Free Essay with Text Analysis on Technology Impact on Learning

Published: 2019-09-30
Free Essay with Text Analysis on Technology Impact on Learning
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Writing Internet Technology
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1838 words
16 min read

Analyse language use, structure, tone, register

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In his work, growing up digital, John elucidates on the impact that technology has had on the learning process and students in general. He argues that consequently, today's learners are quite different from their predecessors who did not interact with technology as much while learning. He adapts a supportive and informative tone as he elucidates on the key points that affirm his main ideas. While not necessarily positive, his tone alludes to the fact that the digital era has brought a bought positive changes that should be embraced if learners and other stakeholders are to effectively benefit. He uses simple phrases and sentence structure while also incorporating the use of examples to drive home his points. A good example is the exemplar he uses about his stint at Xerox to illustrate the importance of knowledge assets. Moreover, the author uses register is common in typical classrooms, and I.T environments. However, the I.T terms and phrases are not too intricate and can be understood by nondescript people regardless of their familiarity with information Technology.

Note down the important quotes, deducing key ideas

The text revolves around three main points. In the introductory paragraphs, he explains how the World Wide Web has transformed learning through a description and explanation of its development and explosion cycles. In his second point, he introduces his argument that learners who int6eract with web environments develop new literacy and learning practices. The author continues to expound through exposition, and description of how learners acquire these skills. He gives an example of his research at Xerox whereby he was astounded by how digital learners are able to multitask seamlessly. The final point the author makes is his emphasis on effective ways to create and share knowledge for maximum benefits. Learning, he affirms can only be most effective in web platforms if it is done within communities comprising of people with shared interests and purposes.

Thoughts on how ethos, pathos, logos is used

In proving his assertions, John sites numerous examples throughout the text that are quoted from personal experiences as an innovation specialist. He appeals to the audiences logic (logos) while proving his points as he lays logical explanations, and deductions throughout the text. Furthermore, his reliance on personal experiences for examples appeals to the ethics of the audience (ethos) as it paints him as a professional who has great understanding of the subject matter. Consequently, it improves his credibility in the moral and ethical views of the intended audience.

Thoughts on author, audience, purpose, type of text

The author, according to his work, appears to be an innovation specialist with inclination to information technology. He therefore as is evident in the text, has a lot of experience and understanding of web development as it pertains to the learning process. He uses a mixture of narration, description, argumentative, explanation, and persuasive text to realize his goals. I believe his target audience is any institution or party that facilitates the exchange of information and knowledge from teacher to learner. The purpose of the text is to inform and persuade the audience about key ideas in the essay.

Part 2

The last two centuries have brought about unprecedented increase in the search for education and knowledge. Over the last fifty years, the number of disciplines that one can take in college or in other institutions of higher learning has quadrupled. Moreover, people are seeking knowledge to enhance their careers and better their lives. Employers are also placing a lot of emphasis on academic qualifications now more than ever. In addition, colleges, schools, and institutions of higher learning are progressively being built to try to alleviate illiteracy in the community. However, the inception of technology and its incorporation in learning has made things both easier for students and complicated for facilitators. Incorporation of digital learning tools must be incorporated in the system such that it gives students access to relevant education material while at the same time maintaining integrity associated with cheating and plagiarism. The article, Growing up digital by John Seely Brown is set in the context of increased Information technology, and educational awareness that is characteristic of the 21st century. It aims to tackle issues by outlining how the web has changed literacy, learning, and knowledge sharing. It further elaborates on how stakeholders can take advantage of the internet explosion to facilitate the learning process. In so doing, it advocates for incorporating of digital media and platforms into the learning process.

The target audiences of the article are the students and facilitators of education including but not limited to schools, colleges, universities, and vocational training organizations. In elaborating his points, these audiences are the most affected by the digital age as it pertains to education and the learning process. Students have to be able to know how to take advantage of the internet and other digital resources to facilitate knowledge acquisition. Additionally, in the maze that is the internet, students have to know how to navigate and filter out irrelevant data hence their importance as a targeted audience for Browns essay. Additionally, schools and any institution facilitating or offering education are important in the context of Browns essay as they should offer conducive environments for students to adequately interact with digital material. Further, according to the essay, they should facilitate access to online communities that offer the best opportunities for learners to gain insightful knowledge that cannot be learnt in class.

