Essay Sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Media

Published: 2023-12-27
Essay Sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Media
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social media Social media marketing
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1141 words
10 min read

Study Zone can reach large audiences while using social media because millions of people use social media daily. 73% of the adults are already using YouTube, 68% using Facebook, 35% using Instagram, and 29% using Pinterest (Appel et al., 2020). The adults are the majority of the users of such social media platforms. It serves a great opportunity for the Study Zone to sell its services. Social media will as well serve as a leader in finding more potential customers. Social media serves as a great opportunity for the company to reach the locals by targeting the customers within a certain radius, which can be done by developing social ads.

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Advertising the services through Instagram will help Study Zone in directly connecting with the clients because of the higher percentage of users. The social media platform will help the company understand who is interested in the services because they decide to follow their Instagram account. By getting to know the clients better, the company will understand how they can deliver high-quality coffee (Husain et al., 2016). That will be done by making coffee that is personalized to the clients` interest hence serving as more encouragement to visit its page.

Gaining a more Instagram following will help Study Zone in understanding how they can offer better customer services. That is mainly because the social media platform offers a direct connection with the clients hence providing the company with an opportunity of resolving issues in a much easier way. That will eventually make the company build its brand in a much more positive light through the process (Gholston et al., 2016). Advertising the products through YouTube will help Study Zone in gaining valuable insights about their clients. That is by checking some of the clients that usually interact with their posts and how they do so hence adapting the strategy by making it better for their followers.

YouTube offers a better opportunity of Study Zone to connect with some of the interesting leads, which serves as an exposure of their brand. Through that exposure, it helps in building the company's brand. Posting the services that the company offers for free in all social media platforms helps Study Zone in building brand recognition repeatedly with their audience, resulting in the brand loyalty from their clients (Alobaidi, 2018). Social media will help the clients gain more familiarity with the services offered by Study Zone, resulting in t more conversions since most people tend to use the brands they know well. The Study Zone brand can also be built through the numerous sharing of information that usually takes place in social media, especially Facebook. That means that the potential clients who usually use such social media platforms share the information with their friends and families hence exposing the brand to more people. That acts as a better way of gaining new leads hence helping the company reach new leads that they would not have managed to reach through other means.

Study Zone would have already developed its website; using social media will greatly drive traffic towards their business website. That is mainly because of the chances provided by most of the social media platforms of posting content accompanied by the link to their websites (Alobaidi, 2018). When Study Zone creates their compelling content on Facebook, they can encourage the audience to click on the link they would have included in their post. That link acts as a form of directing the clients towards the company's website to have a better opportunity to learn more about the business and the services being provided. Study Zone should therefore use that opportunity to offer other marketing efforts because of more clients' attraction towards their page.

On the contrary, as much as social media has its advantages, it is also accompanied by some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that the clients can use social media to provide their negative feedbacks. Although the customers can use social media to post what they love about the company, they can use that opportunity to post some of the experiences they did not love. If a customer had poor experiences with its services, social media, especially Facebook, serves as a better platform for sharing their poor experiences with others (Juha, 2019). Like in the case of Facebook, a client may leave a negative review on the company's page. Once other clients are checking out the company's services, they definitely would look for the reviews and eventually see the negative feedback. In other social media platforms like Twitter, the clients can tag Study Zone in their posts and share their negative experiences. Other people can retweet such negative experiences and spread it through other social media platforms.

Social media may serve as a means of opening up the potential for embarrassment. That is mainly because of the speed at which posts go viral in social media, and customers always keep an eye on such negative posts. Suppose Study Zone fails to be careful about the content they post on social media. In that case, they might embarrass themselves, resulting in some awkward situations (Juha, 2019). Therefore, it will be important for Study Zone to conduct their research first before posting any content on social media. That will play a great role in the adaptation process of their content to prevent the company from any form of embarrassment.

Another disadvantage of social media is that it will force the Study Zone to be patient while waiting to see the results. When the company is investing in marketing strategies, especially through the creation of videos to post on YouTube, they will be expecting immediate results. The company will always be eager to see that their strategy is working and the investment is worth the time. The company will have to be patient and wait for some weeks as they start seeing the results, which will direct the company on the adjustments they should make towards their campaign.


Alobaidi, E. (2018). Outline of the advantages and disadvantages of social media. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 8(4), 4-11.

Appel, G., Grewal, L., Hadi, R., & Stephen, A. T. (2020). The future of social media in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(1), 79-95.

Gholston, K., Kuofie, M., & Hakim, A. C. (2016). Social Media for Marketing by Small Businesses. Journal of Marketing & Management, 7(1).

Husain, S., Ghufran, A., & Chaubey, D. S. (2016). The relevance of social media in marketing and advertising. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 3(7), 21-28.

Juha, J. J. (2019). Social Media Marketing for the Growth of an Organization in the 21st Century. Global Journal of Management And Business Research.

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