Essay Example on Alcohol Syndrome Disorder Speech Outline

Published: 2023-10-09
Essay Example on Alcohol Syndrome Disorder Speech Outline
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Case study Personality disorder Substance abuse
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 474 words
4 min read

Introduction: Initiate the section with a quote about alcoholism and alcohol abuse (Barrientos, 2019). Additionally, give a brief overview of the alcoholic syndrome disorder so the audience may relate to the topic (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). The last part of the introduction should have a thesis statement, which is the original idea behind your speech.

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Body: Four brief paragraphs will be sufficient for the allocated time.

Paragraph One: Causes. Provide an overall analysis of the causes and how it affects others, particularly fetuses, and babies (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018). Includes statistics from reliable sources about the number of pregnant women in alcohol abuse, and the number of babies it can potentially affect (CDC, 2020). You can state an overview of the proposed preventative measures.

Paragraph Two: Symptoms. Introduce the paragraph with the severity of the condition, and indicate whether the effect varies among the children (NHS Choices, 2019). State the various signs and symptoms that the affected infant may display when suffering the condition.

  • Physical Defects
  • Brain and Central Nervous System Issues
  • Social and Behavioral Problems (NHS Choices, 2019)

Paragraph Three: This section will offer details of when an individual should visit a Physician based on whether one is an alcohol addict, or has a child displaying some of the signs discussed above ‌(National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA.], 2019).

Paragraph Four: Provide a detailed review of the causes, risk factors, and associated complications (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). The causes can include a detailed analysis of how consumption of alcohol by a pregnant person may lead to the condition (NIAAA., 2019). The risk factors will cover the percentage of consumption and the pregnancy stages when the condition will most likely increase. The complications will include the indicators Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) being one of the main complications (Mayo Clinic, n.d.).

Conclusion: At this point, the audience will be eager to know how the problem can be avoided. But, initiate the paragraph with your thesis statement and a brief overview of the discussion to refresh the audience's mind. Offer the various preventative measures available, while stating the withdrawal symptoms.


Barrientos, S. (2019, January 24). 13 Quotes About Alcohol to Help Inspire Balance. Good Housekeeping; Good Housekeeping.

CDC. (2020, July 6). Data & Statistics. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC. (2018, September 27). Basics about FASDs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Fetal alcohol syndrome - Symptoms and causes. Choices. (2019). Foetal alcohol syndrome.

NIAAA. (2019, June 26) Fetal Alcohol Exposure. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).‌

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Essay Example on Alcohol Syndrome Disorder Speech Outline. (2023, Oct 09). Retrieved from

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