Altruism Exists: Abigail Marsh's Argument - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-16
Altruism Exists: Abigail Marsh's Argument - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Moral development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 593 words
5 min read


The concept of altruism is debatable, as expressed in the videos. While some argue that altruism does not exist, Abigail Marsh states that she is a witness of the extreme acts of selflessness and kindness, which she considers as a clear indication that the concept of altruism exists (Marsh, 2016). According to Marsh (2016), the concept of altruism is the exact opposite of the psychopathic concept, which for decades, has not experienced any disputes or conflicting ends whatsoever. Like Marsh and Macfarquhar, I believe the concept of altruism exists, although in varying measures as expressed by different individuals. Typically, while most, if not all, individuals fail to understand the importance of the concept of altruism, it is a profound trait that comes in handy to those in their hour of need, and cannot be termed as a destructive attribute to the self-sacrificing individuals (Macfaraquhar, 2017). For instance, Marsh starts by acknowledging the selfless act of the stranger who saved her life when she was only 19 years old.

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Concept of Altruism

From the videos, I agree that the concept of altruism exists and that individuals who demonstrate a selfless act of kindness have distinctive characteristics, as Marsh highlights (Marsh, 2016). On the other hand, I am afraid I have to disagree that one would be inclined to sacrifice themselves to service delivery, including acts of selflessness to strangers at the expense of the people they know and have close relationships with. In other words, I believe charity begins at home, and one cannot offer that which they fail to offer to their loved ones and relatives. Normally, people are selfish by nature, considering that they give less and wish to receive more by default (Macfaraquhar, 2017). Besides, humans are selfish since they seem to value themselves more than they value others, an aspect that deprives them of their kindness and willingness to help others, including strangers.

While the concept of altruism remains debatable, I believe it is morally right since it is defined and driven by an individual’s willingness to extend their compassion and care to others by acknowledging that we are all equal and no one deser4ves to suffer when the other person can offer a helping hand. Important to note, a selfish person can be moral in the sense that while they cannot give tangible objects, they can demonstrate and adhere to the basic attributes of humanity (Macfaraquhar, 2017). Essentially, the difference between a selfish person and a self-interested person is the fact that a selfish person does not give, but a self-interested person tends to focus more on themselves than others.


The primary difference between acting prudently and acting morally is that morals outline what one ought to and not to do, while prudence serves as an element that safeguards the purpose of acting morally. Ideally, there is a difference between sacrificing for a loved one and a stranger in the sense that there is the willingness to sacrifice for a loved one than there is for a stranger. In other words, people commit to serving and sacrificing those they have developed profound circles than strangers. As such, sacrificing for a stranger becomes more altruistic than sacrificing for a loved one. Finally, the bystander’s effect and altruism relate in the sense that being in the midst of others influences a person’s assumption of personal responsibility to help (Brown, 2015).


Brown, K. (2015). The bystander effect is complicated -- here's why [Video]. YouTube.

Macfaraquhar, L. (2017). Understanding extreme altruism [Video]. YouTube.

Marsh, A. (2016). Why some people are more altruistic than others [Video]. YouTube.

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Altruism Exists: Abigail Marsh's Argument - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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