Free Essay: Analysis of Emerson's Nature Essay

Published: 2023-04-05
Free Essay: Analysis of Emerson's Nature Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Nature Writers
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1158 words
10 min read

Ralph Waldo Emerson in one of the American writers who wrote more literature about the environment. He is known for his poetic style of writing that had deep meaning to readers, he wrote much about the beauty of nature that human beings could not see, in his writing, he focused on how to achieve solitude and its relationship to the spiritual beings. Emerson has written about his personal experience with the nature around him out from his community or his people and the spiritual connections with his nature. The essay has discussed and analyzed Emerson's experiences with his nature.

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What Emerson feels is required to achieve the kind of solitude he is discussing. How can one achieve it?

Emerson describes solitude as going out just for nature and leaving behind all the important activities including your society and family members. When a man sees the stars he comes to know his separateness from the world of materials. According to Emerson, one needs to retire from his chamber which will enable one to come up with definitely the reason for looking at the stars and to connect with once nature in ore creative manner to achieve solitude. The rays from the heavenly bodies from the earth with the ability to separate what he or she touches, according to Emerson to achieve full solitude a man must create an equilibrium in the solitude itself and the society for a moderation. One may think that between the earth and heaven is transparent because of the rays that are seen at night.

How does our awe for the stars help us to understand what true solitude means?

Emerson gives a clue on how to consider the sublimity of the stars in case they appear once after a thousand years. Emerson gives an imagination where there could be a total darkness, there are no stars for a thousand years and suddenly one night we find stars sending its rays, he argues that those who will experience this will be awe and preserve the memory for the next generation to come, Emerson prefer to the stars as the "city of God" and calls nature as "plantation of God" that indicates that God is found both in heaven and earth. Stars trigger feelings of respect with awe-inspiring. The components of nature can also trigger awe feeling if our mind is influenced by the components "things" in our environment.

How all "natural objects" can fill us with the same sense of awe if we are open to their influence

Emerson speaks of those who have open minds that can be influenced by nature and can feel awe and able to reverence for it and compares it to that of childhood curiosity for nature and cannot understand how nature is mean but sees it as a toy that can be extorted. Such people have clear and the specific sense in their mind, the point Emerson is trying to bring out is that nature should not just be seen as object, materials, or anything a man can use but nature should be seen as the integration of all beauty because of the many features it has. For example, woodcutter views nature as materials, objects, and things that can only benefit woodcutter. The charming landscape that Emerson sees every morning gives him a sense of awe.

How seeing this way is the way the poet sees

According to Emerson a man and a poet should see nature from the same viewpoint, the poet will see the trees in his environment as something that can provoke awe and reverence. There are material views and poetic views. A poet has all eyes to integrate all parts of the atmosphere and they can see what no other can see in the same environment, the further point a man can see is the horizon and no one can claim ownership of the property at this point but the poet can see all that is at the horizon. Nature is not mean like a man nor does it wear mean appearance and it is always itself meaning is not mean. Emerson suggests that those whose minds are open to the influence of nature are never mean but wear colors of the same spirit.

How seeing with a sense of wonder is the way many people experience nature when they are children

According to Emerson people are only able to experience nature when they are young, the old cannot see nature more so the sun. the sun shines in the eyes of a man but lights into the hearts of children. Poetically it means that it only illuminates the eye for adults in a physical approach a case that is much different in children was because of the curiosity and wonder they are filled with at their young age. It will illuminate and shines in the eyes and hearts in a spiritual approach. Those who have much love for nature will always see it at the poetic viewpoint through the opening of the mind both inwards and outwards to allow for the engagement of all sense adjusted in everyone. Anybody who loves nature will be able to see it with the same curiosity and wonder like they were still young children.

How the "transparent eyeball" represents the awe, the willingness to be open to the influence of all "natural objects" the way the poet sees, the child wonder that we can have for nature, and his connection with God through nature.

Emerson argues that nature does not feel such as wonder and awe but they come from us or maybe through the reaction of the beauty of nature and how we respond to them. When you look at the heavenly bodies like the moon, sun, and the stars there is always a connection between nature and God to get the extreme perpetual sublime through an open mind and the transparent eyeball.

The transparent eyeball will always help adults to approach and love nature the way children do, they will be able to see the heavenly bodies and understands it poetically different from any other person enhancing the spiritual growth development through enhancing human beings and their spiritual affiliation.

Nature makes one feel glad anytime and not only during the summer but even during the winter and spring. Any person in love with nature will always including those whose mind is open to the influence consider nature as poetical, through it they find ways to speak or comment in every change that is happening in nature. Emerson illustrates it with one taking a walk at the woods and compares the feeling with that snake that is taking off the outer layer of the skin and argues it is the same way through which one can cast off the childhood experience and be able to achieve solitude.

Work Cited

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Nature (1836). Ed. Kenneth Walter Cameron. Scholars' facsimiles & reprints, 1940.Retrieved from

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