Essay Example - An Opportunity to Change

Published: 2023-11-12
Essay Example - An Opportunity to Change
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History United States Analysis Social justice Essays by wordcount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 595 words
5 min read

It can be postulated that the past is a guiding manuscript to the future in the context of the economy and social justice. The article by Howard Zinn, "If History is to be Creative," informs how history can help shape the future. It underscores the role and responsibility of historians in the course of justice (Zinn, 2016). The paper describes what the future holds for the United States and the World in the context of the economy and social justice based on the reading of Howard Zinn's essay.

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Zinn (2016) postulates that "If history is to be creative, to anticipate a possible future without denying the past, it should, I believe, emphasize new possibilities by disclosing those hidden episodes of the past when, even if in brief flashes, people showed their ability to resist, to join together, and occasionally to win. I am supposing, or perhaps only hoping, that our future may be found in the past's fugitive moments of compassion rather than in its solid centuries of warfare." It summarizes the author's message on the importance of past experiences in forging a better inclusive future (Zinn, 2016). The information in the mainstream media and education system has tried to indicate that atrocities towards minorities were justified. In retrospect, everyone in the United States deserves better and not the atrocities they have faced over the years.

In light of the reading, it is possible to suggest how the past can promote the world's economy and social justice. Social justice is the proposition that people worldwide deserve equal rights and opportunities in the economic, political, and social areas. Acknowledging that the violence by those in power where unjust could help develop a better future. The education system is not teaching the current generations how the government killed and exploited the Native Americans to their selfish gains. Also, it does not point out how the country was built on the back of black slaves. Learning from the past can help create equity, equal rights, participation, and access.

Concerning social justice, the past has a demonstration of a racial segregation system in which some people are considered better than the rest. In the United States, it was demonstrated by Jim Crow laws that sought to segregate the Whites against the rest. The Civil Rights movement were struggle that led to the Civil Rights Act, which sought to end segregation institutionalized by Jim Crow laws. The current American has not reached levels that the Civil Rights movement sought. It is essential to learn from these fights and continue improving equity, right access, and participation. The judicial system in the country still has racial discrimination, which has seen incarceration of the minorities sometimes unjustly. The mainstream media still favors white supremacy, which urgently needs to change. There is a lack of equal opportunities in the job market, with minorities having to work harder than the rest.

There is, however, hope for the future for the United States and the world at large. There are visible acts of resistance around the world. For instance, there have been recent protests in France against President Macron, calling for the removal of job-for-life guarantees and pensions. Other significant demonstrations have also been recorded in the United States. For instance, the killing of George Floyd led to widespread protests. These actions provide hope for the future in that people united can world against the established discriminating elites such as the government and politicians improve economic opportunities and social justice for all.


Zinn, H. (2016, September 3). If History Is to Be Creative.

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