Browns essay starts with a succinct history about the transformation that resulted from the invention of electricity. Similarly, Brown discusses how the World Wide Web has the same transformational potential as electricity. Particularly, he cites the changes that the digital era has had on literacy, and the learning process. He makes compelling arguments about how the web and other digital platforms offer learners endless opportunities as far as learning materials and communication is concerned. Consequently, students with access to these media cannot be compared to old-age students in terms of literacy, knowledge depth, and understanding. This is because digital media and the internet provide knowledge beyond text and image. They give students tacit knowledge through interaction with various online communities. They are also equipped with information navigation skills, which are useful even in daily life in sorting important task from menial tasks. In emphasizing these points, Brown aims to persuade students and other stakeholders to adopt the new methods of teaching and learning and do away with obsolete methods.

Another point he makes is the increased level of knowledge sharing and knowledge base that the internet offers. It draws information from multiple sources of intelligence and presents them in one source. Consequently, students can get information on the same subject from various sources and utilize the best one. Additionally, in the process of utilizing this wealth of information, students acquire desired learning practices such as multitasking, information navigation, and concentration that positively influence their learning. Unlike other mediums of learning, most digital mediums offer a push and pull experience. This means that students can not only siphon knowledge but can also post the little knowledge that they have acquired or their experiences in the field. In so doing, other students get to learn things that they would not have learnt in class or without having to go through the experience. Moreover, most online forums give users the chance to pose questions to professions and get instant replies that are personalized. Consequently, the abstract nature of the interaction gives students the courage to ask questions they would have not asked in another open setting. Therefore, Browns piece is important in trying to make educators understand exactly what the digital platforms offer their students.

Finally, the author tries to outline how educators and students can best utilize all the resources that the web has to offer in the learning process. Although the sharing and creation of material is advantageous, without proper utilization and supervision students will spend most of the time going through irrelevant material. Additionally, without knowing which sources are to be trusted, they might end up getting misinformed. Consequently, Brown proposes that online sharing of knowledge is most effective when learners and educators engage each other in forums that are specially created for specific subjects. These forums help connect people with similar interests thus eradicating the problem of navigating through a lot of content to find meaningful information. Therefore, students can be in multiple forums at once to quench their thirst of knowledge from different disciplines.

In relating Browns concepts to other material, he has reiterated the importance of technology in the learning process. Almost all institutions of learning are nowadays finding it more convenient to use some form of technological assistance in dispensing education. Homework and other assignments are posted and done online where they can also be checked for plagiarism and quality. Moreover, most colleges have online platforms where the tutor can interact with students outside class while quizzing them. The revolution has enhanced to unprecedented levels such that students can enroll for degree programs, study, submit assignments, and graduate all at the comfort of their homes through online platforms. Further, the development of the internet has helped the creation of expert systems, which mimic human intelligence. These systems gather knowledge from different sources and consolidate it into one large bank where through processing, they can respond to unique queries.

To highlight the importance of incorporating the web and other digital media in learning, an example can be given about the quality of education in underdeveloped and developing countries. Since most students do not have access to digital learning media, they eventually cannot compete in the global work market owing to gaps in their knowledge and lack of exposure to new trends in their fields of specialization. On the other hand, developed countries are continually growing due to an exposed and informed work force that continues to inspire new trends in various fields.

Part B

The text is an informative text. The primary purpose of informative texts is to provide information to an audience about a particular subject. Such pieces of literature can employ the use of arguments, analysis, descriptions, or explanation while presenting information to the audience. They can either provide formal information relating to knowledge about a certain subject for the purposes of educating the audience or informal by giving details about a common interest. The text in question meets all the criteria of an informative text. The author begins by explaining what they are doing thus informing the audience. Moreover, he informs the users @michelesperandio and @jasxton_1979 of their winnings and gives them directions on how to collect their reward. Moreover, the text contains informative content regarding the authors gratitude to their fans.

The tone in the text alludes to the fact that the author(s) is a public figure or highly recognized personality. Moreover, the fact that they thank so many people affirms this assertion. The author(s) also seems to be highly social and adventurous judging by the informality in the...

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