Affordable Care Act. Essay Example

Published: 2023-01-20
Affordable Care Act. Essay Example
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Literature review Healthcare policy Community health Barack Obama
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 843 words
8 min read

The comprehensive healthcare reform law established on the march of 2010 popularly known as Obamacare is a policy that focuses on three objectives. These objectives include making healthcare affordable through insurance. It also focused on expanding the Medicaid program to cover all adults with low incomes. Affordable Act care policy also supports new innovative means through which medical care can be provided at low costs. This act is fundamental since it focused on improving access to health care and insurance, mainly for poor people who are below the federal poverty line.

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Rubin, E., (2011). The Affordable Care Act, the constitutional meaning of statutes, and the emerging doctrine of positive constitutional rights. Wm. & Mary L. Rev., 53, 1639.

Edward Rubin analyzed how statutes such as the affordable care act interpret the Constitution by focusing on the protection of rights, especially for the needy members of society. This source is critical because it explains in detail how our government plays a role in ensuring that they fulfill the purpose of the Constitution through a declaration of positive rights. Just like other acts previously passed, Rubin explains how genuine statutes such as the affordable care act (2010) have continuously faced criticism, especially from politicians.

This research is relevant to my paper because it explains the need for affordable healthcare policy by stating its purposes in upholding liberty, equality, and stable government as stipulated in the Constitution. It also states the positive rights that will be sustained through implementing this act, making this source very essential in researching on this policy.

Jost, T. S., (2011). The real constitutional problem with the Affordable Care Act. Journal of health politics, policy, and law.

Our constitution creates a system in which the different powers in government are able to check on the government policies such as affordable care. Their analysis of the affordable care act dwells on how the legislature and the judiciary perform their duties of checking and balancing. The authors agree that the legislature and the judiciary reviewed the affordable healthcare policy to meet the constitutional requirements.

This article is essential to my research on affordable healthcare policy because it outlines the various checks and balances that it faced before being enacted. Its further dwells on whether this acts law is constitutional this which will be beneficial in reaching on how best affordable healthcare can be implemented without judicial restraints and other existing laws.

Fowler, E. F., Baum, L. M., Barry, C. L., Niederdeppe, J., & Gollust, S. E. (2017). Media messages and perceptions of the Affordable Care Act during the early phase of implementation. Journal of health politics, policy, and law, 42(1), 167-195.

Erika Franklin Fowler and other authors conducted an extensive on the influence of media message on the affordable care act since its implementation. They di this by merging data from previous media messages that sought to shape public view about a particular enacted law. the research found out that insurance advertisements and other messages have little influence on the public on a matter such affordable healthcare act. They also found that political messages during elections on this act are shaped by many factors such as party affiliation.

This research is vital in my research on this policy because it explains media's impact on public perceptions about acts such as affordable healthcare. Through their analysis of the different sources, they provide valuable conclusions about how this policy has been shaped by the media election and public policy since its inception in 2010.

Blendon, R. J., & Benson, J. M. (2014). Voters and the Affordable Care Act in the 2014 election. New England Journal of Medicine, 371(20), e31.

Analyzing of the 2014 election indicates the changing perception among voters with regard to universal healthcare. Voters during election elect an individual based on their stance on the Affordable care act. Furthermore, public surveys indicate that people are more skeptical about the federal government's ability to implement policies on healthcare. This research provides a picture of how voter influence the election process to choose leaders they think will represent their interests in Congress.

This article is essential to my research because it talks about how voters can shape differed t policies through the election of individuals who support their views. It also talks about how the policies have influenced their lives, and they feel the federal government has performed its duties. Information from this research is vital in drafting my research on the Affordable care act because of the various statistics about voter views during elections.


Blendon, R. J., & Benson, J. M. (2014). Voters and the Affordable Care Act in the 2014 election. New England Journal of Medicine, 371(20), e31.

Fowler, E. F., Baum, L. M., Barry, C. L., Niederdeppe, J., & Gollust, S. E. (2017). Media messages and perceptions of the Affordable Care Act during the early phase of implementation. Journal of health politics, policy, and law, 42(1), 167-195.

Jost, T. S., (2011). The real constitutional problem with the Affordable Care Act. Journal of health politics, policy, and law.

Rubin, E., (2011). The Affordable Care Act, the constitutional meaning of statutes, and the emerging doctrine of positive constitutional rights. Wm. & Mary L. Rev., 53, 1639.

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