added to the anxiety, stress, and pressure the students experienced. After going through the mentoring program, they came out changed. The successful project integration into the school system and its resulting impacts stand out. Challenges encountered in its implementation included choosing an appropriate mentor, acquiring participants, and retaining them in the program. Future research should be done in different regions for a diverse and informed conclusion.

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Actual Outcomes/Evaluation. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from

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