Americans Should Take the New Covid-19 Vaccine - Free Paper

Published: 2023-12-19
Americans Should Take the New Covid-19 Vaccine - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Covid 19
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 406 words
4 min read

Sentence One: Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new disease caused by strains of coronavirus. It has affected many people worldwide, causing many deaths, jobs that have been lost, and the world economies have also been significantly impacted. The disease's adverse effects have created a global race in search of a vaccine with the United States leading to the forefront. However, the newly developed vaccines come with their fair share of concerns which the paper seeks to discuss.

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Sentence Two: Several existing vaccines are developed with different technologies (Suresh & Adam, 2018). One of the primary concerns of administering the vaccine arises from its negative impacts on the human immune response. In the human body, the vaccines have the potential effect of reverting to a disease-causing state.

The other concern of the vaccine is that it requires patients to continually take booster shots to enhance their immunity (Wetsman, 2020). These booster shots cause side effects, such as muscle soreness.

Sentence Three: The HPV virus is administered in doses to boost the immunity of individuals, and according to a report by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the most common side effects of taking HPV shots is a sore arm (Vaccine Safety: Human Papillomavirus(HPV) Vaccine, 2020).

Sentence Four: Vaccines sometimes cause disease due to genetic reversion, for example, the Poliovirus. According to research by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, it was established that the Poliovirus's secondary infection is likely to occur when the polio vaccine is not given consistently (Global Immunization: Vaccine Research Will Accelerate Eradication of Polio, 2014).

Sentence Five: The side effects of taking the HPV and Polio Vaccines portray the concerns individuals in America should consider while taking the new COVID-19 vaccines. These side effects include the muscle soreness caused by the booster shots and the vaccines reverting into disease due to genetic reversion.


Global Immunization: Vaccine Research Will Accelerate the Eradication of Polio. (2014, February 7).Centre for Disease Control and Prevention:

Vaccine Safety: Human Papillomavirus(HPV) Vaccine. (2020, September 9). Centre for Disease Control and Prevention:

Suresh, M., & Adam, T. (2018, September 18). From adenoviruses to RNA: the pros and cons of different COVID vaccine technologies. THE CONVERSATION:

Wetsman, N. (2020, May 22). Unproven strategies lead the race for a COVID-10 vaccine. THE VERGE:

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Americans Should Take the New Covid-19 Vaccine - Free Paper. (2023, Dec 19). Retrieved from

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