Paper Example on American Society and the American Indian

Published: 2023-10-27
Paper Example on American Society and the American Indian
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Stereotypes Community Conflict resolution American culture
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 667 words
6 min read

Dan Snyder is an American-based businessman who owns the Washington Football Team of the National Football League and Snyder Communications founder. This unit is about the controversies of Dan Snyder from FedEx, Nike, and high-profile companies' stakeholders and investors who are pushing for the rebranding of the Team's name for him to continue using the FedEx stadium. Many people in the United States have applauded the move saying that the Redskins logo is like an insult to the American Nation; hence some companies have resorted to pulling down the teams' merchandise from their stores.

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According to Taylor, (2015), the move has caused both positive and negative reactions from stereotypes Nationwide where some people who are in support of Dan Snyder claim that the symbol is meant to depict respect to the Americans as it focuses on courage, bravery, and promotes skills and not to cause harm to anyone. Therefore, Redskin logo portrays some dignity, strength, and greatness of the people just like other team logos, which are widely appreciated and embraced in the world of football.

On the other hand, a section of people also argues that Redskins name is to portray the process of misbehavior through supremacy and racism, which are not associated with sports activities (Delaney & Madigan2015). This has led to protests claiming that the Redskin logo symbolizes a redskin, which is a sign of racial and ethnic discrimination, thereby hindering the Team's promotion. Following the public uproar about the Redskins team logo, some Native American groups and some scholars did a survey and found out that most people are contented with the symbol and urge that the name should remain as it is. (Taylor, 2015). The varying level of displeasure has led to more complications on the controversy, depending on the logo, symbols, and name of the Team, including fans' behavior.

Delaney & Madigan (2015) state that more controversies surround the sports industries, which can be drug abuse and adultery embezzlement of funds, among others. Chicago Blackhawk, a National Hockey League, based in Chicago and Canadian national football team known as Edmonton Eskimos. Chicago Blackhawks team was named after Black Hawk, a Native American chief who tried to possess tribal land during the Black Hawk war. According to Taylor, (2015), those who are against the logo claim that it lacks dignity as it escaped the inspection that was being held for other teams using images because Hockey is different from football. American Indian organizations argue that the use of Indian related images is an offense and shows a lack of dignity and should not be applied.

On the same note, Canadian national football team known as Edmonton Eskimos has been forced to make a decision of changing its name following public uproar terming the name as an offensive Delaney & Madigan, (2015) says that a section of Inuit people had threatened to protest about the teams’ name saying that it portrays racism while the teams responded that it shows the peoples' ability to execute their duties in cold weather conditions and hardships.


The current controversies have caused both positive and negative reactions from stereotypes Nationwide. Some people who are in support of Dan Snyder claim that the symbol is meant to depict respect to the Americans as it focuses on courage, and bravery and promotes skills and not to cause harm to anyone. (Taylor,2015). The findings show that the views about names and logos are changing while others vow to maintain their brands despite the challenges.


Delaney, T., & Madigan, T. (2015). The sociology of sports: An introduction. McFarland.Retrieved from

Taylor, M. (2015). Indian-styled mascots, masculinity, and the manipulated Indian body: Chief Illiniwek and the embodiment of tradition. Ethnohistory, 62(1), 119-143.Retrieved from

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Paper Example on American Society and the American Indian. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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