Free Essay: All University Students in UAE Should Perform One Semester of Community Service

Published: 2022-03-11
Free Essay: All University Students in UAE Should Perform One Semester of Community Service
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Community
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1766 words
15 min read

The focus of this essay is on the topic, 'All university students in the UAE should be required to perform one semester community service". For decades, student in colleges and Universities have been learning about both importance of corporate social responsibilities in the society. To the students, community service one way of giving back to the society that supported them during their studies. By nature, community service is a voluntary activity where students participate in the community service without pay. Majority of the students who participated in the community services understands the importance of the activity and therefore there participation is within their will. However, the push to make community service compulsory in the society is one way of making the activity weak and to loss its nature. Community service is important because it helps the Emirati students to develop in their careers, develop social awareness and to align their careers to the visions of the government. There are worries that community service may loss its meaning if it is made compulsory. For example, if the students do not have positive attitudes towards community service, they will not benefit from the activity. The forced community service makes the students does not benefit the society because the students will provide poor quality services.

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Despite the negative consequences that result from making the community service compulsory, many advantages will accrue to the Emirati students and government. Compulsory community service, enhance career development for all the students. Students participating in community service become socially aware. Gallant et al., 2010 asserts that Community service makes the student realize what is expected of them and all that the government is attempting to achieve. Through their participation in community service, the students acquaint themselves social issues in the society. Leveson, $ Joiner, 2014, said that community service is important because it enhances vision and citizenship among the students. In their research, Leveson, and Joiner said that Community service helps students learn about their environment, appreciate the provisions of nature. Community service provides an opportunity for students to learn about the visions of the government and become better citizens. It is clear that not all students are willing to volunteer in the community service. As a result, it is important for the government to make it compulsory for all the students to participate. The compulsory community service, will allow all the students to copy from the professionals they meet in the community. Participating in the community service provides the students with opportunities for mentorship programs. According to the research by higher college technology 2018, community service helps the students to integrate their course with community service. When the students participate in the community service, their profession, becomes a reality.

Community service has psychological benefit and therefore the government should make it compulsory. Coe et al., 2015, hold that life is more enjoyable for students when they engage in community service. Often, individual feel good after helping others attain their dreams and the providing service to the community to which they belong. Involving the students in community service throughout the college life help them develop positive attitudes towards the environment. Research by Allison et al., 2015 confirms that helping those in need is one of the sources of a sense of belonging. The student feels part of the community and therefore feels proud after discharging services to the community. Participating in community service makes students encounter various challenges. However, when the students overcome the said challenges they feel part of the entire community.

Community service has psychological benefit to the student. Students endure stress and are at risk of depression because of the work load in the learnng environment. Slack et al., 2015 confirms that Participating in corporate social responsibility provides an opportunity for students to enjoy the serene environment in the locality. As a result, working natural environment relief the students of classroom stress. The learning environment stresses the students because they are restricted in one location. However, participating community service involves moving from one place to another and therefore the students enjoy the serene environment as they work in various locations within their community. Community service also is a source of motivation to the participants because they bond with the community. According to Tai & Chuang, 2014 community service help students gain acceptance in the society. The society employs the student after their graduation from college. The society is more likely to accept a student that engage in corporate social responsibility to work in their midst because they perceive as responsible people. During the service delivery, students have a good time with the members of the community to discuss issues facing the community and during the discussion, boding takes place.

A compulsory community service ensures that all the student benefit from the activity. Student participating in the community service engage and interact with members of the community. During the entire process where the students discharge services in the community, the student learns issues facing the local people. As a result, the students engage in both social and economic issues facing their society. The student, therefore, begins to participate in providing solutions to issues facing the community and attempt to provide possible solutions to the problems (O'Grady, C. R. (Ed.). 2014). It is important to make community service compulsory because it teaches students values of being responsible. Gallant, Smile, & Arai (2010) held that, responsibility is learned and therefore community service provides a chance for students to learn how to become responsible people. Responsibility is a value that students must learn and therefore the participation in community service is a step that prepares students for major tasks in the future. Compulsory community service further enhances social awareness. Often, Class activities detach students from reality. However, making community service mandatory helps students learn beneficial social issues such as religion, culture, and community development. Through community service, the society understands that education adds value to the students. As a result, the community accepts the students to serve the community. Community service prepares the students for major tasks in the workplace. The government should therefore, make community service mandatory to ensure that the entire college student participates in anticipation of the major tasks (Lai, et al., 2015). It is important to realize that community service makes the community value education after they bond with the students. According to Jasmine Al Kuttab (25 October 2016), community service brings diverse student together. Students meet to collect garbage educate public or participate in economic empowerment benefit themselves professionally. For example, during the community service students discuss the relevance of their careers and values that result from education. A compulsory community service ensures that students meet and shares ideas regarding their professionalism

Community service has cognitive benefit to the students. Cognitive development is long life process. As a result, community adds the student's experience that is reflected in their curriculum vitae. Working with new people while performing new tasks makes the participants more experienced. It is essential that student participation in community service learn new things and to gain new experience from friends and the community (Lai et al., 2015). Additionally, community service helps the students get new experience as they met with new people and acquiring new skills. Student's participants in the community service also develops interpersonal communication skills after their active participation in the community service. Communication skill is important for students. It helps them express ideas and their needs in the society. Community service provides an avenue for students to interact with professionals and members of the society hence developing interpersonal communication. The students should learn to use their leisure time to provide free service to the community. The government should force all the students to participate in the corporate social responsibility so that they learn how to use their leisure time profitably (Gallant, K., Smale, & Arai, 2010). Besides, it is clear that community service trigger a sense of belonging among the students. Lai et al., 2015 asserts that Taking part in the community service helps the students develops a sense of belonging. For example, student participating in conserving the environment, they feel part of the environment and the community. As a result, they will feel important and pride in their belonging in the physical environment.

However, forced community service has negative consequences because it hinders its nature. The attitudes of the students determine the quality of service they will offer in the end. However, making community service compulsory for the campus students makes the activity more of a fine. The schools and the community that the students grow determine how much they are willing to volunteer for the community service. It is apparent that the community is set to benefit the most when the students get an opportunity to volunteer (Jasmine Al Kuttab 25 October 2016). It is prudent for the government to consider the quality of service provided before making the service compulsory. Though making community service compulsory ensures that all students participate, it makes the activity a punishment. Forcing students to participate in the community renders them to obtain less benefit from the activity. Protecting the attitudes of the student towards community service is one way of improving the quality of the service. The government of UAE made community Service and avenue to punish law offenders in the society. As a result, making it mandatory for university student undertake community service renders the activity a punishment.

Ideally, people in the past volunteered to provide services to the community with aim of improving their curriculum vitae. The fact that the government has used community service as a form of punishment to the law offenders has ruined the authenticity of the noble activity. Community service should remain a voluntary activity. The students need to perceive community service as one way of giving back to the society. If college students volunteer to serve the community in a period of three months, they will provide quality service and learn a lot from the members of the society. (Suleiman & Thomas, 2017) Community service fails to trigger community development when it is mandatory. In the past, community service helped student developed professional skills. Forcing students to undertake community service makes the entire activity lack meaningful development.

The purpose of community service is to make the student bond with members of the community; it was an opportunity for students to develop professional skills and a chance for students to develop a sense of belonging. For this reason, community service is an important and the need to retain it a volunteer activity. The society supported the students morally, socially and economically during the study time. Community service, therefore, should provide an opportunity for students to give back to the communit...

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