Free Essay about Advocacy Strategies by Nurse Leaders

Published: 2022-07-15
Free Essay about Advocacy Strategies by Nurse Leaders
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing leadership
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 548 words
5 min read

Nurses have long been recognized as change advocates for the common good of society. A nurse leader can thus play a significant role in advocating for change in the workplace both for the benefit of patients and the nursing staff working under them. According to Holfmeyer (2016), advocacy refers entails actively supporting a particular cause through the effective use of methods aimed at influencing the choice, actions, and views of organizations, communities, and individuals. It also involves speaking out for, protecting, and supporting the interests of vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals in the society who cannot directly exert their rights (Zolnierek, 2012). Workplace advocacy thus involves fighting and speaking out for change in the workplace and can be achieved using various strategies.

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As a nurse leader, one of the advocacy strategies that I can use to create change in the workplace is problem-solving. According to Tomajan (2012), to bring about change, nurse leaders must identify the problems within their organizations that need to be addressed and the come up with a plan of action for addressing the issue. For instance, nurse leaders can use their problem-solving skills in bringing about change in the workplace by finding innovative solutions to the problem such as workplace violence and patient falls thus promoting a safe working environment (Zolnierek, 2012).

Another advocacy strategy that a nurse leader can apply in bringing about change in the workplace is communication. To bring about change in the workplace, a nurse leader must bring groups and individuals together by clearly and concisely communicating a message of change (Tomajan, 2012). For, it is only by creating awareness among those being led about the existence of a problem that they will be able to see the need to do something to change it. Through communication, a nurse leader can also propose the solutions and seek the views of others.

Furthermore, a nurse leader can use collaboration and influence as strategies to bring changes to the workplace. Collaboration means establishing meaningful partnerships with others so as to get the necessary support while influence entails swaying or altering other people's actions, beliefs, or thoughts (Tomajan, 2012). Collaboration ensures the participation of everyone in the change process while influence not only convinces decision makers by making a case for change but also builds trust, credibility, and competence which are necessary if the change agenda is to be accomplished. Also, empowering and networking with others can help bring about change in the workplace. For example, using these strategies, a nurse leader can bring about diversity in the workplace by persuading others to see its value to the healthcare organization and the healthcare system as a whole.

To surmise, nurses engage in advocacy to influence change for the common good, both inside and outside their workplaces. To change the workplace, nurse leaders can use strategies such as collaboration, communication, influence, and problem-solving.


Holfmeyer, A. (2016). Influence through advocacy: Raising awareness, advancing change. Reflections on Nurse Leadership. Retrieved from

Tomajan, K., (2012). Advocating for nurses and nursing" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(1). Retrieved from

Zolnierek, C. (2012). Speak to be heard: Effective nurse advocacy. American Nurse Today, 7 (10). Retrieved from nurse-advocacy/

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